
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2011年12月28日 星期三

"Europe is in perhaps the toughest hour since World War II."

Europe is in perhaps the toughest hour since World War II."
"There are no magic beans that you can toss in the ground and suddenly a bunch of money grows on trees."
"This is a tragedy, one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more."

1."Europe is in perhaps (1) the toughest hour (2) since World War II."
背景:德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)在評論歐洲的債務危機時說的。

2."There are no magic beans (3) that you can toss in the ground (4) and suddenly a bunch of money (5) grows on trees (6)."

3."This is a tragedy (7), one of the great sorrows (8) of my life. With the benefit of hindsight (9), I wish I had done more (10)."
背景:美國賓州大學欖球隊教練Joe Paterno宣佈明年5月退休,因為他的一名助手涉嫌非禮自己球隊的球員。

(1) perhaps = 也許
(2) the toughest hour = 最困難的時刻
(3) magic beans = 魔術豆。Every bean has its black = 各人有各人的缺點。Full of beans = 精力充沛、興高采烈。Spill the beans = 不慎洩密、說漏嘴
(4) toss in the ground = 扔在地上。Toss = 使顛簸;給與精神上的動搖。The ship was tossed by the waves = 船被浪打得東搖西晃。Toss a pancake = 拿著鍋把裏面的班戟拋起。Victor tosses about all night = Victor整夜翻來覆去沒有睡著。Toss to and fro = 輾轉反側
(5) a bunch of money = 很多錢。Bunch = 捆成一束的鈔票。A bunch of bananas = 一串香蕉。A bunch of paper = 一束紙
(6) grows on trees = 在樹上長出來。Grow = 長大、增加、變強。Victor has grown a beard = Victor近來留了鬍子。Victor's new book grew out of a series of lectures = Victor的新書是由一系列講稿編寫而成的
(7) a tragedy = 悲劇
(8) great sorrows = 萬分悲痛。Cause much sorrow to him = 使他非常傷心。Express one's sorrow for one's mistake = 對錯誤表示遺憾
(9) hindsight = 事後才懂得。反義詞是foresight = 深謀遠慮
(10) I wish I had done more = 我希望,但願我之前做得好些。Victor wishes he were a bird! = Victor說我要是一隻鳥那多好!What do you wish me to do, Bo Bo asks = Bo Bo問:你要我怎麼做呢?
在這些句子中我最欣賞是球隊教練Joe Paterno的心底話。他說:"This is a tragedy, one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more." 我們可以感受到他的痛苦。雖然是他下屬涉嫌犯了罪,但他勇於承擔責任,引咎辭職。我們要向這種人生態度多多學習。


2011年12月6日 星期二

University professors fail to make job grade

Jerome Bruner, one of the greatest contemporary educators, has preached his constructivist theory of education, which has been adopted widely across the globe by teachers. He said teachers (in primary and secondary schools and universities) not only should transfer (or impart) specific knowledge and skills to students, they should also perform the duty of transferring principles and attitudes.

Sad to say, university professors in Hong Kong have failed in the latter case of transferring principles and attitudes.

Dr Bruner said the first type of transfer consists of students learning skills or specific tasks. The second type of transfer consists of learning general ideas or attitudes (such as being loyal or passionate), that can be used as a basis for recognizing problems in life that may arise.

A survey done in October by the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association and a Kowloon Tong-based university revealed that 75 percent of the 326 employers interviewed complained that fresh graduates of local universities had little loyalty to the firms they work for and change jobs frequently. An association official who oversaw the survey said that “graduates are reluctant to devote time and soul at work. They neither contribute utmost efforts nor dedicate 100 percent energy.” Such work ethics, I am afraid, will hurt Hong Kong’s prospects for retaining its status as a financial center.

About 80 percent of Hong Kong employers were disappointed that graduates lack multi-tasking and problem-solving skills. Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed grumbled about graduates’ lack of business sense and global vision. About 64 percent of employers also griped that our graduates should improve their general knowledge.

These findings underscore that our university professors have failed to make their job grades. It isn’t too difficult to understand why. Many university educators don’t believe that transferring moral values is part of their job. They impart knowledge to students such as “QE2 means the second round of quantitative easing”. When classes end, they rush back to their offices to churn out academic papers, because publishing papers not only will help keep their jobs safe, it also helps their universities climb in world rankings.

When students come to class late, teachers keep their mouths shut. When students make a buzz in the classroom or play with their iPhones, the teachers turn a deaf ear. Some teachers even turn a blind eye to students who cheat. They don’t think these really matter to their job security or promotion prospects.

We reap what we sow. Hence, the Chinese Manufacturers Association’s findings, albeit disappointing, should hardly surprise anyone. It’s time educators and university administrators did some soul searching and took a couple of minutes to reflect on Dr Bruner’s teaching.

“Education also means the transfer of principles and attitudes, not just hard skills.”

The author is director of the M.A. in International Journalism Program (HKBU).

Tablets click in Asian hospital first (第一)

Tablets click in Asian hospital first (第一)

Doctors and nurses at Union Hospital will soon be equipped (配備) with the latest iPads to assist in daily operations in what is thought to be a first in Asia.

"The iPad 2 will enable clinicians to access up-to-the-minute (note 1) patient records with archived (存檔) medical images and video clippings," Dr Anthony Lee Kai-yiu, chief hospital manager and medical director, said.

"All key information is at the fingertips of (note 2) staff," said Lee, referring to the 50 tablet computers (平面電腦) provided. "This tailor-made solution has marked a milestone (note 3) in our patient- centric (以病人為重) health-care development."

A team at the private hospital tested three of the devices over the past six months.

Members of the mobile clinical solution committee at the Sha Tin hospital met with consultancy (.諮詢服務公司) Green Tomato to develop the in- house iPad 2 strategy.

The devices will introduce multimedia clinical records, electronic prescriptions (藥方) and built-in drug interaction checks.

Through trial and error (note 4), the team has come up with the most advanced version of the medical program.

Cheung Ka-ming, systems manager at the hospital, said special security control software will be installed (設置) on each device to ensure confidential information on the server and intranet remains that way.

"This is an essential first step to enhance patients' safety," Cheung said.

He described how the time-out (note 5) session on devices only lasts 10 minutes and medical staff must enter a log-in name and password for successful access.

With 10 tablet computers available on each level of the hospital, staff may only activate (起動) the devices at internal selected access points.

Dr Lo Wing-kee, a specialist (專家) in emergency medicine, said: "I can directly write on the touch screen - the zoom function easily brings instant and accurate (note 6) patient data and medical history."

From good to better English:

(note 1) up-to-the-minute=最近的,最新的。 up-to-the-minute news=最新消息。Minute=一會兒工夫;一瞬間,刹那。Wait a minute=等一下。in a minute=馬上,即刻。this minute=現在就,即刻。 to the minute=一分不差,恰好。

(note 2) at the fingertips of=近在手邊隨手可得, 隨時可供應用 ( Readily or instantly available)。

(note 3) marked a milestone=里程碑, 劃時代事件 (An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point)。Mark=記分數, 區分,區劃。mark down 記下;減價。mark off spheres of influence=劃分勢力範圍。Mark papers=批卷子,給考試卷子打分數。 Mark time=踏步;躊躇,猶豫不決。 Mark up=漲價。

(note 4) trial and error=反復試驗 (An attempt to accomplish something by trying various means until the correct one is found)。例句: The only way to solve this problem is by trial and error=唯有反復試驗才能找到解決問題的辦法。

(note 5) time-out=暫停時間。

(note 6) instant and accurate=又快又準。Instant=立即的,直接的, 迫切的,緊急的。an instant response=立即回答。 instant coffee=即溶咖啡。

Victor’s View: Union Hospital staff should be applauded for using tablet computers to get access to patients’ medical records. Sometimes delays can ruin lives.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

Father caged (note 1) for incest (亂倫) with teenage visitor

A man who had sex with his 15-year-old daughter just hours after having sex with his girlfriend was jailed (入獄) for four years and six months.

In sentencing the 37-year-old, who had earlier pleaded guilty (認罪) to one count of incest, Court of First Instance judge Maggie Poon Man-kay said yesterday the sentence would have been heavier (較重) had the act been premeditated (有預謀) or involved violence.

Another charge of incest was left on file.

"As a father, you should be thoroughly ashamed of (note 2) your conduct," Justice Poon said.

She took into account (note 3) abuse of power by the father, the victim being underage, public loathing of (note 4) such crimes, the impact on the girl and use of unprotected sex. A deterrent (阻嚇) sentence had to be imposed to protect underaged girls. The maximum sentence for incest is 20 years in jail.

Justice Poon said the act has left the girl traumatized (受精神創傷) and in an early stage of (note 5) depression.

As a result, she needs regular counseling.

She now hates her father and hopes he will get what he deserves (note 6).

Furthermore, in a victim impact (影響) assessment report, the girl said she does not want to see him ever again.

The girl is the daughter of a woman the man divorced (離婚) in 2000, when the victim was five.

The court heard earlier that the defendant was living with his girlfriend and two sons in a public housing estate in Tseung Kwan O.

He was allowed to see his daughter by his former wife.

One afternoon in March, she visited him and was told to rest in his bedroom.

Later, he had sex with his girlfriend in the same room.

From good to better English:

(note 1) caged=(把人關進籠內)這裡的意思是被判入獄。Cage=籠;檻;監牢;戰俘營。reinforcement cages 鋼筋骨架。 cage gals=女售票員。

(note 2) ashamed of=羞恥,慚愧,害臊。ashamed to (tell)=不好意思(說)。 feel ashamed for Victor=替Victor感到羞愧。

(note 3) took into account=加以考慮 (take account of; take into consideration, consider, allow for)。Account=說明,解釋;記事,故事。account executive=客戶執行人。account for= 說明。 accounts receivable=應收款項。give a good account of oneself=為自己辯護。give an account o=講述。

(note 4) public loathing of=公眾厭惡,憎恨。public good [ benefit, interests ] =公益。 public life=社會生活,公共生活。 at the public expense=用公費。 in the public eye=公然。 make a public protest=提公開抗議。 make public=發表,公佈。

(note 5) in an early stage of=早期, 在初期。Stage=階段,時期,程度,步驟。The proposal has not yet passed the discussion stage=這個提案還沒有通過討論階段。 The disease now occupies the centre of the medical stage=這種病現在是醫學界的注意中心。

(note 6) get what he deserves=罪有應得。

Victor’s View: Parents taking advantage of their daughters should be heavily penalized. They are monsters.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

More overseas doctors on way (陸續抵港)

The second batch (note 1) of overseas doctors to be hired under a contingency scheme (note 2) are specialists (專家) in mental health and orthopedics (骨科醫生),

Hospital Authority chief executive Leung Pak-yin said.

