
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2011年8月30日 星期二

Moving time at Tamar (note 1)

The government starts moving into (遷進) its new headquarters (總部) at Tamar in six phases (六階段) from today.

Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen visited the site (地盤) yesterday along with (note 2) his wife Salina Tsang Pow Siu-mei and spent about 30 minutes checking the progress of his new office. Tsang is expected to move in later this month. The commerce, industry and tourism branch of the Commercial and Economic Development Bureau will be the first to move in as its lease (租約) at One Pacific Place expires (屆滿) early next month. The branch - with its 120 staff - will be located on the 22nd and 23rd floors of the West Wing.

Builders are working 18-hour days, between 6am and midnight, to complete the job. Chairman of the Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees' General Union, Chow Luen-kiu, said he understands from workers that conditions have improved. Media coverage has raised concerns (引起關注) over whether the health of workers was being compromised (note 3) in an attempt to complete the work in time (準時) for Tsang to deliver (演說) his final policy address at the new Legislative Council in October.

More ventilation systems (通風系統) and fans have been installed and workers reminded they are not forced to work overtime, though many are willing to work long hours, Chow said. It is understood that air conditioning and electric wiring in certain floors have yet to be (note 4) completed.

"It is not the workers' responsibility whether the work can be completed on time," Chow said. "If you want to speed it up (note 5), it can be done. The workers are capable of doing it. But whether it is worth it, is another matter." The Legislative Council Commission voiced its concern over the slow progress of the new Legco complex after a second site visit last week.

From good to better English:

(note 1) Tamar=添馬艦。添馬艦位於香港香港島金鐘,在殖民地時代曾是英國海軍基地及船塢所在地,1990年代海軍基地遷往昂船洲後留空至今。添馬艦的地名來自英國皇家海軍的一艘同名軍艦(三桅運兵船)添馬艦(HMS Tamar),於1897年1941年為駐港海軍的主力艦,停在香港的英國海軍船塢。在1941年香港保衛戰中,添馬艦被港府炸沉免落入日軍手上。

(note 2) along with=一起、一塊兒。Come along=跟我來。Walk along=向前走。All along =始終;一直;一貫。例句: Victor all along loves to be a singer= Victor一直都希望能當歌星。Along with Julian=與Julian一道。

(note 3) health was compromised=犧牲健康。Compromised=妥協,調和,和解,損害;連累。A compromise of principles=原則上的讓步。Make compromise with Bo Bo= 和Bo Bo妥協。compromise Jo Jo’s reputation 損壞Jo Jo的名譽。

(note 4) have yet to be=還沒有。Mo Mo ‘s internet fraud was the largest yet found=Mo Mo 的網上騙局迄今為止發現之中的最大的。

(note 5) speed up=加快。Speed=速率,速度。More haste, less speed.=越急越慢,欲速不達。

Victor’s View: On one hand we’d love to see the government headquarters be completed on time. But on the other hand, workers’ health shouldn’t be compromised. Workers shouldn’t be forced to work over time.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月29日 星期一

Students need to be taught how to respect the law

Victor Fung Keung says HKU chief should not have apologised for event’s security  (SCMP Aug 30, 2011)

Professor Tsui Lap-chee, vicechancellor

of the University of

Hong Kong, has apologised to

HKU students for the security

arrangements during Vice-Premier

Li Keqiang’s recent visit to

the university. But this sends a

wrong message to the tens of

thousands of primary, secondary

and university students in this city.

By apologising and saying he was

proud of the “noisy bunch”, he has

destroyed the sacrosanct principle

of education. That is, one must be

taught about the importance of

moral values, a respect of the rule of

law and discipline, the qualities

future leaders of Hong Kong must

possess. What would parents think if

their primary school children came

home and told them it’s OK to be

disruptive in the classroom?

Tsui should have stood firm and

told students the police were doing

the right thing in providing

protection for Li.

I am not saying students

shouldn’t be encouraged to speak

out. They should, if there are

grounds to make “noises”. It is

common sense that in whatever

country, visiting national leaders are

well guarded by the local police. It

would shame Hong Kong people if

some foreign dignitaries were

harmed during their visits here.

Respecting the rule of law is why

Hong Kong ticks. If Hong Kong

wants to survive in light of fierce

competition from places such as

Singapore and Shanghai, students

must be taught when and where to

speak out. Demonstrating for

publicity’s sake shouldn’t be

condoned. The importance of

imparting discipline and students

knowing what’s right or wrong

cannot be overemphasised.

University graduates with low moral

standards and a lack of selfdiscipline

in this city will become

irresponsible hooligans in the

future. Respecting the law has

nothing to do with trampling on

human rights or freedom of speech.

Don’t let the lawyers fool you.

In recent years, thousands of

students have failed to repay loans.

Many simply don’t care, and some

have resorted to declaring

bankruptcy and getting away with it.

Such irresponsible behaviour

should be condemned.

Many university administrators

and educators are scared of

confronting students, arguing that

they are adults and know what they

are doing. They contend that moral

education and an emphasis on

discipline aren’t necessary. They are

wrong. We not only need to

strengthen discipline and moral

education in primary and secondary

schools, but also remind college

students of the importance of

abiding by the law.

Teaching and administrative

effectiveness is based mostly on how

students evaluate teachers after the

school year ends. In order to please

students, many administrators and

professors treat them as valued

customers. When students arrive

late to class, talk, eat or sleep in class,

professors look the other way. It isn’t

hard to see what kind of students we

are producing under such a system.

Not only in class do students show

no respect and discipline, they

exhibit the same undesirable

behaviour even in public places.

It is understandable why

university leaders didn’t take action

against these disruptive students.

Confronting students can lead to

ceaseless demonstrations

demanding their resignation. Thus,

students’ impolite behaviour is

tolerated. But, in this case, freedom

of speech has nothing to do with

student discipline.

The students should be taught

how to respect the law and others’

rights; and their misbehaviour

should not be tolerated. That’s what

educators like Tsui should have

done. Many Hong Kong citizens,

myself included, would be ashamed

if Vice-Premier Li were injured in

Hong Kong.

It is sad to read that attacks on

police officers are on the rise. We

must respect the law and lawenforcement

authorities. We don’t

want to see anarchy developing in

this city. Such a worrying trend calls

for Chief Executive Donald Tsang

Yam-kuen to take action. He should

leave a legacy, insisting that Hong

Kong people must respect authority

and the rule of law.

Victor Fung Keung, based in

Hong Kong, is a commentator

on education and political issues

2011年8月26日 星期五

Attacks on smartphones surge (上升)

Attacks on smartphones surge (上升)

Hacking (非法侵入) attacks on smartphones have surged 15 percent this year.

This has prompted (驅使) the Hong Kong Productivity Council to call for (呼籲) the adoption (採用) of good cyber management practices. The council's executive director Agnes Mak Tang Pik-yee said yesterday 181 hacking cases were reported to its emergency response team in the first six months of this year. But the statistics do not depict the full picture (note 1) as some victims are probably unaware of (note 2) attacks, she said. Most smartphone users have not installed (裝置) security software, while many organizations and companies do not have policies to regulate and monitor (note 3) the use of such devices (儀器) in the office environment.

Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre manager Roy Ko Wai-tak said that, given the potential danger (潛在危險), companies should consider whether to allow employees to use their smartphones to transfer (轉移) corporate information. "It is common for companies to provide smartphones to their employees," Ko said.

"But if they provide the smartphones, they need to install security software." Smartphones enable employees to conveniently communicate with their companies through e-mail or instant messaging. But Ko warned that users are hacked mainly through opening e-mails from unknown sources (note 4) or downloading (下載) application software with hidden destructive programs.

Users' personal information stored in the smartphones can be stolen and their smartphones controlled by hackers can transmit viruses (病毒) to other users. Ko also expressed concern over privacy and security on social- networking websites (note 5) such as Facebook. Some users put all their information, including contact numbers and home addresses, on their websites.
From good to better English:

(note 1) depict the full picture=反映真實情況。Depict=刻畫。Depict 的同義詞有 delineate, describe, express, image, portray。Picture=情景;局面。come into the picture =引起注意。 out of the picture=不重要的。

(note 2) unaware of=不清楚、沒有覺察到。unaware of the danger=未察覺危險。unaware of的相反就是aware of (曉得,發覺)。Victor makes Bo Bo aware that drinking alcohol is bad for her health= Victor提醒Bo Bo注意不要喝太多酒。

(note 3) regulate and monitor=規定,管制和監控。Regulate的同義詞有control, govern,adjust, fix。monitor =探索,追蹤。例句: Dong Dong monitors the political views of the people for Donald Tsang= Dong Dong幫特首追蹤市民的意見。

(note 4) unknown sources=來源不明、來歷不明。News sources=提供消息的人。a reliable and authoritative source=可靠權威人士。the source of wealth=財富來源。trace to its source=追根尋源。

(note 5) social- networking websites=社交網站。最多人用的社交網站包括有Facebook, Myspace和Google Plus等。隨著資訊科技的發展、社交網站使得人與人之間的互動、情感表達的來源與方式更加多元化。無論是社交活動、娛樂、消費等,香港不少人都透過社交網站滿足各種需求,社交網站儼然成了一種傳播溝通媒體。

Victor’s View: Telephone hacking has become a scandal in several newspapers owned by News Corp. It won’t surprise me a bit that many Hong Kong people’s phones are hacked.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月23日 星期二

Book Fair thrives (note 1) after dumping (放棄) teen models

The Hong Kong Book Fair has set a new attendance record (到場人數新紀錄), thanks (note 2) in part to the restriction on book promotion activities by teen models (note 3).

According to fair organizer (主辦單位) the Trade Development Council, about 950,000 people visited the seven-day event this year, breaking last year's record of 920,000. The number included 15,000 tourists, 15 percent more than 2010. They were mainly from the mainland, Macau and Taiwan. There were also more children.

Council deputy executive director Benjamin Chau Kai-leung said because of the restrictions (限制) on teen models and an increase in the "Children's Paradise" area, more parents arrived at the fair with their kids. The "Future Book Store" zone - introduced this year and enabling visitors to create (創作) their own books - was also popular, attracting more than 10,000 people.

The Hong Kong Publishing Federation said that although sales increased, profits were about the same as last year because of higher costs. On the last day of the weeklong (共七天) fair yesterday, exhibitors (參展商) used different tactics (note 4) to attract visitors. Systech Technology and Media, which sells computer books, offered a special package (note 5) from Monday in which customers paid HK$100 for a plastic bag and were allowed to fill it (裝滿) with as many books as they could.

Systech editor Idy Chow Pui-yu said each bag could hold up to 40 books. "We wanted to clear out (note 6) all our books today because it is costly (成本太重) to transport them back to our warehouse," she said, adding they sold more than 10,000 books. The Trade Development Council said a survey of 812 visitors from July 20-23 found that fiction and novels were the top choice for 52 percent.

From good to better English:

(note 1) thrive=.興旺,繁榮, 成功。Thrive的同義詞有boom, flourish, prosper。The Hong Kong stock market is thriving despite economic uncertainties=雖然經濟前景不明朗,香港股市市場繁榮。

(note 2) thanks to=原因是、幸虧。Thank=感謝,道謝。Thank God, my latest book has sold more than 2,000 copies, Victor said=Victor說: 謝天謝地, 我的新書賣了超過2,000本。No, thanks=不要了,謝謝。

(note 3) teen models=年輕的模特兒 (又稱pseudo-models,因為她們很多都是扮出來的)。Pseudo=假,偽,冒充的 (False or counterfeit; fake)。Victor’s pseudonym (a fictitious name, especially a pen name) is Dean Fung= Victor的筆名是 Dean Fung。

(note 4) different tactics=不同的辦法。Tactics=策略。Military tactics=戰略。Tactics 的同義詞有maneuver, stratagem

(note 5) a special package=特別的出賣品 (A proposition or an offer)。 package deal= 整批交易。package tour= 包辦全程旅行計畫。

(note 6) clear out=清倉, 把東西賣光。Do I make myself clear?Mo Mo asks Bo Bo= Mo Mo 問Bo Bo: 你明白我的意思嗎?A clear sky=晴空。All clear=解除警報。Victor tells Steve to keep clear of drugs= Victor 勸Steve避開毒品。

Victor’s View: I believe in freedom of speech and expression. But the book fair isn’t a suitable venue for the scantily-dressed teen models to strut their stuff since there are young children there. Another occasion should be set up for the teen models.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月22日 星期一

24-hour deadline (限期) for flat sales in the cards (note 1)

Property developers will have to make public (公開) their prices and provisional agreements (臨時合約) on sales of new flats in 24 hours instead of the current five-day grace period (note 2) under a new proposed rule to make firsthand sales (一手樓買賣) of flats more transparent (更透明).

Acting Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing Annette Lee Lai-yee said this is part of measures (條例) put together by the bureau's steering committee on the regulation of the sale of firsthand residential properties. Giving an update on the committee's progress at a special meeting of the Legislative Council housing panel, Lee said all new projects regardless of (note 3) the lease nature will be covered by the measures.

Under the five-day disclosure rule, developers should make public the transaction information during the grace period. Lee said shortening the period will enhance (提升) the clarity of sales figures, in response to the community's demand for accurate information. She said the committee will also recommend that developers make public (note 4) the price list (樓價表) at least three days before the start of sales.