Leung said there are 29 qualified applicants and the first batch of 10, who are urgently needed for accident and emergency, anesthesiology (麻醉學) and internal medicine wards, may take up their posts (note 3) early next year.

All have three to five years' working experience but must first get Medical Council approval.

Leung said the authority has already introduced measures to ease the shortage (缺乏) of hospital doctors by improving the promotion system and recruiting private staff for part-time work. When reminded that some local doctors oppose the recruitment, authority chairman Anthony Wu Ting-yuk said the hiring from overseas is aimed at addressing (note 4) the manpower shortage in public hospitals.

"They [the 10 doctors ] are also doctors who can provide assistance," said Wu, adding that the move (做法) is in the public interest (note 5).

"We believe the Medical Council will consider public interest when processing the doctors' applications."

Wu said all applicants can speak Cantonese and it will be no problem for them to adapt (適應) to the medical system in Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, Thailand-bound tour groups will be suspended (停辦) for another week until November 8, the Hong Kong Travel Industry Council said.

Its executive director Joseph Tung Yao-chung said about 800 people in around 30 tour groups will see their trips called off (note 6). He said travel agencies will meet again next Monday to discuss whether to continue to suspend the tours unless Hong Kong lowers the outbound travel alert for Thailand from red to amber (琥珀色).

From good to better English:

(note 1) The second batch=第二批。the first batch of goods=第一批貨物。 in batches=分批;成批。

(note 2) a contingency scheme=臨時措施。Contingency=意外事件,臨時[可能]事件。Provide against contingencies= 以防萬一。future contingencies=以後的偶然[可能]事件。

(note 3) take up their posts=報到開工, 上崗。take up=拿起;舉起;拾起, 提出,處理。Take a fortress by storm=用猛攻奪下要塞。Which newspapers do you take=你訂閱哪幾份報紙?Take things as they come, Victor says=Victor說,來什麼接受什麼。 Take medical advice =受醫生診斷。

(note 4) address=應付, 處理(問題等), 滿足(需求等)。address an audience=對聽眾演說。address oneself to =專心(工作)。An inaugural address=就任致辭[演說]。Opening [closing] address=開[閉]幕辭。

(note 5) in the public interest=全為公眾利益。

(note 6) called off=取消。Call=召喚,叫來,請來;召集,徵召;號召;喚醒。Call a halt=喝令停止。 Call a meeting=召集會議。 Call a roll=點名。 Call Julian from sleep=叫起Julian。

Victor’s View: Although the import of foreign doctors is a sensitive issue, we need this as a contingency plan to relieve the shortage of doctors in the public sector.

Slimmer (瘦身者) suffers heart failure (心臟衰竭) after taking pills

Slimmer (瘦身者) suffers heart failure (心臟衰竭) after taking pills

A 48-year-old woman suffered heart failure after taking, over a two-year period, a slimming product (note 1) she bought in the mainland.

Tests showed the product, called SlimEasy Herbs Capsule, contains the banned medicines (note 2) sibutramine (西布曲明減肥藥) and phenolphthalein (苯酚酞).

The woman went to the emergency ward of Kwong Wah Hospital after suffering shortness of breath (note 3) and ankle swelling (腫脹) on October 14, and was admitted on the same day with heart failure.

A Department of Health spokesman said the patient bought the slimming pills from an "unknown source" in the mainland.

The department is investigating whether her symptoms are related to the product.

She was discharged (放走) on Wednesday after her condition improved.

Sibutramine is a part I poison and was once used to suppress appetites (note 4), but was banned in November 2010 because it was found to lead to increased cardiovascular (心血管性的) risk.

Phenolphthalein, once used for treating constipation (), has been banned for its cancer-causing effect.

The spokesman urged the public not to buy products of unknown or doubtful composition (note 5).

If they have bought the SlimEasy Herbs Capsule product, consumers should stop using it immediately and consult their doctor if they feel unwell.

It is an offense (note 6) to sell unregistered (沒有註冊) medicines.

Those convicted face up to a HK$100,000 fine and two years' jail.

Meanwhile, an action plan launched to reduce dangers related to alcohol abuse has no drinking guidelines.

The World Health Organization has identified the use of alcohol as the third leading risk factor when it comes to noncommunicable (不會傳染的) diseases, which cause about 2.5 million deaths worldwide every year.

"Generally speaking, the dangers of alcohol are expressed as a continuum (連續), that is, the more you drink, the higher the chances for you to suffer alcohol- related illnesses”.

From good to better English:

(note 1) a slimming product=減肥產品。Slim=纖細的,苗條的;微弱的, 瑣細的。a slim excuse=理由不充分的藉口。 very slim chances of success=成功的希望很渺茫。 the slimmest (of) evidence=最不充分的證據。

(note 2) banned medicines=禁藥。Ban= .禁止,禁令。lift [remove] the ban=開禁,解禁。 place [put] under a ban=禁止。

(note 3) shortness of breath=氣喘。Short=短;缺少;簡單。

(note 4) suppress appetites=壓抑食慾。Suppress= .鎮壓,撲滅, 禁止發行;刪掉。suppress a yawn=忍住呵欠。 with laughter suppressed=忍住笑。

(note 5) doubtful composition=可以的成分。Doubtful=可疑的,有疑問的;曖昧的。Victor is doubtful of [about] the news= Victor懷疑那個消息不盡可靠。 Julian is doubtful (as to) what I ought to say. Julian拿不準該說些什麼。 a doubtful proposition=可疑的命題。 a doubtful character=可疑的人物。 magazine of doubtful taste=內容不太好的[低級趣味的]雜誌。 a doubtful reply=含糊的回答。 a doubtful future= 難以預料的未來。

(note 6) an offence= 罪,侮辱;觸怒。a first offence=初犯。No offence was meant=並沒有觸犯的意思。Offence is the best defense=攻擊是最好的防禦。commit an offence against=犯(法)。 take offence=生氣。

ictor’s View: Look before you leap. We all want a slimmer body but we shouldn’t take drugs indiscriminately.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

Black (暗淡的) first day for new RTHK chief

The new director of Radio Television Hong Kong was yesterday met on his first day at work with calls to resign (note 1) and a warning of possible strike action (工業行動).

Staff members also rolled out (note 2) a black carpet as Roy Tang Yun-kwong arrived at the station's Kowloon Tong offices, which were adorned (裝飾) with placards.

Some read: "Appointment of an administrative officer is an Arabian nights fantasy (空想)" and "We do not want an administrative officer ... We want an editor-in-chief."

About 30 RTHK staff dressed in black (穿黑色衣服) were there to meet him as were several members of the Civic Party and Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, the latter two protesting at the appointment of an officer with no broadcasting experience.

"All RTHK staff and the public have the right to express their views (note 3). I understand that the staff have opinions over the appointment, but as director of broadcasting my job is to cooperate with our staff," Tang said, adding he was not embarrassed (尷尬) by the protest.

"In the RTHK charter (憲章), the sixth regulation says clearly that RTHK enjoys editorial freedom. Although it is just six words [in Chinese], the spirit of editorial freedom (note 4) is very clear," he said.

He also said public confidence in the station was established through 83 years of its history and he will do everything possible to ensure it is not diminished (減退).

RTHK Program Staff Union chairwoman Janet Mak Lai-ching said Tang's background as a civil servant puts him in conflict with (note 5) his new post.

"His 24 years as an administrative officer has given him a mindset (想法) that matches the government's policies. RTHK, as a public broadcaster, needs to monitor (note 6) the government's policies. This leads to contradiction and conflict," she said.
From good to better English:

(note 1) with calls to resign=要求他下臺。Call=召集,徵召;號召;喚醒。Call a meeting=召集會議。Victor calls that mean= Victor以為那是小氣的。Call to mind=想起。Call the tune [shots]=發號施令。

(note 2) rolled out=鋪上。Roll out也可以解做推出。Roll=滾動,溜轉, 卷捆。Julian rolled the string into a ball=Julian把線卷成一團。Years roll on=歲月流逝。roll the bones=閒談;吹牛。

(note 3) express their views=表達意見。Express=表示,表現,表達。express regret=表示遺憾。Express oneself=表達自己的意思。An express ticket=快車票。

(note 4) editorial freedom=編輯自主權。

(note 5) in conflict with=有衝突。Conflict=衝突,矛盾,抵觸。a conflict of opinions [views]=意見的衝突。 a conflict of laws=法律條文的相抵觸。 undergo an inner conflict=思想上產生矛盾。 come into conflict with Bo Bo=和Bo Bo衝突。 in conflict with Mo Mo= 和Mo Mo有矛盾。

(note 6) monitor=監察,檢驗,檢查;調節;探索,追蹤 (admonishes, cautions, or reminds, especially with respect to matters of conduct)。

Victor’s View: It seems impossible for a government bureaucrat to lead a team of journalists as their value systems can’t be further apart.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月28日 星期一

Your mobile (手機) may be dirtier than that toilet lid (廁蓋)

Pillows, remote controls, toys and mobile phones are dirtier (骯髒) than toilet lids, a study has revealed.

Such household items are within easy reach (note 1) of children and should be cleaned more thoroughly, the Hong Kong Childhealth Foundation said.

In August, the foundation joined up with a cleaning company to conduct the study "hunting bacterial black spots in children's households."

The study, testing the bacterial (細菌的) content of domestic items, involved 228 parents and 20 households.