Cheung Kong Real Estate director William Kwok Tsz-wai said the measure will enhance transparency and professional standards (專業水平) of estate agents. "It is not difficult for agents to upload the required information onto their website within a day," he said. "But a technical problem may arise when homebuyers pay by checks over weekends or on holidays. It may take two or three days to confirm the transaction before we can make the agreements public."

The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong said it will study (note 5) the proposals carefully. In a set of voluntary guidelines the group developed some years ago, it suggested that members be free to decide on whether to make public the results of their sales.

From good to better English:

(note 1) in the cards=將要發生、多半、可能 (likely or certain to happen)。Have one's card up one's sleeve=胸有成竹。play one's trump card=打出王牌,採取最好辦法。 play one's cards well=手腕高明。shuffle the cards=進行人事大調動,改變政策。throw up the cards=放棄計劃。

(note 2) grace period=寬限期 (a provision in most loan and insurance contracts which allows payment to be received for a certain period of time after the actual due date)。Grace=慈悲、體態結構優美、感恩禱告。an act of grace=恩典。A saving grace=可以彌補缺點的優點,可取之處。Fall from grace=墮落。

(note 3) regardless of=不管、不論。Regardless=不注意的,不留心的,不顧慮的,不關心的。Victor will go to Julian’s wedding regardless of the weather=無論天氣好壞Victor都要去參加Julian的婚禮。

(note 4) make public=公佈、公開。Public=公眾的,社會的,政府的,公營的。public good =公益。at the public expense=用公費。 in the public eye=公然。make a public protest=提公開抗議。

(note 5) study=研究專案。Victor studies Co Co’s face to see whether she is lying=Victor 仔細端詳Co Co的面貌,看看他有沒有撒謊。

Victor’s View: Timely information regarding property transactions is always welcome. Buyers must see with their own eyes and not just rely on what developers and real estate agents have to say.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月18日 星期四

HSBC bungles (搞壞) bauhinia notes (鈔票)

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp has admitted (承認) a flaw (note 1) has been found in the design (設計) of its new HK$100 bank note.

The note has for its theme (note 2) the flag-raising ceremony (升旗禮) of the SAR Establishment Day (回歸日). The image shows a band playing in front of the Golden Bauhinia Square, where the national flag and regional flag of Hong Kong are flying (note 3). The bauhinia symbol on the regional flag is reversed (方向相反). HSBC, together with BOC HK (2388) and Standard Chartered Bank, revealed (公開) the latest designs of their HK$20, HK$50 and HK$100 bank notes on Friday. They are scheduled to be put into circulation (流通) between November and January 2012.

"HSBC has immediately proceeded to redesign and reprint the faulty (有問題的) banknotes, with a view to (note 4) putting them into circulation early next year as scheduled," the bank said in a joint statement with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the government's administration wing. This is to ensure that people can get these new notes before Chinese New Year for their red packets (利是、紅封包). HSBC was responsible for the design of the notes, while the HKMA reviewed (檢閱) the design before revealing it to the public. The administration wing also reviewed the banknotes for approval.

"The three parties had not detected the issue," the statement said. "We sincerely apologize for the incident." Legislators slammed (note 5) the bank and the HKMA for the mistake, which they termed as unacceptable. "It is a joke," said Wong Kwok-hing, lawmaker of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions.

"The notes, fortunately, have not yet been put into circulation." Civic Party lawmaker Ronny Tong Ka-wah said he is concerned about the way the HKMA handled the whole matter.

From good to better English:

(note 1) a flaw=瑕疵,缺點。a flaw in an otherwise perfect character=白璧之瑕,美德中僅有的缺點。Flawless=完美無缺的。

(note 2) theme=主題 (primary topic, subject, or idea)。Victor loves the theme song of the movie “the Graduate”=Victor喜愛電影”畢業生”的主題歌。Theme park)=主題公園。

(note 3) flag flying=旗幟飛揚。A white flag =表示投降。Hoist a flag half-mast=下半旗致哀。Flag down a taxi=打手勢讓計程車停止。

(note 4) with a view to= 目的 (For the purpose of, aiming toward) 例句: Victor’s houses on Beacon Hill were designed with a view to increasing air flow=Victor在筆架山的房子建做時是以空氣流通為目的。View=看法,意見。a point of view= 觀點。Mo Mo falls in with Bo Bo's views= Mo Mo和Bo Bo意見一致。in my view=照我看來。Miss Standard Ivy stands in full view of the crowd =Standard 小姐Ivy站在人群能清楚看見的地方。

(note 5) slam=猛烈抨擊。slam the door=砰地一聲關上門;比喻斷然拒絕考慮。Slam=碰撞 (crash)。Yin Ping’s bike slammed into a truck yesterday=延平的單車昨天撞上一輛貨車。

Victor’s View: It is very unfortunate that after three levels of checking, the bank notes’ new design still has an error that wasn’t spotted. Does it reflect the working attitude of Hong Kong people? Come on folks, there’s no room for complacency!

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月15日 星期一

Book fair turns DIY (note 1) e-page

Book lovers will be able to create their own works (作品) on the spot (即場) at the Hong Kong Book Fair, which opens today.

The "Future Book Store" equipped with a newly created (note 2) platform (平台) will allow visitors to choose as many as 20 pages from 132 e-books (電子書), including travel, cooking and education, from about 30 publishers. Ten touch-screen machines are provided so visitors can write their e-book.

First, visitors need to download free application software (note 3) to their smart phones, iPhone or Android. Then they choose up to 20 pages from the books on the touch-screen machine. After keying in a mobile number or e-mail address on the machine, visitors can download (下載) their books.

Ian Chan Yin, deputy editor-in-chief of one of the publishers taking part (note 4) in designing the new reading zone, said the aim of the future store is to inspire readers to think about what's coming along the line (note 5). "We hope this technology can lead to more discussions among readers and innovations (新設計) among publishers," he said.

Fair organiser the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and publishers spent five months designing and developing this "totally new" technology. Chan said the technology might be made available in the local market. TDC deputy executive director Benjamin Chau Kai-leung said electronic books are a key feature of the fair, and the number of e-book publishers is 52 percent up on last year.

The new zone is located in the fair's e-book and e-learning resources area (資源區), which is 72 percent larger than last year. Reading e-books is increasingly common in Hong Kong, Chau said, pointing to "a new trend (新趨勢)." The fair, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai, runs until Tuesday.