It found more than 90 percent of parents ignore hygienic practices (note 2) on the dining table, which has an average of two million bacteria or 10 times the 200,000 found on a toilet lid.

Nearly 70 percent of 20 household areas and items were found to have up to two million bacteria, including remote controls, fridge doors, toys, mobile phones, pillows, carpets, kitchen and toilet floors, mops (拖把) and bins (垃圾箱).

The study found that the worst spots (note 3) are toilet drains, with 20 million, although these are normally well out of the reach of children.

Among the "cleanest" items are sofas, computer keyboards, shoe shelves, door knobs and school bags, each containing more than 200,000.

Foundation chairman and pediatrician (兒科醫生) Henry Au Yeung Chek-lun said: "At such alarming rates, parents should pay more attention to (note 4) cleaning items that are always in contact with children. It is time to clean the often ignored (忽略) items at home."

He added: "Negligence will only turn one's household into a breeding ground (note 5) for bacteria, boost the risk of cross-infection and transmission of communicable diseases."

Maintaining personal and household hygiene is the key to preventing the spread (兤散) of germs before a community outbreak (note 6), he noted.

From good to better English:

(note 1) within easy reach=容易拿到手。within easy reach的相反是out of reach。Reach=伸手拿;伸手送達,交給,遞給;給予。Your letter reached Julian yesterday=你的信昨日到達Julian哪裡。 Victor is liable to be reached by flattery= Victor容易被諂媚奉承所打動。 As far as the eye can reach=就眼力所及,極目,滿目。 Reach bottom=到底;查明。

(note 2) ignore hygienic practices=忽略衛生習慣。Practice=習慣,慣例。a common practice=風氣;常例。 bureaucratic practices=官僚主義作風。 the old practices=老一套。The doctor has a large practice=這個醫生病人很多。in practice=實際上。Practice makes perfect=熟能生巧。

(note 3) the worst spots=最差的地方。Spot=認出,發現,找到, 弄髒。Lookouts were spotted all along Nathan Road=沿彌敦道一帶都佈置了監視哨。 Julian spotted him at once as an American=Julian一見就看出他是個美國人。This kind of Shenzhen cloth tends to spot in the rain=這種深鎮布容易在雨中弄髒。

(note 4) pay more attention to=給多些注意。Pay=支付, 報答;補償。Pay的同義詞有 compensate, indemnify, recompense, redress, reimburse, remunerate, repay, requite等。pay slip= 薪水單。 pay up= 付清錢款。

(note 5) a breeding ground=溫床。

(note 6) a community outbreak=社區獷散。

Victor’s View: Having good hygienic practices helps protect our health. We should take it seriously.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

New bird in the hand

New rules for closing Mai Po nature reserve (保育區) in a bird flu (禽流感) alert face their biggest test (note 1) as Hong Kong's peak flu season nears.

The reserve will be closed for 21 days only if three or more infected (感染) birds are found - dead or alive - within a period of 10 days.

WWF, which manages the site, says it lost a total of HK$1.2 million over the past six years when Mai Po was closed for 21 days each time just one dead bird was found with H5N1 bird flu.

The environmental group hopes that the government's new three-dead-bird policy means there will not be any unreasonable (不講理的) closure of Mai Po and ease public worries (note 2) they can catch bird flu from wild birds.

This winter - the flu peak season for Hong Kong - will test to its fullest the policy of closing Mai Po when no fewer than three infected birds are found within 10 days in the three-kilometer- radius (三公里範圍) reserve.

"Our calculation was that for those 21 days, it cost HK$200,000 each time in lost revenue," Mai Po Reserve manager Bena Smith said.

"We were closed under that policy six times. If you add that up, it's HK$1.2 million, which is an astonishing (令人驚訝的) amount of money for an NGO like ourselves which is trying to manage a site (note 3). We have limited resources (note 4) and government funding for this site is very poor," he said.

In an interview as migratory (候鳥) birds begin to arrive at Mai Po, Smith said the loss of revenue hit WWF's operation as well as caused administrative headaches (note 5) through re-scheduling site visits.

It costs about HK$5 million a year for the Mai Po wetland management and biodiversity (多種生物) operation.
From good to better English:

(note 1) face their biggest test=面對最大考驗。Face=面對,對著, 勇敢承當, 對抗,抵抗。face the wall=向著牆壁。faced with danger=面臨危險。 The picture faces page 8 of Victor’s book=插圖在Victor書本第8頁對面。 a house facing the street=臨街的房屋。 a wall faced with concrete=水泥覆面的牆壁。

(note 2) ease public worries=減輕公眾疑慮。Ease=使安逸,使暢快;使安心;減輕, 放鬆, 減緩。at ease=自由自在,心情舒暢,安心。 Be [feel] ill at ease=不安心,侷促不安,心神不寧。 Ease of mind=心情舒暢。 Set Julian’s heart at ease=使Julian安心。 Stand at ease=稍息。 Well at ease=安心,暢快。 With ease=容易。

(note 3) manage a site=經營一塊場所。construction site=建築工地。 firing [launching] site=(火箭等)發射場。 historic sites=歷史遺址。 nuclear test site=核子試驗場。 the site of a battle=戰場。

(note 4) limited resources=有限的資源。Limit=限制,限定。limit the number to fifty=把數目限制到五十。 limit the expenses=節省開支。reach the limit of Victor’s patience =令Victor忍無可忍了。

(note 5) caused administrative headaches=導致行政上的問題。

Victor’s View: It is great news to learn that the Mai Po nature reserve will close less frequently than previously this winter due to relaxed rules. Hurrah!
(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

Tsui denies (否認) political pressure behind exit (note 1)

Tsui denies (否認) political pressure behind exit (note 1)

Thursday, October 27, 2011 p.4

Tsui Lap-chee has rejected (駁回) suggestions he is stepping down (note 2) as University of Hong Kong vice chancellor (校長) because of political pressure.

Tsui was accompanied (陪著) by university council chairman Leong Che- hung when he met reporters to explain his decision not to seek a third five-year term in office - after first taking over the job in 2002.

Tsui said as a geneticist (遺傳學家), he understands succession and evolution (note 3) are important to allow an institution like HKU to rise to the next level (note 4).

"Life is like a tube (地下隧道) . You have things going in and coming out. That's life," he said.

"If that process stops, it's not very good and there's no life. To maintain the life of this university, we must have in and out. Therefore, 10 years is a good time."

Reminded (提醒) of his February statement about being interested in another term, the 60-year- old clarified (澄清) he had only spoken of being willing to stay on if the council asked him to.

Leong said he has no conflict with Tsui and that he was saddened (傷感) to receive Tsui's letter on Tuesday. "My heart sank. The vice chancellor has done a lot for the university and the community." he said, adding that finding a suitable replacement (接班人) would be difficult.

However, many HKU students are convinced Tsui came under pressure (note 5) to quit after the controversial security arrangements for Vice Premier Li Keqiang's August 18 visit.

"His explanation isn't convincing (令人心服)," said arts student Fu Ka-yeung.

Samuel Li Shing-hong, the student detained by police during Li 's visit, said it would be very sad if Tsui were forced to leave.

Democratic Party lawmaker Cheung Man-kwong said Tsui and Leong will explain the situation before the Legislative Council.

From good to better English:

(note 1) exit=退場;離去 (To make one's exit; depart)。exit 也解做出口 (A passage or way out)。例句: an emergency exit in Victor’s building=Victor工作的大廈的緊急出口。Exit也是死亡的意思。

(note 2) stepping down=退下來。Step=跨入,踏進。Will you step inside=請進來。Step aside =走到一旁;讓給別人。Step back =後退。Bo Bo is old enough to step down from the office= Bo Bo年紀夠老該退休了。Step on the gas =加快(汽車)馬力。Step out of line=採取獨立和不合規矩的行動。

(note 3) succession and evolution=接班和演變。Succeed=繼承,承受;接連。Summer succeeds spring=春去夏來。succeed in life=發跡。A succeeds B as Premier=A君接替B君擔任總理。Julian has been successful so far=Julian到現在為止很成功。

(note 4) rise to the next level=達至另一高峰。Rise=出頭,高升 (To attain a higher status, rank, or condition): rise 的同義詞有advance, ascend, climb, mount等。 go up the ladder=升職。rise above = 凌驾他人, 克服。 rise from the dead = 复活。rise to the bait =上钩, 入圈套 。rise to the occasion= 应付自如。 rise up against= 起来反对。

(note 5) came under pressure=受壓。

Victor’s View: The fact that the university council of HKU didn’t ask Professor Tsui to stay on indicates that politics plays a key role in his exit.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

Angry moms on the march (note 1)

Angry moms on the march (note 1)

Monday, October 24, 2011 page 2

Scores (note 2) of pregnant (懷胎的) women yesterday joined more than 1,000 protesters in a march to the old SAR government headquarters to oppose (反對) the growing number of (note 3) mainland women flocking (大量湧進) to Hong Kong to give birth.

Setting off from Southorn Playground in Wan Chai, where they had earlier staged a one-hour sit-in (), the group chanted slogans (叫口號) accusing pregnant mainland women of causing overcrowding in Hong Kong hospitals. They also called on the SAR government not to give residency to children born in Hong Kong with mainland parents.

The government had earlier put forward seven measures to control the flood of mainland women who come to Hong Kong to give birth. Among these are a set number of places for non-local women to deliver (分娩) in public hospitals. Private hospitals have agreed to set the quota at 31,000 for next year.

But protest organiser Jocelyn Yiu said the new measures (措施) will only work in the short term (note 4). "Pregnant mainland women have been abusing our emergency room services (note 5) and these measures will not solve the problem," she said, adding many mainland mothers do not even pay their medical fees.

Hospital Authority figures show 878 non-local (非本地人) women had not paid their hospital bills over the past three years, amounting to more than HK$20 million. Last year, more than 40,000 mainland mothers gave birth in public hospitals in Hong Kong, up from 8,100 in 2000.

A pregnant woman, due to deliver in four months, and who has already secured a place in a public hospital, was among those taking part because she is worried the quality of services (note 6) could be lowered by the flood of mainland mothers.