From good to better English:

(note 1) DIY=自己動手做 (do it yourself)。do-it-yourself 也可以是形容詞,例如: Victor tried to buy a do-it-yourself kit for building a bomb (Victor 想買製造炸彈的說明書)。。

(note 2) newly created =新建做的。Create=創設,設立;建設。Creative=有創造力的, 創造性的, 啟發想像力的。例句: Dean Fung wants to become a creative writer (Dean Fung先成為一個有想像力的作家)。

(note 3) application software=應用程式軟件。Application program又叫app。App是很多字的簡寫,例如: appendix(書的附錄), appeals (上訴),approved (批准,贊成,滿意)。The Legislative Council approved the bill=立法會批准了該項法案。The most approved method=最好的辦法。

(note 4) take part=有份參與。be on the take =受賄。have what it takes=稱職。take back= 收回。take issue with = 對事務持異意。take pains to =盡力。take someone to one side 把某人拉到一邊。Mo Mo always takes up the ball and run =Mo Mo 常常主動去做。

(note 5) along the line= during the time while something is happening or being done (差不多、同時) 。It means "more or less" or something in the direction, or in the style of 。例句: Victor went to the store to buy a guitar for his concert and the salesperson asked him what kind of guitar he was looking for。Victor said: "Something along the line of what Bob Dylan plays with"。(Victor想買一部差不多跟Bob Dylan彈的結他。)

Victor’s View: I can’t agree more with the publisher that electronic books are the way to go. Hey friends, buy a kindle, Nook or an iPad. The pleasure my iPad gave me was beyond description.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月11日 星期四

Joshua Radin - No Envy No Fear

Learn English through singing



Some are reaching, few are there
Want to reign from a hero's chair
Some are scared to fly so high
Well this is how we have to try

Have no envy and no fear
Have no envy and no fear

Brother brother we all see
Your hiding out so painfully
See yourself come out to play
A lover's rain will wash away
Your envy and your fear
So have no envy and no fear

When your sister turns to leave
Only when she's most in need
Take away the cause of pain
By showing her we're all the same

Have no envy and no fear
Have no envy and no fear

Every day we try to find
Search our hearts and our minds
The place we used to call our home
Can't be found when we're alone
So have no envy and no fear
Have no envy and no fear

2011年8月10日 星期三

PR plays (note 1) to get inside track on listings wave (上市狂潮)

These days even public relations companies are rushing (積極) to list in Hong Kong.

Porda Havas International Finance Communications Group, a joint venture between Hong Kong-based Porda and France-based Havas, and Wonderful Sky Financial Group are apparently planning floats (上市). Both firms have been helping companies launch their IPOs and provide a host of (note 2) post-listing (上市後) services. Porda Havas plans to go public within two years while Wonderful Sky has yet to decide.

In other action, competition between the Hong Kong stock exchange and the Shanghai International Board is heating up (note 3). SAR chain Chow Tai Fook Jewellery has been invited to list on the international board in Shanghai. Owned by billionaire Cheng Yu-tung, it plans to become the first dual-currency - Hong Kong dollar and yuan - listed company on the local bourse (交易所).

Separately, the People's Insurance Company of China Group plans to raise (集資) up to HK$46.8 billion through a Hong Kong IPO. The firm, the parent company of PICC Property & Casualty (2328), has started its international road-show (note 4). Meanwhile, China Shipping Nauticgreen Holdings, a unit of Shanghai-based China Shipping (Group), plans to raise about HK$2 billion by floating 600 million shares.

As for ongoing floats, Sino Harbour Property Group is set to start trading (開始買賣) on Friday. The Jiangxi-based company priced its shares at HK$1.10 apiece - at the lowest end of its range, raising HK$330 million. Its international tranche (國際配售部分) was fully covered, though the retail portion got a cold reception (note 5).

Meanwhile, newly listed Tibet 5100 Water Resources Holdings (1115) said the company's biggest revenue contributor - China Railway Express - will slash its orders (減少訂單) by one-third for three years ending in December, 2013.

From good to better English:

(note 1) PR plays=PR是public relations (公關); PR plays是公關類股票)。Play=飾演,扮演;彈奏,吹樂器,開玩笑。Play football with them=同他們比賽足球。Play the host=作主人。Play along with=參與。

(note 2) a host of=大量。host=主人(opposite to guest), 電視節目主持人。a host country=東道國。play host to=作東,招待客人。a host of troubles=許許多多麻煩。

(note 3) heat up=白熱化。Heat=熱;熱力;熱度;熱量。Victor feels the heat from his boss to produce academic papers= Victor感受到老闆的威逼和壓力去寫學術論文。put the heat on Mo Mo=逼Mo Mo幹活。

(note 4) road-show=新股或其他金融產品上市介紹會。Road show 源自dog and pony show。The term road-show has come to mean an elaborately staged performance, presentation, or event designed to sway or convince people。

(note 5) a cold reception=反應不太理想。out in the cold =沒人理會(neglected)。cold comfort=沒有安慰 (no comfort or consolation at all)。cold feet=沒有膽量嘗試(fear of doing something)。例句: Prof Huang said I should apply for the dean’s job. But I got cold feet=黃教授說我應該申請院長的職位,但我沒有膽量嘗試。

Victor’s View: It is nice to hear that public relations and other types of companies are using Hong Kong’s bourse to raise funds. Such activities can only boost the territory’s image as a world financial center.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

Romance calls for (note 1) fashion king

Columnist, socialite (社交圈名人) and fashionista (note 2) David Tang Wing-cheung says he will try his hand in an area where men usually fear to tread (note 3)- writing a romance novel (愛情小說).

Tang, best known as the founder of the Shanghai Tang fashion chain, regularly contributes an "agony (苦惱) uncle" column to the weekend Financial Times and used to write an English column for a Chinese-language newspaper. "My ambition (野心) and plan is to write a novel - a huge romance and love story - some day," Tang, 56, told The Standard.

He also plans to encourage aspiring writers in Hong Kong to chase their dreams (note 4). Tang will moderate two open forums (公開討論會) at Hong Kong Book Fair later this week. One of the speakers is Nicholas Coleridge, author of 15 books and a vice president of Conde Nast International overseeing (管理) dozens of magazines, including Vogue. He wrote 2,000 words every week and published a novel within a span of (note 5) two years.

"It is possible for those who have got day jobs (有工作) to realize that in fact you can also become authors," he said. "It's not an exclusive (孤高的) profession if you want to write a book." Joining Coleridge at the open forums - "How and What and Why do Writers Write?" - on Friday and Saturday will be critic (文學批評家) and essayist (散文作家) Adrian Anthony Gill, food writer Tom Parker Bowles, son of the Duchess of Cornwall, and historian David Starkey.

Tang said he will make the occasion funny and inspiring (有啟發性). "My aim is to make people laugh as much as possible. Last year there was a lot of laughter, so this year, it will be the same." Last year's event attracted a full hall (滿座) of more than 1,300 participants in the Convention and Exhibition Centre.

From good to better English:

(note 1) call for=召喚。Call a meeting=召集會議。Have nothing to call one's own=什麼也沒有;一無所長。Call a spade a spade=是什麼說什麼,直言。This disease calls for prompt treatment=這病必須急救。

(note 2) fashionista=fashion fanatic in Italian (對時裝入迷的人)。Fanatic=狂熱的,入迷的。

(note 3) fear to tread=不敢踩踏、嘗試。Victor loves to tread in Bob Dylan's steps=Victor愛仿效歌星Bob Dylan。Tread lightly [warily]=小心處理。Bo Bo treads on her boss’s toes= Bo Bo踩痛他老闆的腳趾;比喻得罪老闆。Tread on the heels of =事件接連發生。Tread water=原地踏步。

(note 4) chase their dreams=追尋理想。Chase=追趕,追擊,追隨,追逐。 chase a wild goose=作徒勞的搜索[無益的舉動]。chase away=趕走。cut to the chase=說話轉入正題。

(note 5) within a span of=相隔。the span of Zhao Ziyang’s life =趙紫陽的一生。the span of memory=記憶所及。Chris Patten’s political life spans half a century=彭定康的政治生涯長達半個世紀。

Victor’s View: Similar to what David Tang has in mind (writing a romance novel), I’d love to write a memoir and tell the young people that they must have dreams. Dreams do come true, if you work on them.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 4 books on English-enhancement [the latest, titled <<學會演說、改變你的人生>>, was published on July 18] and plans to write 6 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月8日 星期一

Dog sends census (人口普查) pair packing (note 1)

Two young census officers were injured (受傷) when they panicked (驚慌) and fell down (note 2) a slope after being chased by dogs on Lantau yesterday.

The two, a 21-year-old man surnamed Lee and a 20-year-old woman named Mok, scraped their hands and legs (手腳有瘀傷) and were sent to Mui Wo outpatient clinic. The accident happened at 28 Tung Wan Tau Road near the Methodist Conference Centre at about 3pm.

After interviewing a resident named Leung, the two were walking up (note 3) a 150-meter stretch (一段路程) of stone steps to see another woman, named Lee. But as they approached the house - which has many dogs - one of the animals barked and chased the pair.

They ran but fell down the moss- covered (滿布苔蘚) ramp next to the steps before escaping to the Methodist center.

Lee and Mok, who are from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, are responsible for the Cheung Chau and Mui Wo areas. Another census officer, who asked not to be named, said there is no training for staff on how to protect themselves against (note 4) dogs.

However, they have been told not to confront (對付) dogs. If they sense danger, they are told to flee (note 5) . They are also advised to take along an umbrella and could also ask for an anti-dog device (器具) but they have to apply for it. Lee and Mok had brought anti-dog devices and had been taught how to use them during training sessions that lasted between eight and 16 hours.

A government spokesman said groups of census officers are sent to rural areas (郊區). Once there, they

work in pairs. Yesterday was the second day of the second census phase, which requires officers to conduct face-to-face (面對面) interviews with households that had not submitted questionnaires (問卷) by mail or online.

From good to better English:

(note 1) send someone packing=令人趕快逃跑,又可以解作解雇。A pack=一堆;大量,大堆。Packing=包裝。When Victor told Julian he loved her, it was a pack of lies=當Victor對 Julian說他很愛她的時候,Victor是一片謊言。The car was packed with passengers=車裡擠滿了乘客。

(note 2) fall down=摔倒、失足。The barometer is falling=氣溫正在下降。The curtain falls=幕落。 Night falls=夜色降臨。Fall asleep= 睡著,入睡。 Mo Mo fell ill yesterday and couldn’t come to work= Mo Mo昨天病倒了,不能上班。

(note 3) walk up=走,步行。Walk on air =(因成功)高興得飄飄然。Walk the streets=賣淫。walk of life=職業;身分;階級。

(note 4) protect against=自我保護。Protect=保護,包庇,守護。a protected state=保護國。Protectionism=保護貿易主義。Protectionist=保護貿易主義者。

(note 5) sense danger and flee=感到有危險時馬上逃跑。Flee from=逃避,逃出。flee from temptation=避免誘惑。flee the dangerous place=逃離險地。

Victor’s View: Census workers, most of them students, must take precaution when they visit unfamiliar places. Take care, young folks! You are the pillars of our society.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月7日 星期日

Time models learn to talk the talk

文章總數: 2 篇

1. o靚模學英文  [星島日報] 2011-08-05 E06 專欄 世說名仕 蕭世和
2. Time models learn to talk the talk  [英文虎報] 2011-08-05 P23 City Talk FAME AND FORTUNE Siu Sai-wo
1 .   星島日報

對於新書題材,他最近有一個新的想法,就是寫一本?模為題材的作品,英文書名先定為《Bolsteringpseudo- models'Englishskills》,目標是教?模如何衝出國際。

文章編號: 201108050030277

本內容之版權由相關傳媒機構 / 版權持有人擁有。除非獲得明確授權,否則嚴禁複製、改編、分發或發布本內容。版權持有人保留一切權利。本內容經慧科的電子服務提供。


City Talk
2 .   英文虎報
Siu Sai-wo

Time models learn to talk the talk
Young models have carved out a place in the entertainment news pages and other media with their suggestive outfits.
They have also ensured coverage with ingenious promotion tactics, including a recent public exchange of caustic words among themselves that could well be an act designed to titillate.
The meteoric rise of these nubile langmo seems to be unique to Hong Kong, attracting even people who aren't regular followers of entertainment news.
Among those taking an interest in the phenomenon is Victor Fung Keung, veteran journalist and principal lecturer at Hong Kong Baptist University.
Fung is a prolific writer on issues of public interest. His works in recent years include books such as Enhancing Your English Skills with Editorials, and Improving Your English Skills with Governors' Speeches.
He aims to complete six more before the year ends, with one of the books targeting these langmo, also known as pseudo models.
The working title is ``Bolstering Pseudo Models' English Skills,'' and its purpose is to help them break into the international arena.
As an academic, Fung's line of work doesn't put him in contact with young models, so he went to the recent Book Fair at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre to get one of them to collaborate on the project.
But I heard he failed to find a suitable candidate, as most models had moved to their ``battleground,'' the Ani-Com & Games fair that ended Tuesday.
That models like Chrissie Chau Sau-na, Angelababy and Rainbow are leveraging their careers on their cleavage is nothing new, but enhancing marketability by upgrading their English skills is a rather fresh selling point.
Clearly, Fung is more creative in terms of marketing these young women than their own managers. Siu Sai-wo is chief editor of Sing Tao Daily
文章編號: 201108054480030

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Bank platform (交易平台) bid (note 1) for retail traders

HSBC is set to be the first local lender to launch (開展) its own stock-trading platform (股票交易平台) for retail investors (散戶) - with its StockMax Crossing Service.