From good to better English: It is understandable why so many mainland moms want their babies born in Hong Kong. But the interests of local moms-to-be should come first.

(note 1) on the march=遊行。March=行進;進軍,行軍。a hunger march=(失業者的)饑餓遊行。march into=長驅直入。

(note 2) Scores=許多。Score=二十,二十人。Score=得分,得勝 (against)。Score(s) of times =十次,屢次。Death pays all scores=一死百了。On a new score=重新。 On that score=因此,因那理由。Three score (years) and ten =(人生)七十年;一輩子。

(note 3) the growing number of=大批人。Grow=長大,增加,變強。grow weary= 變疲乏。 grow old [rich]=變老[富]。grow a beard=留鬍子。Victor’s book grew out of a series of lectures=Victor的書是由一系列講稿編寫而成的。grow up=長大。

(note 4) in the short term=短期內。Short=短的;短暫的, 簡略的;縮寫的, 不及的;達不到的。in short=簡單地說;總之。sell short=賣空。In speaking one should be short and to the point, Victor tells Julian= Victor 告訴Julian說話要簡捷扼要。

(note 5) abusing our emergency room services=濫用急症室服務。Abuse=濫用(職權等),妄用,誤用(才能等), 罵, 虐待,酷待;淩辱。Drug abuse=吸毒上癮。

(note 6) the quality of services=服務水準, 質素。
Victor’s View:

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

One in 10 seniors hit by dementia (癡呆), study finds

Nearly one in 10 Hong Kong residents aged 70 and above suffer from dementia - affecting memory, thinking, language and judgment - a study has revealed (透露) for the first time.

The study, in which 6,100 seniors were randomly selected (note 1) to participate in the thematic (主題) household survey, was conducted by the Department of Health and the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008.

A total of 2,073 elderly were found to be "positive for questionable or diagnosable dementia. (note 2) "

The results, announced yesterday, showed a 7.2 percent prevalence (流行) of dementia among those who are 60 years old and above and 9.3 percent among those 70 and above. "By projection, over 70,000 elders suffer from (note 3) dementia in the community," the study noted.

Of these, about 63 percent suffer from Alzheimer's disease (老年痴呆症).

"Ninety percent of these patients have no insight into (note 4) their problems and do not seek medical help until [the disease reaches an] advanced stage," said Vincent Mok Chung-tong, a neurologist (神經病專科醫生) and convener of Cognitive Disorders Concern Alliance.

Family members play a key role (note 5) in the early diagnosis of dementia before symptoms significantly disrupt (打斷) the patient's daily life, he said.

A Mr Ng, 56, wept as he talked about the frustrations (挫折) of taking care of his sick 80-year-old mother for 10 years.

Ng said it has been difficult coping with (note 6) her aggressive behavior, mood swings, delusions (妄想) and unfair accusations.

Ng's sister even moved back to Hong Kong from New Zealand eight years ago to help him look after their mother.

Mok said that although the disease is incurable (不治之症), medications can delay its progress and ease the burden of caregivers.
From good to better English:

(note 1) randomly selected=隨機抽樣。Randomly=隨機的, 任意的,胡亂的,隨便的。a random guess=瞎猜。 a random shot=亂射的子彈;流彈。 at random=碰運氣地;無目標地,漫無目的地。

(note 2) questionable or diagnosable dementia.= 可疑的或可診斷的癡呆症。

(note 3) suffer from=遭受, 受苦。suffer a loss=遭受損失。Jo Jo could not suffer criticism=Jo Jo受不了批評。The child suffers from measles=小孩得了麻疹。suffer 的同義詞有To put up with: abide, accept, bear, endure, go,, sustain, swallow, take, tolerate, withstand等。not suffer fools gladly=對蠢人沒有耐心。

(note 4) have no insight into=缺乏洞察力;直覺,悟力;眼光;見識。Ah Lung is a man of deep insight= Ah Lung是個有深遠見識的人。Victor gains an insight into Julian’s mind= Victor看透Julian的心思。

(note 5) play a key= 角色。the leading role 主角。 fill the role of=擔負某人的任務。 play an important role in=在某事情中起重要作用。

(note 6) coping with=抗衡,對抗。Victor was scarcely able to cope with the situation=Victor幾乎不知道如何去應付這個局面。under the cope of heaven=普天之下。

Victor’s View: It is sad to see that about 10% of the aged in Hong Kong suffer from dementia. I hope Hong Kong people, once they turn 50, will pay close attention to early symptoms of the disease and seek medical help.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月24日 星期四

Ruling (裁決) says bridge not too far

The government has got the go-ahead (note 1) to build the giant Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai bridge after the Court of Appeal overturned (推翻) a lower court ruling quashing (使無效) the environmental protection director's approval of the project.

Welcoming the decision, Secretary for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng Yu-wah said the government will soon seek funding (要求撥款) from the Legislative Council. The aim is to start construction by the year-end so the bridge can be open for use (note 2) in 2016, as scheduled.

Also on the agenda is increased manpower and a revision of work methods to cut work time, though this could add a further HK$6.5 billion to the multi-billion-dollar project. The ruling means dozens of construction projects earlier put on hold (note 3) will now likely go through the usual vetting (審批) process.

A three-judge bench at the Court of Appeal unanimously (一致) overturned the Court of First Instance ruling - passed in April - on a judicial review (司法覆核) alleging government failure to conduct proper environmental impact assessments of two key elements of the project.

The review was filed in January last year by Tung Chung resident Chu Yee-wah, 65, a sometime Civic Party volunteer.

Asked yesterday if she will lodge an appeal (note 4), Chu said: "I won't get involved in it any longer. I have no intention to stir it up (note 5). But they told me about it and I was unclear."

As to who told her to file a review, she said: "Whoever told me to do it, I won't disclose it. I have been fooled. Let it be (note 6)."

She spoke of being worried earlier that work on the bridge's Hong Kong section would affect the environment (環境), and thus the health of the elderly and children in particular.

From good to better English:

(note 1) go-ahead=許可, 准許。a vigorous go-ahead company=一個興旺發達的公司。 go-ahead signal=放行信號。

(note 2) open for use=開放給公眾人士使用。Open=開放;公開, 無私;寬大。open fire (on, at)= (向…)開炮。open a debate=開始辯論。open the door to Victor=給Victor大開方便之門,給Victor造機會。

(note 3) put on hold=暫停 ( In a state of temporary interruption; In a state of postponement or delay)。例句: They had to put Victor on hold while they looked up his bank account=銀行職員要Victor等等,他們要先看看他戶口的情況。

(note 4) lodge an appeal=上訴。Lodge=提出(報告、抗議等), 授與, 打在。A bullet lodged in Bo Bo’s thigh.=子彈打進Bo Bo的大腿裡。lodge a protest against Victor=向Victor提出抗議。

(note 5) stir it up=搞事 (Rouse to action, incite, provoke)。例句: If the strikers in Kowloon Tong aren't careful they'll stir up a riot=在九龍塘唐示威的人事如果不小心, 有可能會引起暴動。

stir up a hornets' nest=製造麻煩 (Make trouble, cause a commotion)

(note 6) Let it be=算了, 罷了。let sleeping dogs lie=不要製造麻煩 (avoid stirring up trouble)。

Victor’s View: Environmentalists or politicians use bureaucratic procedures to delay the construction of major public works projects that will provide jobs for the poor and help Hong Kong prosper should be condemned.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月23日 星期三

Parents value (看重) overseas studies

Parents in Hong Kong and the mainland lag (落後) those in Taiwan in spending and saving (note 1) for their children's education.

But more local parents plan to send children overseas (海外) to study than those in the two other places.

Those are the findings (結論) of a MasterCard survey on consumer purchase priorities, carried out from March 15 to April 27.

Of the 2,390 people polled, 653 are locals, while 1,095 live in the mainland and 642 in Taiwan.

Local parents on average spend 13 percent of their monthly income on schooling and save 14 percent for that purpose, the survey found.

That is about the same as mainlanders, who spend 14 percent and save 15 percent. But parents in Taiwan spend a bit more (note 2) at 17 percent and save significantly more at 19 percent for the same purpose.

Figures for actual spending are not available.

The survey also found 52 percent of local parents plan to send their children abroad (出國) for higher studies, compared with 34 percent in Taiwan and only 13 percent in the mainland.

Universities in the United States and Europe top the list (note 3) for locals.

The poll results also show that though local parents see extra- curricular activities as an essential part (note 4) of education, only 8 percent sign their children up (note 5) thinking they may enjoy themselves.

Instead, the most common reason for having them enroll in (note 6) such activities is to help the children develop hobbies and interests and boost (提高) their confidence.

Local parents lead the activities figures, with 88 percent of respondents sending their children to at least one enrichment (使豐富充實) class - music and tutorial sessions being the most popular. This compares with 79 percent in the mainland and 46 percent in Taiwan.

From good to better English:

(note 1) spending and saving=花錢和儲蓄。Spend=度過,過日子;用光。Victor is going to spend the winter in Guangzhou=Victor將要在廣州過冬。

(note 2) a bit more=多一點點。a bit less=少一點點。a bit=一點點 ( A small amount of anything; a short period of time)。
(note 3) top the list=列為首選。List=目錄,表,一覽表;名單。a black list=黑名單。a reading list=閱讀書目。head the list=名列第一。listed securities=上市證券。

(note 4) an essential part=重要的一部分。Essential=本質的;實質上的,實在的。essential elements=要素。 essential ingredients=主要成分。essentials of life=生活必需品。

(note 5) sign their children up=sign up=使入會(register or subscribe)。Sign=姿勢,手勢;表示。signs and wonders=奇跡。There are signs of=有的徵象。signed and sealed=簽了名蓋了章。sign in=簽到[報到,登記]。sign up=受雇;報名參加。

(note 6) enroll in=編入, 使入學。例句: Victor enrolls Julian as a member of his club=Victor吸收Julian為他的俱樂部會員。

Victor’s View: Sending children to study in overseas institutions is a fantastic idea if parents can afford it. Hong Kong needs future leaders who have a worldly perspective.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月21日 星期一

Children to help parents kick habit (note 1)

Plain cigarette packaging is not on the cards (note 2) anytime soon for Hong Kong, but there is to be a program for kids to help parents quit smoking (戒菸).