StockMax primarily aims (note 2) to offer buyers the best price for stocks traded on the local bourse's main board (交易所主板) and the Growth Enterprise Market. For instance, if a client (客戶) places (note 3) a bid order (買進) at HK$10.16 per share, StockMax will automatically (自動) look for (note 4) a matching order (相配的賣盤) priced at HK$10.16 or below.

If none exist, the order will be routed to (轉往) Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing as usual. "The whole process will happen in milliseconds (note 5), to make sure it does not delay (延遲) our clients' orders," HSBC business development head Eric Fu Wai-man said. But there is no turnaround option (返回的選擇權), Fu noted. That means once the order is redirected to the exchange, it cannot return to the platform even if a matching order surfaces (出現).

The system will help clients save time (省時) and make for more efficient (更有效率) trading, Fu said. No launch date for the platform has yet been announced. However, HSBC has already conducted the necessary simulation tests (note 6), Fu added. The system will be operated by the bank's brokerage arm (經紀行), which will not charge clients any extra commission or fees for its use.

All HSBC brokerage clients are eligible (有資格) to use StockMax. And those who wish to pass (不使用) may exercise an opt-out option (退出) at the bank's branches. Meanwhile, it is hard to gauge (盤算) the direction of the market amid a flood of (note 7) both good and bad news. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has given us hope this week of another round of stimulus (刺激經濟方案).

As for the political wrangling (政治角力) in Washington over increasing the US debt ceiling (外債上限), it is highly unlikely that the United States will ever be downgraded. The largest economy is bound to show growth - possibly artificial - in the runup to the presidential election in November 2012.

From good to better English:

(note 1) bid=吸收。Victor bid Ivy good-night= Victor祝Ivy晚安。 Bid farewell=告別。Bid for= 投標工程。

(note 2) aim=針對、企圖。aim at success=指望成功。aim high= 胸懷大志,有志氣。Aim(名詞)=目的,志向,宗旨。achieve one's aim=達到目的。

(note 3) place=發出指令。Place one's confidence in a friend=信賴朋友。There is no place for you=沒有容納你的餘地。Put yourself in my place=請你設身處地替我想一想。There is always a place for you at our table=請你隨時來吃便飯。

(note 4) look for=尋找。Wing Yan looks sick today= Wing Yan今天顯得有病的樣子。Victor looks very tired= Victor好像很疲倦。look after=照管。

(note 5) milliseconds=毫秒。

(note 6) simulation tests=模擬實驗。simulate death=裝死。

(note 7) a flood of=大量。a flood of anger=怒氣爆發。throw a flood of light on something=充分闡明。

Victor’s View: I am not sure whether this trading platform smacks of a mini stock exchange. If the bank can match orders, does it mean other brokers will have no transaction opportunities with the bank’s clients? The stock exchange needs to clarify its role and the bank’s trading platform.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月4日 星期四

Pugs (哈叭狗) can't fly (note 1)

Cathay Pacific is in the doghouse (note 2) with pet lovers (愛寵物的人) after banning (禁止) snub-nose dogs and flat-faced cats from its flights.

The carrier, which says flying is a health hazard (危害健康) for the animals, brings in (開始) the ban from Monday. But animal rights groups and pet owners raised howls of protest (大聲抗議) at Hong Kong's carrier for "over-reacting" with its blanket ban.

Cathay says snub-nose, short-snout and flat-face animals - dubbed "brachycephalic breeds" - have an increased risk of heat stroke (中暑) and breathing problems when exposed to stress or high temperatures.

Brachycephalic animals include 17 dog breeds - such as pugs, Boston terriers, boxers, chows, bulldogs, mastiffs and shih tzus - as well as Himalayan, Persian and exotic shorthair cats. Cathay's corporate communication manager for media relations, Maria Yu Chi-sum, said the decision was motivated (note 3) by concerns in the industry about the safety of transporting the animals.

"Safety is the No 1 priority (首要考慮) of Cathay Pacific at all times - and that covers the safety of live animals we transport," she said. But the chief veterinary surgeon (獸醫) with the SPCA, Jane Gray, said yesterday: "While I can understand the thought behind their concern, I feel a blanket (note 4) ban regardless of age, gender or general health of animals appears to be a little bit of an over-reaction (反映過敏) on their behalf."

She warned there might be an increased risk of "abandonment, even euthanasia (安樂死)" because of Cathay's new policy. An SPCA spokeswoman said the health risks associated

with flying are not limited to certain breeds. "It's not just a matter of breed but more a matter of the physical condition of the animal," she said. Animals already require strict medical clearance (note 5) to travel on airplanes. Typically, they must have an updated medical history of a week or 10 days to show they are fit for flying.

Cathay Pacific will be joining Singapore Airlines, United Airlines and American Airlines, which have already banned the boarding of snub-nose dogs.

From good to better English:

(note 1) can't fly=不准空運。這標題十分調皮,源自pigs might fly (不可能發生)。例句: Ivan says: I’ll pay you $1000 per piece. Victor responds: Yeah, pigs might fly (Ivan說每篇文章稿費是1000元。Victor說: 你真會說笑。Julian simply flew down the street= Julian沿著大街飛奔而去。Fly a kite =放風箏、 試探輿論。Fly(名詞)=蒼蠅。a fly in the ointment=美中不足(a drawback)。

(note 2) in the doghouse=挨駡;受恥辱(in great disfavor or trouble)。Dog=狗;獵犬、卑鄙的人,無賴、劣質品。A lazy dog=懶傢伙,懶骨頭。A dog in the manger=狗占馬槽、占住自己不能享用的東西又不肯給別人享用的人。

(note 3) motivated=激發。motivate 的同義詞有embolden, encourage, inspire, inspirit。.

(note 4) a blanket ban=全面禁止、一刀切。Blanket=毛毯,絨被。a blanket of snow=一層雪,白雪皚皚。stretch the blanket=誇張。 Mi Mi throws a wet blanket over Victor’s plan to start a language school= Mi Mi使Victor的計畫掃興,潑冷水,使他的銳氣受挫折。

(note 5) strict medical clearance=嚴格的健康檢驗放行證(official certification)。Clearance=清除,掃除,除去。Clearance sale=大減價(a sale, generally at reduced prices, to dispose of old merchandise)。

Victor’s View: The new rule puts many a pet love in a catch-22 situation. If she can’t migrate to Canada with her pet dog, she might be heart-broken. If she insists on taking the dog onboard, she might risk it suffering from heat-stroke.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月3日 星期三

Woman cop feels heat (note 1) for blog snaps (網誌上的照片)

A young woman police constable (女警察) is under investigation (接受調查) for allegedly posting (上載) on her blog photos of herself and several of her colleagues in uniform - and playing with their service revolvers (玩弄手槍).