That was the word from Director of Health Lam Ping-yan as he explained that a watch (監察) will be kept on how Australia does with its world- first (全球第一) effort to see all brands of cigarettes in the same drab but alarming (note 3) packets.

The priority for Hong Kong just now, Lam said, is to introduce more quit-smoking clinics (戒菸.診所) and increase efforts at the ones already in operation.

The Department of Health currently runs six clinics on its own or through joint efforts, and funding will be increased for more services in clinics at Tung Wah and Pok Oi hospitals. "We'll also involve the Po Leung Kuk for a school-based (以學校為基地) program so that children can go home and ask their parents to quit," Lam said.

In addition, "there is a program for ethnic minorities (少數民族), and we will finance a hotline (熱線) service run by University of Hong Kong professors."

On Australia's packaging program, the head of the country's Department of Health and Ageing, Jane Halton, noted that legislation on packaging has yet to clear (note 4) the Senate.

"Obviously, the tobacco companies are not happy with this, but the legislation has passed the House of Representatives," she said.

"It's our belief that we have the numbers for it to pass the Senate. So this will be implemented (實施) in 2012."

The packaging plan, she added, is a major step (note 5) "in making sure that smoking is in no way glamorized (美化) or promoted in Australia - and particularly for young people."
From good to better English:

(note 1) kick habit=戒掉嗜好〔尤指毒癮〕。Habit=習慣,癖好。Habit is second nature=習慣成自然。the habit of getting up late=晚起的習慣。break off a bad habit of=改掉壞習慣。

(note 2) on the cards=在時間表上 (on schedule)。例句: Bo Bo’s first baby arrived right on schedule= Bo Bo的第一個嬰兒準時出生。 a train schedule=火車時刻表。on schedule (time)=準時。

(note 3) drab but alarming= drab (單調,乏味); alarming=使人驚慌的;引起驚慌的。the drab of country life=蟄居鄉間的單調生活。Alarm=警報, 鬧鐘, 警報器, 驚慌, 恐懼, 擔憂。alarm bell =警鈴, 警鐘。alarm clock= 鬧鐘。

(note 4) has yet to clear=還沒有批准。has yet to=還沒有。Julian is not home yet=Julian is not yet home=Julian還沒有回家。Clear=通暢的;開闊的,豁然的, 無疑的,的確的,確實的。Do I make myself clear?=你明白我的意思嗎?。A clear head=清晰的頭腦。A clear sky=晴空。

(note 5) a major step=重要的一步。Step=跨入,踏進。Step back=後退,後退一步。Step in=走進。

Victor’s View: It is great and useful to involve children to help their parents quit smoking. We should try all methods to turn Hong Kong into a ‘smoke-free’ society.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月20日 星期日

Six years for sex fiend (魔王) who scared (恐嚇) girl with `evil spirits'

An unemployed man who used threats of hoodoos and magic spells (note 1) to force his girlfriend's younger sister into having sex with him has been jailed for six years.

Yuen Yuk-kin, 43, a self-proclaimed (note 2 ) fung shui master (風水大師), showed no emotion as District Court Judge Frankie Yiu Fun- che yesterday slammed (批評) him for using sordid (骯髒的) excuses and threats to coerce the victim - identified as X - into having sexual intercourse and even anal sex with him on multiple occasions (note 3)between September 2004 and January this year.

The judge said Yuen exploited (利用) the victim's trust at a time of innocence and weak health.

The experience has left the victim, now a university student, with post- traumatic stress disorder (note4), depression, low self-esteem and "difficulty in trying to have a normal sex life." The court heard Yuen first tricked X - then aged 15 - into having sex with him on September 24, 2004, so that he could "transfer chi" to cure a fever that plagued her for weeks. She was also asked to perform oral sex.

The judge noted the victim was below the legal age of consent (note 5) at the time.

The victim was told the "evil" came from her having sex with her former boyfriend, and that she had to swallow Yuen's sperm to seal "the entrance" to prevent it from returning after it had been expelled (趕出).

On two occasions between 2005 and 2006, X was tricked (欺騙) into having anal sex which, she said, caused her pain and resulted in incontinence.

In later years Yuen exerted control (note 6) over X's social life, warning that her mother will have cancer if she did not continue to sleep with him.

From good to better English:

(note 1) hoodoos and magic spells=不祥之物, 惡運(hoodoos)和符咒,咒語 (spells)。be bound by a spell= be under the spell=給符咒鎮住。break a spell=破除魔力和吸引力。

(note 2) self-proclaimed=自稱的,自封的。Proclaim=聲明;表示,顯示, 公佈。Proclaim Victor a traitor=宣佈Victor為叛徒。 proclaim war=宣戰。 proclaim a victory=宣告勝利。

(note 3) multiple occasions=多次在不同情況下。Multiple=複式的,多數的,多樣的。Occasion=機會, 時刻。Bo Bo was the occasion of the trouble=Bo Bo是糾紛的根源。on great occasions=在大慶[盛典]時期。

(note 4) post- traumatic stress disorder=創傷後遺症, 簡稱PTSD。Traumatic=損傷的,創傷的。Trauma= (精神)創傷。

(note 5) legal age of consent=合法年齡〔尤指少女法律上達到可以自主的年齡〕。Consent to do=同意,贊成,應允,答應。consent to a proposal=贊同提案。 consent to give a lecture=答應演講。with the consent of Julian=得到Julian同意。

(note 6) exerted control=控制。Exert=行使, 發揮。exert an influence=施加影響。Victor exerts himself to the utmost= Victor已盡全力。

Victor’s View: People taking advantage of young girls’ innocence should be condemned and severely punished. Teenagers should always stay alert.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月14日 星期一

Don’t coddle students who default on loans

Victor Fung Keung says we should name and

shame those who use the money to speculate

Officials at the Student Financial Assistance

Agency should feel

ashamed for proposing

unworkable solutions to clamp

down on student loan defaults. It’s

a no-brainer. The agency’s

suggestion to lengthen the

repayment period and lower

interest rates will help to increase

the number of defaults, not cut it.

Because the loan schemes are

non-means-tested, many

university students borrow the

money (which can be as much as

HK$400,000) to gamble in the

stock market or elsewhere. If they

make a killing, they repay the loan.

If they lose every cent, they simply

walk away. If push comes to shove,

they declare bankruptcy. They

seem pretty sure the government

can’t touch them.

The school year that ended in

August 2010 saw a 20 per cent rise

in loan defaults from a year earlier.

About 13,000 graduates failed to

repay loans totalling

HK$213 million, which, of course,

is taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

The relevant government

departments should shame these

irresponsible so-called elite of

Hong Kong by prosecuting each

one of them.

The student-loan agency

should also share the credit data of

these graduates with other credit

agencies so that all banks, and

perhaps their prospective

employers, would know how

selfish they are.

The agency’s current proposals

are a non-starter. They will only

worsen the situation. Indeed,

university students who plan to

speculate in the stock market with

the money would welcome the

news with glee that borrowing

rates will be cut to 1.674 per cent a

year from 3.174 per cent, and the

repayment period lengthened to 17

years (including a grace period of

two years), from 10.

Under the agency’s

misconceived suggestions,

taxpayers have to dole out another

HK$75 million a year.

Why should we subsidise those

immoral graduates who lose

money in speculation? Can anyone

reconcile the fact that Hong Kong’s

economy improved last year and

yet the number of student loan

defaults jumped by 20 per cent?

The rise in defaults underscores

the fact that moral education in

Hong Kong’s education system has

room for improvement.

It’s hardly news that a huge

number of university students sell

their rights to buy computers at a

discount to “professional traders”

to make a fast buck. The discount

scheme is offered to university

students at the beginning of an

academic year.

Naming and shaming the

defaulters is the only solution to

deter these irresponsible students.

They must be warned of the dire

consequence of not paying back

their loans. Deterrence is the only


Victor Fung Keung, based in

Hong Kong, is a commentator on

education and political issues

2011年11月13日 星期日

Alert on deadly polio (小兒麻痹症/脊髓灰質炎) outbreak (爆發 )

The toll (人數) from polio in Xinjiang is expected to rise beyond the 17 known cases, the World Health Organization warns.

The virus that claimed the health of (note 1) nine adults and eight children aged from four months to two years is linked to the wild polio virus type 1 circulating in Pakistan, said Oliver Rosenbauer, the WHO spokesman for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in Geneva.

"My bet (note 2) is we will see more cases," Rosenbauer said. "Certainly it will not be surprising."

WHO director-general Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun told The Standard earlier that the virus likely reached Xinjiang from neighboring Pakistan.

The Ministry of Health in Beijing informed the WHO on August 26 that wild polio had been isolated in four youngsters with the onset of (note 3) paralysis (癱瘓) between July 3 and 19.

But last month it reported 10 polio cases from three prefectures (縣) in the south of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

A WHO team is in Xinjiang to help control the outbreak.

China was said to be virtually (幾乎) polio-free (note 4) by 1994.

The last reported wild polio virus case in the country, in 1999, was linked to India.

"Because of an ongoing endemic circulation in Pakistan you run the risk that a polio-free area becomes re-infected (重新受感染)," Rosenbauer noted.

But he does not think Hong Kong faces an obvious risk, given the high immunization coverage and surveillance (高度的防疫制度或監察) here.

As for Xinjiang, Rosenbauer does not expect polio to "spread like wildfire" (note 5) like it did last year in Takijistan, which saw about 400 people taken ill.

But it might be a year or more before it can be said to have been beaten back (擊退).

From good to better English:

(note 1) claimed the lives of=殺害 (kill)。claim =斷言;聲稱,自稱。claim expenses= 索取費用。claim for damages = 要求賠償損失 。no claims = 無權要求。claim a victory=聲稱取得勝利。claim a reward=要求報酬。Claim的同義詞有affirm, allege, argue, assert, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, contend, declare, hold, maintain, say, state等。

(note 2) My bet=斷定, 我的意見是。My bet is that Julian won't come=我看Julian不會來了。A heavy [paltry] bet=大[小]賭。I'll bet my life=我敢用生命擔保;當然,保管沒錯。Do you ever bet? Victor asks Bo Bo= Victor 問Bo Bo, 你和人家打過賭嗎?

(note 3) with the onset of=出現, 病發作 (A beginning; a start)。onset的同義詞有 beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, genesis, inception, nascence, nascency, opening, origin, outset, spring, start等。

(note 4) polio-free=沒有小兒麻痹症。feel free= 無需拘束, 不要客氣。for free= 免費。free association = 自由聯想 。free from= 沒有, 免於。free from blame = 解除責備, 免責。 free love = 自由戀愛 。free rein = 完全的行動自由。 free speech= 言論自由 。free will = 自由意志, 自由抉擇。 give someone a free hand = 放手讓某人做。.

(note5 ) spread like wildfire=像野火一樣散播。

Victor’s View: Polio is a terrible disease. We must ensure that it won’t spread to Hong Kong from Xinjiang.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月11日 星期五


回到母校   - 馮強

我選擇夏天探訪我的母校劍橋大學是有原因的,因為一年中天氣最好就是678這三個月。我回到劍橋胡佛遜學院看看我以前住過的宿舍,然後跑到學生飯堂吃午飯,大概要80港元。我付款的時候,收銀員問我拿學生證給她看,我說我是路過的校友。飯堂主人馬上說「既然是難得回來的校友,你不用付款了!」午飯後我當然要去看看劍橋有名氣的橋,一條是大家熟悉的「康橋」。另一條叫「嘆息橋」(The Bridge of Sigh)。劍橋河上只見不少遊客在「撐船」(punting)。我回到市中心在一商店內買了一條校呔,花了我300港元。買校呔主要是人總有點懷愐過去的情懷。正如詩人徐志摩在「再別康橋」這首詩一樣,「我揮一揮衣袖,不帶走一片雲彩」。再別了母校,再別了「康橋」。
倫敦著名的音樂場地「Royal Albert Hall」正宣傳歌星Donovan將會與倫敦現代集團(London Contemporary Orchestra)共同演出。我很喜歡Donovan的「民謠樂與怒」(Folk-Rock Music)。他是在1970年代的紅星,今年已經65歲。他的一首《Catch The Wind》令人百聽不厭。我相信他在演唱會上一定會唱這首歌。歌詞其中一段是這樣的:「When rain has hung the leaves with tears, I want you near, to kill my fears , to help me to leave all my blues behind.」(雨水掛在樹葉上,像淚珠一樣。我渴望你在我身旁,消除我的恐懼,助我把憂愁都拋諸腦後。)雖然我沒有欣賞Donovan的演出,但我到店舖看到偶像Paul Simon的新大碟《So Beautiful Or So What》,真的是喜出望外。
我最喜愛的倫敦「地鐵」站叫Victoria(因為我的名字叫Victor)。在Victoria站附近有間叫Hesperia的酒店,每天房租1500港元,算是很便宜了。我對倫敦很熟悉。我在劍橋大學唸書的日子,每星期都要到倫敦的SOASSchool Of Oriental And African Studies)學院的圖書館做研究和寫論文。(我的題目是分析中國1978年後的開放政策,劍橋的資料沒有SOAS學院那麼新)。下午我到Kensington王宮參觀,這是戴安 娜生前住的地方。可惜王宮正在改建,要到2012年春天才再開放給遊人參觀。第二天我去參加一位親戚的婚禮,播出的音樂是「披頭四」的《Here Comes The Sun》。晚宴上一位親戚推薦我看《Half-Time》這本書,他說對我的靈性會有幫助。
我由劍橋坐火車到約克市(York)遊玩。到約克火車站時我跑到旅遊詢問處想買張「全日通」的巴士票。那位接待員看見我便問:「Mate, what can I do for you?」(喂老友,要幫忙嗎?)Mate這個字多在澳洲使用,在英國較少聽到。它的意思是My friend。它原來的意思是伴侶(同居或結了婚的)。接待員對我說在York 遊玩不用坐車,因為所有景點都只需要步行15分鐘左右便到達,包括大教堂、堡壘和City Walls(城牆)。City Walls有點似西安市的城牆,令人不免有點思古的幽情。我進入一間英式餐廳午膳,這間叫 Bettys Tea House的食肆的女侍應全是中年婦人,不是年輕貌美的東歐「外勞」。
跟著在蘇格蘭的Edinburgh(愛丁堡)逗留了三天。在火車站附近有條叫Royal Mile的大道。這裏的一端是城堡,沿山下走去,經過大教堂,最後去到Holyrood Palace。這是數百年前蘇格蘭女王Queen Mary住過的地方。她一生「命苦」,出世數月父親便離世,媽媽是法國人,帶她回巴黎接受教育。她16歲結婚,但丈夫兩年後逝世。我花了130元港幣參觀完王宮後便到一間餐館晚膳,原來由下午5時到7時這時段叫Pre-theatre,一頓飯約需120港元,比正常價平31Pre-theatre源於蘇格蘭人吃完飯後要去看730分開場的歌劇。這時段美國人叫Early-bird 。第二天早上我爬上Calton Hill最高的地方,眺望海洋,藍天碧海,微風輕拂我的臉。人生夫復何求!

2011年11月9日 星期三


[Slap happy] <<掌得很開心 >>; [Last stand] <<最後一檔>>; [The ball's in your court'] <<輪到你做決定>>

背景: 2011年香港報業公會的評委選出去年本地報章的最佳標題,共三則。

[Slap happy] <<掌得很開心>> A local judge has spared (note 1) the niece of a top Hong Kong judge a prison term (note 2) although she has been convicted for a third time of slapping (note 3) a police officer.

[Last stand] <<最後一檔>> The newsstand slowly fades out (note 4) in Hong Kong due to competition from chain stores (note 4), news online, declining newspaper sales, free newspapers and government regulation.

[The ball's in your court'] <<輪到你做決定>>A transsexual's (note 5) request to marry her boyfriend has been rejected (note 6) by a local judge and the judge tells the government to consider whether it’s time it changed the law.


(note 1) spare =使某人免遭(麻煩等)。Can you spare me a few minutes, Julian?=Julian, 你能抽幾分鐘和我談談嗎?spare no efforts =不遺餘力。(note 2) a prison term =坐監。(note 3) slap =一 巴掌, 一個耳光。slap Victor on the back=拍拍Victor 的脊背〔表示贊許〕。(note 4) chain stores =便利店。(note 5) transsexual =變性人。(note 6) rejected =拒絕。

短評共賞: 寫標題有不同的技巧,包括Exaggeration (誇張overstates the case); Tabloidese (小報化, 用Boob 而不用 breast); Pun (玩文字, play on words); Variation (多樣化); Rhetoric (加強語氣, language to persuade or impress); Litotes (低調處理, understatement); Metonymy (相關辭語, name of a related thing); Oxymoron (反語, contradictory terms); Alliteration (首字同音, same initial sound); Assonance (字彙同音, similar vowel)和Black humor (黑色幽默, make fun of people’s disability)。這三個標題很明顯用Pun (玩文字) 和Metonymy (相關辭語)這兩種技巧。[-happy]是很常見的英語用法,例如trigger-happy (愛開槍的人); Slap happy就像(愛掌刮他人的人)。另外,Last stand的stand 是newspaper stand (報攤)的簡寫。[The ball's in your court'] <<輪到你做決定>>這個標題最過癮, 法官判了變性人不能結婚, 然後叫政府去考慮改例,就是把皮球(ball)拋給政府。Ball也可以是變性人割下來的ball (睾丸)。

2011年11月8日 星期二

Extend mentor scheme to help community ills

Victor Fung Keung hails an initiative to involve former mental patients in the treatment of others

Nov 08, 2011

Castle Peak Hospital's management and staff are to be congratulated for introducing a recovery-orientated approach by employing former patients as mentors for those in the mental health system. In this way, the counsellors can help show the mentally ill that it's possible to enjoy a full recovery and lead a normal life.

I would now urge the hospital's authorities and those from other hospitals with psychiatric services to go one step further to benefit hundreds of thousands of locals by extending counselling sessions to the community.

A small place in community centres across various districts could be rented or requested (with district councils' help), staffed with former patients who could act as counsellors. They should be known as "happiness centres" rather than "mental health counselling centres".

Several recent surveys have shown that about 17 per cent of Hong Kong people are mentally ill. That translates to roughly 1.1 million people. Consulting a private psychiatrist is expensive (the bulk of insurance companies don't cover such expenses) and getting an appointment to visit a government psychiatrist takes at least six months. And many people don't want to get help because of the social stigma attached to being labelled "mentally ill".

A lack of education, perhaps combined with taboos at home, means that most Hongkongers believe that if someone is mentally ill, they must be suffering from something serious, such as bipolar disorder, psychopathic illness or schizophrenia. The only picture people have in their mind is of screaming patients waving choppers in public places.

In fact, depression and anxiety, symptoms that many of us might suffer, are very common forms of mild mental illness. If former patients at Castle Peak Hospital can share their experiences about how they have successfully dealt with their problems, many others might be willing to visit such centres and ultimately benefit.

In fact, the money saved from treating serious cases in future could far outweigh the cost of setting up such centres.

Under a recovery-oriented approach, counsellors serve as a bridge between doctors and patients. The latter will definitely find inspiration from counsellors, who have shown it is possible to regain one's dignity, family life and the respect of others.

The Chinese talk of "treating an ailment while it is light". It would clearly be beneficial for people suffering from depression and anxiety to seek advice early before these symptoms become worse.

Medical authorities in Hong Kong should treat the idea of a recovery-oriented approach as a step forward, and embrace it.

Victor Fung Keung, based in Hong Kong, is a commentator on education and political issues

2011年11月6日 星期日

Anarchy (無政府主義) unmasked (note 1)

This is the ugly face of anarchy in Hong Kong.