Hong Kong Police Inspectors' Association chairman Tsang Chiu-fo said the case is under investigation. But if the officer, who is attached to Sham Shui Po police station, is found to be responsible (負責任) she may face disciplinary action (紀律的處分), which could range from a simple warning to dismissal (開除). The 25-year-old who uses the nickname "Ah Egg" in her blog, started training as a cadet in 2007. One photo shows cadets playfully pointing revolvers at colleagues in a room that appears to be an armory (槍房).

Other pictures show her with four other cadets hitching up (note 2) their skirts in a changing room, which some netizens (note 3) described as "uniform temptation (制服誘惑)."

A preliminary inspection suggests the gun was unloaded (退出槍彈) and used for training, Tsang said. If the gun was loaded it could be a criminal offense (刑事罪), he added. Tsang said there are no internal regulations on the use of uniforms when taking or uploading photos. But recruits (新學員) are not encouraged to do so.

"If the photos involve indecent (不雅) poses, this would violate Section 3 of Police (Discipline) Regulations - conduct calculated to bringing the public service into disrepute (note 4)," he said. Junior Police Officers' Association president Wong Ching said a police officer should "maintain a professional image and be disciplined." Wong added: "Hong Kong people hold the police in high regard (note 5). We've been reminding all police cadets to be attentive (注意) to their daily behavior, such as uploading photos to their blogs."

A Xanga blog with a user name of "eggeggtang" allegedly uploaded the photos, according to HKGolden Forum. The blog was shut down (note 6) by its owner yesterday.

From good to better English:

(note 1) feel heat=感受到壓力。Heat=熱;熱力;熱度;熱量。an intense heat=酷熱。a dead heat=不分勝負的賽跑。Co Co put the heat on Victor=Co Co逼使Victor為難。a room heated by stove=用火爐取暖的房間。

(note 2) hitch up=扯起。Hitchhike=搭順風車。Victor hitched a ride back to school=Victor 搭順風車返校。Hitch one's wagon to a star=好高騖遠,野心勃勃。Without a hitch=一帆風順。

(note 3) netizens=網民 (a person who is a frequent or habitual user of the Internet)。Netizen源自citizen (公民,subject,national)。citizen's arrest= 公民有權力逮捕犯罪者。

(note 4) disrepute=聲名狼藉,不體面,丟臉。Mo Mo’s conviction brings her into disrepute=定罪 使Mo Mo聲譽掃地。

(note 5) hold the police in high regard=警隊受人尊重。Give my best regards to Ivy=請代向Ivy問候。hold Victor in low regard=藐視 Victor。in regard to=關於。pay no regard to =不考慮。

(note 6) shut down=關閉。shut the door against Bo Bo=把Bo Bo關在門外(即不讓她加入)。 shut the door on the proposals=對建議根本不理睬。shut a book=合上書。shut one's eyes to=假裝沒有看見。shut one's mouth= 閉嘴,不開口。

Victor’s View: Young people are fun-loving. I won’t be too harsh on the police cadets. However, they should be more discreet in sharing their fun photos on the internet. We all know that once you upload something on the net, a million people will see it.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月2日 星期二

Patient dies in drugs mix-up (攪錯)

Patient dies in drugs mix-up (攪錯)

A 73-year-old woman with congestive (充血的) heart failure (衰竭) died three days after an intern (實習醫生) allegedly (懷疑) gave her five medicines intended for (note 1) another patient, the Prince of Wales Hospital said last night.

A spokeswoman said the house officer who started her one-year internship on July 1 at the Sha Tin Hospital could "perform general duties as a registered doctor including prescribing medicines." The case has been referred to the coroner (驗屍官).

The Hospital Authority has set up (note 2) a separate investigation and the report will be ready in eight weeks' time. The woman was being treated at the medical specialist clinic. She was on medication for heart disease (心臟病) and diabetes (糖尿病) and was admitted to (note 3) the medical ward last Friday because of a reported shortness of breath (氣喘). "Upon admission, the resident doctor prescribed (配給) her with her usual medications plus additional diuretics (利尿的藥物) to relieve her heart failure condition," the spokeswoman said.

On Saturday morning, the doctor on duty discovered that apart from the prescribed medications, five new medicines "not the usual ones taken by the patient" - including anti- hypertensive drugs (Betaloc and Candesartan), coronary vasodilator (Isordil) and diabetes drugs (Diamicron and Metformin) - were also included on her Medication Administration Record Form.

As one dose (一劑) of the additional medications had already been administered to her at 7.30am, medical instructions were immediately adjusted, she said. But her condition deteriorated on Monday due to acute-on-chronic kidney failure(腎衰竭). She died around 5.30pm that day. Initial investigations found that "the house officer may have mistakenly (note 4) transcribed (記錄) the five medications intended for another patient, who was admitted on the same night, onto her medication record form." However, the other patient was said not to be affected.

Society of Hospital Pharmacists vice president William Chui Chun-ming believes the incident is a result of "medicine efficacy (效力) being too strong," resulting in "lowered blood sugar by an excessive level, and leading to kidney failure or even death."

From good to better English:

(note 1) intended for=打算給予。Victor intends to go home=我想回家。Was this intended? Victor asked Lei Lei= Victor 問Lei Lei: 這是故意的嗎?No worries, Jo Jo intends no harm=Jo Jo沒有惡意,你不用擔心。

(note 2) set up=成立、開展。Set eyes on=注視。Dean Fung set sail for Foshan yesterday=Dean Fung昨天開船去佛山。Set fire to=放火。Victor has to set a price for his English-training service= Victor要為提供的服務定價。Set a prisoner free=釋放犯人。His star has set=他的命運完了。

(note 3) admitted to=收入病房。Admit=接受入場、入會、入學、入院、承認。Vic Vic admits that he was wrong in making that assumption=Vic Vic承認他錯了。Bun Bun was admitted to the New York bar in 2010=奔奔在2010年在紐約州取得律師資格。

(note 4) mistakenly=看錯了的、誤解了的,誤會了的。You are mistaken=你弄錯了。 mistaken identity=認錯人。Mistake=錯誤。There is no mistake about it=那是確實無誤的。make a mistake=犯錯誤。

Victor’s View: Intern doctors are in hospitals to learn. It is unfortunate that they sometimes make fatal mistakes. Perhaps from now on they should be supervised by practicing doctors in administering medications.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年8月1日 星期一

Back home to mom

A seven-year-old girl starved (不給食物) and abused (虐待) by her stepmother and whose weight fell to 14.5 kilograms - half the normal weight - has been reunited with her mother.