The men in the masks emerged last night when 100 rowdy (粗暴的;吵鬧的) radicals (激進分子) gate- crashed (note 2) a by-election forum in Tsim Sha Tsui and rained (note 3) dog food on Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam Sui-lung.

Police took away one man for questioning after a woman complained of being molested (非禮) by a protester.

The action was condemned by both Acting Chief Executive Henry Tang Ying-yen and Lam. "We are angered by this kind of behavior," Tang said, insisting that such actions did not facilitate rational discussion and undermined people's rights to express their views.

Lam said the protesters ignored (漠視) the rule of law, broke a door and injured several security guards.

The protesters, led by the League of Social Democrats and People Power, stormed into (note 4) the Science Museum where about 300 people were attending the second of a series of by-election consultations.

Two security guards attempted to block (阻撓) them but failed. The first protester into the hall held one guard by the neck for a few seconds before releasing him and running into the museum. He wore a Guy Fawkes mask popularized (普及) in the V for Vendetta movie which, it was explained, symbolizes the destruction of a totalitarian government.

The angry protesters, including LSD legislator "Long Hair" Leung Kwok- hung, demanded that Lam withdraw (收回) the four proposals by the government aimed at preventing legislators from resigning in mid-term, which is what five lawmakers did last year to trigger (觸發) a "referendum" on electoral reforms.

They accused Lam of (note 5) organizing what they called a "fake consultation."

The protesters ran up to the stage and threw papers missiles at Lam, who immediately retreated to the back of the venue, leaving his watch on the table.
From good to better English:

(note 1) unmasked=脫去假面具,現出本來面目, 暴露;揭露。

(note 2) gate-crash=不請自來, 衝進, 擅自闖入, 無票進入(戲院等)。Crash= (計劃等)失敗,破產;(飛機)墜毀。crash the headlines=成了轟動一時的頭條新聞。crash in=闖入,擅自進入。A football came crash through the window=一個足球嘩啦一聲打破窗子飛了進來。

(note 3) rain=下雨, 使像雨一樣地落下。a drizzling rain=細雨。Rain or shine=無論晴雨,風雨無阻。A heavy [light] rain=大[小]雨。

(note 4) stormed into=闖進。Storm=暴風雨,暴風雪, 騷動,動亂,風潮。Julian, we ought to face the world and brave the storm=Julian, 我們應該經風雨,見世面。 A political storm in Hong Kong is gathering [brewing]=一場政治暴風雨快來了[正在醞釀]。storm in a teacup=因為一點小事而鬧得滿城風雨。My boss Steve stormed into my office=我老闆Steve氣衝衝地進了我的辦公室。

(note 5) accused of=受指責。Accuse=譴責。把某事歸罪於Victor= (accuse Victor for)。They accused Stephen Chan of taking bribes=他們控告Stephen Chan受賄。
Victor’s View: Hong Kong is a free place and people should have the right to express their views. Gate-crashing and interrupting other people’s meetings ought to be condemned.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月3日 星期四

Liver cancer subsidy (補助) urged

Subsidies are being urged for sufferers (患者) of liver cancer after a study showed many of them just cannot afford treatment.

The poll of 300 respondents conducted by the Hong Kong Liver Cancer Foundation found 62 percent of them cannot afford to have a monthly check (檢查) on tumor (腫瘤) growth, costing about HK$10,000.

The survey also indicated 32 percent have already spent about HK$50,000 on treatment, while 13 percent have shelled out (note 1) more than $200,000.

Forty-three percent of respondents report household income (note 2) of less than HK$10,000 a month, foundation chairman Ronnie Poon Tung-ping said.

Poon, clinical professor of the University of Hong Kong's department of surgery, said about 1,700 people are diagnosed (斷症為) with liver cancer annually. The study also found 62 percent were hepatitis B carriers (note 3) before being diagnosed with liver cancer.

About 30 percent had cirrhosis (肝硬化) of the liver before found to have liver cancer. Only 16.5 percent did not have previous liver problems.

Poon said the cure rate was only 25.6 percent a decade ago, but has climbed to 42.4 percent now.

"The main reason is that there are more advanced tomography imaging systems (note 4), so patients are diagnosed earlier. The progress (進步、好轉) made on treatments is also a reason for the higher successful cure rate."

But Poon said government medical subsidy schemes such as the Community Care Fund and Samaritan Fund do not cover (包括) liver cancer medication, making it a huge burden (note 5) for the patients.

He said medication costs between HK$30,000 and HK$40,000 a month. For treatment to be effective, patients have to take the drugs for about a year, amounting to (note 6) nearly HK$500,000.

Poon urged the government to subsidize at least half the cost to liver cancer patients.

From good to better English:

(note 1) shell out=付出, 付款,捐獻 [To distribute (money) as payment]。shell out 的同義詞有disburse, expend, give, lay out, outlay, pay out, spend. fork out 等。as easy as shelling peas=非常容易。The shell of an egg=蛋殼。Julian comes out of her shell=Julian不再羞怯沈默。

(note 2) household income=家庭總入息。Household=家眷,家屬,家裡人;家庭,戶。The number of households=戶數。Household expenses=家庭開支。

(note 3) hepatitis B carriers=乙形肝炎帶菌者。Carrier=信差,郵差;送報人。Aircraft carrier=航空母艦。

(note 4) tomography imaging systems=斷層攝影影像系統。Tomo=一小段 (a section, a cutting)。 Image=形像,典型, 概念,意象;心象。Chris is the image of his father=Chris活像他父親。thinking in terms of images=形像思維。

(note 5) a huge burden=嚴重負擔。Huge=巨大的,龐大的,極大的。Burden=負擔,包袱, 責任。financial burden=財政上的負擔。 the burden of leadership=領導者的重任。burden of proof=【法律】舉證責任。

(note 6) amount to=總數。Amount=相當於,等於。Daisy’s answer amounts to a threat=Daisy的回答等於恐嚇。The gross amount= 約計,概數。
Victor’s View: It is heart-wrenching to see terminally-ill patients suffer just because they can’t afford the treatments. Why can’t we lend a hand and set up a special charity fund for them?

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年11月2日 星期三

Family man (照顧家的人) with connections(社交圈子廣)

Father-of-four and heir (note 1) to an influential textile industrialist, Henry Tang began his political career in the early 1990s.

Both he and his father, Tang Hsiang- chien - an ex-member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference - have ties () with the central government and, it's said, former president Jiang Zemin.

His father, who hailed (note 2) from Wuxi, Jiangsi, arrived in Hong Kong in 1950 and made his name in textiles.

In 1991, Henry Tang stepped into (note 3) the political arena (舞臺) as a lawmaker with the Liberal Party and served until 1998.

When Tung Chee-hwa became the SAR's chief executive in 1997, Tang was appointed to the Executive Council and has stayed there.

He quit the Liberal Party in 2002 and joined the administration as secretary for commerce, industry and technology.

The following year, Antony Leung Kam-chung quit as financial secretary amid an uproar (哄動) over his purchase of a car just weeks before he raised taxes on new vehicles - and Tang took over.

It was on Tang's watch (note 4) in this office that Hong Kong's fiscal balance returned to a surplus.

That was in 2005 - several years ahead of the target date. But Tang's bid to bring in a sales tax was rebuffed (拒絕,受挫折). In July 2007, he was promoted to chief secretary.

But his outspokenness (note 5) has attracted regular bursts of flak (note 6). He was recently criticized for describing as "completely rubbish" suggestions that press freedom and freedom of speech were suppressed during Vice Premier Li Keqiang's visit.

There were rumbles (喧嘩) about remarks in May when he said young people should ask themselves "Why can't I become the next Li Ka-shing?" instead of complaining about the wealth and power of the SAR's richest man.

From good to better English:

(note 1) heir=繼承人。legal [right] heir=合法繼承人。the heir to the crown [throne]=王位繼承人。

(note 2) hailed=出生地是。例句:Bun Bun hails from London= Bun Bun是倫敦人。Hail(動詞)= 高呼,歡呼;致敬。hail Steve (as) King=歡呼擁立Steve為王。hail a taxi=叫出租汽車。Hail Mary!=【天主教】萬福馬利亞。

(note 3) stepped into=踏入 (Involve oneself or intervene)。in step= 步調。one step ahead = 提前一步, 搶先一步。out of step= 步調不一致。step by step= 一步一步地。step down= 辭職, 退休。step in= 插手幹預, 介入。step into someone's boots=接替某人的職位。step out of line= 出格, 越軌。stepping stone= 踏腳石。

(note 4) on Tang's watch=在唐英年監管下 (guard)。watch for = 守候, 監視, 注意。watch one's p's and q's= 謹言慎行。watch one's step= 走路小心, 謹慎。watch out= 密切注視, 提防, 當心。watch out for= 戒備。 watch over= 看守, 監視。

(note 5) outspokenness(名詞)outspoken(形容詞)=直言不諱的,坦率的;毫無保留的。outspoken criticism=坦率的批評。an outspoken person= 直率的人。

(note 6) bursts of flak=一連串批評。

Victor’s View: Henry Tang’s success in winning the chief executive’s crown hinges on his abilities to govern, not his wealthy family background.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年10月31日 星期一

Good writers needed

Time to sharpen business journalists’ weapons

Whenever I turn on the business news channel of a local TV station, I can't help but switch to another channel after two minutes. For more than two years that I have watched its business news program, the TV station's reporters (and editors) can't tell the difference between percentage and percentage point. For instance, the number of people unemployed in Hong Kong last month increased by 30,000 to 330,000. The TV reporters always would say unemployment in Hong Kong has increased by 10 percentage points. That's wrong. It has increased by 10 percent. Or, the unemployment rate has jumped by half a point to 5.5 percent.

If Hong Kong business journalists are so poorly equipped, how can the city continue to prosper as China's main financial center? Hong Kong businessmen, foreign businessmen in town and local investors need accurate and concise financial information as well as analysis to make intelligent decisions on business and investment plans.