Her mother, named Lam, pledged (承諾) to take good care of Ying Yu-tung, or Tung Tung, after taking her home to Ma On Shan. "I have a job with a stable income. I would like to thank everyone concerned about [Tung Tung] and I don't need any financial aid (金錢援助) now," she said, adding Tung Tung was at first unfamiliar (不習慣) with the home she left three years ago when her parents divorced.

Her ordeal (苦況) came to light (note 1) after she escaped (逃離) from her father's flat in an upscale (豪華) Guangzhou estate by climbing down from the second-floor balcony and stealing a pack of (note 2) biscuits from a store last Thursday. She was reportedly barred (禁止) from attending school since May and locked (鎖上) on a balcony for two months.

Tung Tung - in a dirty yellow T-shirt - was handed over (note 3) to the Panyu Salvation Management Station, and said she wanted her mother. "I want to stay with my mother. If there is no way to find her, please give me a new father and mother. I don't want the current father and mother," she told mainland media.

The girl said her stepmother sometimes did not give her one meal a day (一頓飯都沒有). "I sleep whenever I feel hungry. [My stepsister] sometimes secretly opens the door. But her mom does not permit her to do so, saying outside was very cold." Lam said she only knew about the abuse from the news broadcasts (新聞報導) and decided to bring her back to Hong Kong.

She broke into tears (note 4) when she met Tung Tung at the temporary shelter in Panyu. She claimed she was banned from seeing her daughter by her 47-year-old ex-husband who is a blasting works (爆破工作) senior engineer in Guangdong.

From good to better English:

(note 1) come to light=曝光。Light=輕、清淡、少量的。As light as a feather=輕如鴻毛。 Light industry=輕工業。Victor’s singing only receives light applause=Victor的歌聲只獲得微弱的掌聲。A light rain=小雨。Light beer=淡啤酒。Light punishment=不重的懲罰。Light reading=輕鬆讀物。A light sleeper=易醒的。The dean sees Victor in a new light=院長用新眼光看待Victor。give the green light=開綠燈。

(note 2) a pack of=一包。a pack of cigarettes= 一包香煙。Wolves hunt in large packs=狼成群覓食。What See Man said was a pack of lies=See Man 講的都是一片謊言。The tram was packed with passengers=電車裡擠滿了乘客。Julian packed clothes into a trunk =Julian把衣服裝箱。We must pack up and get ready to go as the train to Shatin leaves in 10 minutes=我們要把行李弄好準備動身因為去沙田的火車就快啟動了。

(note 3) handed over=送交。The hidden hand=幕後操縱者。An old hand=精通事務的人。My hands are tied=我的權力極其有限。Ivy writes a good hand=Ivy寫得一筆好字。Victor asks for Julian’s hand=Victor向Julian求婚。

(note 4) break into tears=流下淚來。Break=毀壞,弄壞,損壞、違犯,破壞。Break an arm=折斷手臂。Break a vase to pieces=把花瓶打得粉碎。Break the law=違法,犯法。Break a contract=違反合同。Break off an engagement=解除婚約。

Victor’s View: I can’t understand why a young innocent girl should have experienced such an ordeal. People, have a heart please!

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

Euro (歐羅) woes (問題) weigh heavily on (note 1) Asian stocks

Asian stocks slumped (下跌) on growing concerns (note 2) the euro-zone debt crisis (歐元區債務危機) may spread (展延) to Italy and Spain.

A Moody's report warning (警告) investors over corporate governance (公司管治) and accounting in some mainland firms also helped send Chinese firms to a lower level. The Hang Seng Index closed down 3 percent at 21,663.16 - the biggest fall in 14 months - with turnover expanding to HK$80.36 billion. The China Enterprises Index plunged (下瀉) 3.7 percent to 12,032.03.

"A relatively stronger rebound came from an overreaction on Greece's bailout (note 3)," said First Shanghai Securities chief strategist Linus Yip Sheung-chi. "The fact is that problems still remain in Europe." Yip said equity markets will continue to see sell-offs (狂沽) and he expects the gold price to shoot up (note 4) to US$1,630 (HK$12,714) an ounce after moving sideways (不上不下) over the past three months. All Hang Seng constituents (成分股) ended in negative territory (note 5), with financials seeing the worst of it. Heavyweight HSBC (0005) fell 3 percent to HK$74.75.

In China, the Shanghai Composite Index gave up 1.7 percent - the most in four months, to 2,754.58. The yuan also plunged to a two- week low against the US dollar at 6.4722. The Nikkei closed down 1.4 percent, and the Kospi declined 2.2 percent.

Forty-four Hong Kong-listed mainland firms have been given "red flags" (預警) by Moody's Investors Service on concerns about their accounting standards and governance risks. Shares of five of the firms slumped as much as 14 percent yesterday. The ratings agency (評級機構) screened (note 6) a total of 49 mainland firms - with all getting at least one red flag in five categories: weak corporate governance, risky business models, fast-growth strategies, poor earnings quality and audit concerns.

West China Cement (2233) shares closed 14 percent lower at HK$2.43 after being given 12 flags, the most among the screened firms. It fell as much as 26 percent during the day. Winsway Coking Coal (1733), which had 11 red flags, gave up 6.8 percent.

From good to better English:

(note 1) weigh heavily on=重壓。Mo Mo is weighed down with many troubles=Mo Mo被許多麻煩事壓得透不過氣來。Ivy weighs 85 pounds=Ivy體重85磅。weigh on one's mind=使人煩惱,使人心情沈重。

(note 2) growing concerns=越來越使人擔心。Concern=關係到,影響,涉及。concerned for or about=擔心,掛念,憂慮。It doesn't concern me, Victor says=Victor說,那件事和我沒關係。So far as I am concerned=就我個人來說。

(note 3) bailout=Financial assistance(金融援助、幫助擺脫困境。) refuse bail =法官不准保釋。

(note 4) shoot up=狂升。Shoot=射(箭)、開(槍) 、拍攝。Shoot=快講(slang)。shoot down=射落、射倒、駁倒。shoot oneself in the foot=咎由自取,搬起石頭砸自己的腳。

(note 5) ended in negative territory=股價全部下跌。Territory=領土、版圖、勢力範圍。

(note 6) screen=甄別。screen out= 篩去、篩選、選拔。a smoke screen=煙幕。screen time=放映時間。

Victor’s View: I am sure the financial crisis in Europe is just the beginning. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Another financial tsunami is looming. We must remain nimble and try various measures to protect our hard-earned money.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)