It's time we did something to sharpen business journalists' weapons. First, the Hong Kong Journalism Education Foundation can organize and fund, say, four training workshops a year for practising journalists. Indeed, 10 local business journalists (and eight more from the mainland and Taiwan) who took part in a week-long business news-writing workshop in September, jointly run by Hong Kong Baptist University and the Thomson Reuters Foundation, found the training very useful. In a scale from 1 to 5 (5 is most useful and effective), they gave the workshop an average score of 4.5.

Second, local government-funded universities should consider offering special programs to train financial journalists. So far, only Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) has business news concentrations in both its graduate-level and undergraduate-level studies. Hong Kong University's Journalism and Media Studies Center and the Chinese University's Journalism School offer only one or two courses in business news reporting. That's far from enough. These two institutions, taking a cue from HKBU, should beef up the training of aspiring business journalists.

Hong Kong will survive if it can maintain its status as China's major financial center. To keep our young people's future secure, we should strengthen all pillars and fire all engines that would consolidate and strengthen Hong Kong's role and status as a world-class financial center. Our universities produce enough accountants, investment bankers and lawyers, but we don't have adequate programs to train students, and enhance practising journalists' skills to become competent business journalists. There's no room for complacency. Let's act now.

The author is director of the MA program in international journalism at Hong Kong Baptist University.

2011年10月24日 星期一

Mother of doctor gets five years over sex blackmail (勒索)

A doctor's mother was yesterday jailed (監禁) for five years for conspiring with (note 1) Chinese University doctoral student Cheung Ka- wo to use a sex video to extort (敲詐) HK$6.3 million from two members of a religious group.

The sentence came a year after Cheung, 27, was jailed for four years for conspiring with Dr Edwin Poon's mother, Dora Kay Li, in blackmailing the victims between April and May last year.

The court heard that Li, 59, persuaded (勸服) Cheung to take an intimate video of himself with a religious leader (宗教領袖), identified only as X, last year. The 73-minute video shows both naked and bathing and scrubbing (用力摩擦) each other's back.

The judge said it was apparent that Cheung had no intention of stopping X from fondling his genitals and spanking his backside. Li and Cheung threatened to use the video to wreak havoc (note 2) on X's reputation if they were not paid.

The court also heard they took the video to the office of Y, a senior member of X's organization, to demand money. Li told Y that if the video was made public, it would taint (note 3) his religious group.

District Court Justice Douglas Yau Tak-hong criticized Li for using X's sexual preferences (note 4) to blackmail him, describing her act as "shameful." (可恥)

The blackmail succeeded because of the religious group's stance (立場) against homosexuality, leading the judge to say the case has "inflicted unredeemable spiritual harm" (note 5) on its believers.

Yau said Li sacrificed Cheung's dignity (尊嚴) to get the money she wanted.

A recording of a conversation between Li and Cheung was played in court: "The money is still not in our pockets (note 6), meaning that we have not succeeded yet.

From good to better English:

(note 1) conspiring with=同謀, 勾結。Conspire=搞陰謀。conspire against the state= 圖謀賣國。All things conspire against me, Victor complains= Victor埋怨事事湊合起來跟他作對。

(note 2) wreak havoc= 破壞 (Disrupt, damage, destroy, cause destruction or chaos)。wreak havoc也可以用raise havoc和 play havoc代替。例句: The earthquake wrought havoc in this Japanese old town=地震把這個日本老鎮破壞了。

(note 3) taint=弄髒,污染。Mo Mo’s character is tainted by her self-seeking=Mo Mo的性格帶有利己的缺點。tainted goods=壞了的貨物。 tainted meat= 腐肉。

(note 4) sexual preferences=性傾向。Preference=優先選擇;偏愛。This is Victor’s preference=Victor喜歡這個。have a preference for=喜歡。preference of something to another=寧要某東西而不要另一物。

(note 5) inflicted unredeemable spiritual harm=在靈性上創下無可補救的破壞。Inflict=加以打擊。inflict a wound on Chris=使Chris受傷。The terrorists inflict heavy casualties in its attack on Hung Hum=恐怖分子攻擊使紅勘區居民蒙受重大傷亡。

(note 6) in our pockets=錢已入袋, 代代平安。Pocket=衣袋;錢袋。a deep pocket=充足的財力。 An empty pocket=兩手空空;窮光蛋。Victor puts his pride in his pocket= Victor忍辱,抑制自尊心。

Victor’s View: Blackmailing is a heinous crime that should be condemned. The publicity of the case involving a religious leader can only hurt the religious group’s followers.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年10月23日 星期日

It's mind the sex gap as MTR perverts (變態狂) target (目標) men

Men beware! You too are not safe from gropers (note 1)

on the MTR. But women are still the main victims (受害人), says the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong.

Its survey showed that while one in five women claimed to have been groped in train compartments (車廂), one in 20 men had the same complaint.

Eleven of the 221 men and 77 of the 434 women interviewed said they have been molested (非禮). Worse still (note 2), only two of the men and three women went to the police (報案). The police said they received 113 reports of molestation on the MTR in 2009 and 151 in 2010. There were 68 cases in the first six months of this year.

DAB district councillor (區議會議員) and women's affairs committee chairwoman Elizabeth Quat said victims did not report the attacks because they felt it would be hard for charges to stick (note 3). In addition, many felt embarrassed and scared (note 4).

"It is not uncommon (很普遍) for women to be molested in MTR trains, especially during peak hours (繁忙時間)," she said. "Some people like to molest the women in really crowded compartments."

Quat said the most common complaint was touching a woman's breasts (胸部) with the arms and pretending the action was unintentional (note 5). Men had their bottoms (屁股) grabbed when trains came to a stop.

Quat said she also witnessed a man pressing the lower part of his body against the bottom of a girl in uniform. The girl said nothing and may not even have realized she was being molested.

She said some male friends told her they were molested by men but were too afraid to speak up (講出來).

From good to better English:

(note 1) groper=非禮你(摸妳身體部位)的人。Grope=摸索。grope about for information=到處搜集情報。grope for a clue=找線索。grope one's way=摸著走;摸索解決辦法。

(note 2) Worse still=跟糟糕的是。Worse是〔bad, ill〕 的比較級=更壞,還要壞;病情(更重)。a change for the worse=變壞。to make the matter worse=更壞的是。for better (or) for worse=禍福與共。go from bad to worse=變本加厲。

(note 3) hard for charges to stick=很難入罪。Stick=貼,粘住,固著,不分離。Better stick to the programme=還是按照原程序較好。Stick no bills!=〔英國〕不許招貼! 〔美國說 Post no bills!〕。Victor was stuck by the teacher's question in the IELTS oral exam=在IELTS口試中,Victor被老師的提問難住了。The train has been stuck in Hong Kong for three days by bad weather=由於天氣惡劣火車在香港被困阻已有三天。

(note 4) embarrassed and scared=尷尬和害怕。Jo Jo feels embarrassed in the presence of strangers=Jo Jo 在生人面前侷促不安。The decline of sales embarrassed Keung Ki & Co.=銷路下降使強記公司陷於財政困難。

(note 5) unintentional=不是故意的。
Victor’s View: In crowded compartments of trains girls and women often fall victims to molesters. The solution is to reserve half compartments for men and half for women.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年10月21日 星期五

RTHK job move 'special' (特殊)

Appointing an administrative officer (政務官) to run RTHK will not become routine (常規), a top official said.

Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Elizabeth Tse Man-yee gave the assurance (note 1) to legislators amid a public outcry (note 2) over the appointment of Roy Tang Yun-kwong as the new director of broadcasting.

"This will not be a routine arrangement ... This was a special arrangement," Tse told the Legislative Council.

But her reassurance was not enough to stop information technology and broadcasting panel chairman Raymond Wong Yuk-man from deciding to convene a special meeting to look into the appointment over the objections of (note 3) pro-establishment (挺政府的) rivals. Wong said he was making the decision in response to (note 4) widespread (廣泛的) public concern and strong opposition to the appointment voiced by most RTHK staff.

Tse said as a deputy broadcasting director is a directorate grade three civil servant, the government will first consider if that person can fill the vacancy. This policy has remained unchanged.

But as no one working in RTHK was deemed suitable, the government launched an open recruitment (note 5).

She said the government received 26 applications but no suitable candidate was identified.

Meanwhile, about 11.3 percent or 7,600 more people got jobs in cleaning and similar services, and 7.7 percent or 16,600 more were hired in the food and beverage services sectors - despite the imposition (實施) of a minimum wage from May 1, the department said.

But the manufacturing industry hired 5 percent or 6,000 people less in June than in the same month last year.

Total vacant positions ((note 6) in June were 56,650 - up 25 percent year on year - mainly in the food services, import and export and professional and business services sectors.
From good to better English:

(note 1) give the assurance=保證, 擔保(a guarantee or pledge)。have (every) assurance of=有(一切)把握取得。with assurance=憑自信。Assurance的同義詞有 assuredness, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, positiveness, sureness, surety等。
(note 2) a public outcry=公眾譁然 (A strong protest or objection)。raise an outcry against=強烈反對[抗議]。

(note 3) over the objections of=不理會對方反對。Objection=反對;異議。There is no objection to your leaving at once=你現在即刻走也不礙事。have no objection to (doing)=不反對。Victor raises an objection to the appointment of Bo Bo as department head=Victor對任命Bo Bo為部門首長提出抗議[異議]。

(note 4) in response to=回應。Response=回答,答覆。make no response=不回答。Julian’s oratorical efforts evoked no response in his audience =Julian的雄辯在聽眾中不起反響。

(note 5) open recruitment=公開招聘。Recruit party members=吸收(黨員)。a raw recruit= 初學者,新手,生手。Victor’s band, “the Nanshan Wanderers”, has recruited six new members=Victor的樂隊吸收了6名新隊員。

(note 6) vacant positions=空缺。Vacant=空著的,沒人住的;(位置等)空缺的 (empty, unfilled)。The house is still vacant=這房子還空著。 a vacant lot=一塊空地。Vacant的同義詞有idle, inactive, unemployed, unused等。

Victor’s View: Journalists cherish press freedom and dare speak the truth. The government is determined to turn RTHK into its mouthpiece and it’s not hard to understand why they don’t want a journalist to head RTHK.
(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)