
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2012年6月27日 星期三

"Not spending more than you collect.It's astonishing that this simple fact leads to such debates."

V21 Sharp Daily - Hong Kong Version 馮強
2012-06-28 馮強短評

"Not spending more than you collect.It's astonishing that this simple fact leads to such debates."

1."With any of these big media groups, you fall out (1) with them, you watch out (2)."

(Tony Blair)


2.For a long time I've been the expert (3) in violence (4). This film is about love (5)."

(Michael Haneke)


3."Not spending (6) more than you collect (7).It's astonishing (8) that this simple fact leads to (9) such debates."

(Angela Merkel)




(1)fall out = 起糾紛,爭吵。Fall to the ground = 落在地上;(計劃等)落空。The curtain falls = 落幕。Night falls = 夜色降臨。Fall within the jurisdiction of = 屬於……管轄範圍。Fall asleep = 睡着,入睡。Fall ill= 病倒。Fall into step = 進入同步

(2)watch out = 小心。On the watch for = 看守着,監視着,提防着。Watch and say nothing = 靜觀不語

(3)expert = 老手,熟手,內行,專家。A language [linguistic] expert = 語言學專家。An expert accountant = 會計師。An expert botanist = 植物學專家。Expert evidence =【法律】鑒定人的證明,鑒定

(4)violence = 暴力。Resort to violence = 用暴力,動武。Use violence = 用暴力。Violent = 猛烈的,狂暴的。A violent attack = 猛擊,猛攻。Resort to violent means = 用強暴手段

(5)love = 愛。Play for love =(指打牌不是賭錢而只是)打着玩玩。Love at first sight = 一見鍾情

(6)spending = 花費。How much have you spent on books this term, Victor?= Victor,這學期你在買書上用了多少錢?Jo Jo's father is going to spend the winter in New York = Jo Jo的父親將要在紐約過冬

(7)collect = 徵收(稅等),收賬,收款。Collect oneself = 平心靜氣,鎮定一下

(8)astonishing =令人驚訝的。


(9)leads to = 引起。Lead a happy [miserable] life = 過幸福(悲慘)生活。Lead the way = 引路,領路。What lead you to think so = 是甚麼使得你這樣想的呢?All roads lead to Rome = 條條道路通羅馬





2012年6月25日 星期一

Helping with mental health problems on the mainland

HK Opinion
H03 China Daily Hong Kong Edition Victor Fung Keung

Helping with mental health problems on the mainland

The Ministry of Health in early June issued a draft plan, which will require companies with more than 1,000 employees to recruit a psychologist to improve mental health of staff. The ministry is currently collecting feedback on this proposal and others. The draft plan also calls for major hospitals to set up a psychiatry department as the first step to build up a more comprehensive mental health services network across the country.

About 100 million people on the mainland suffer from various kinds of mental illnesses. There are only 20,000 licensed psychiatrists all across China. It is estimated that 70 percent of mental patients do not receive effective, adequate treatment.

Hong Kong can jump to the rescue in this regard. The city has about 300 psychiatrists working in government hospitals (excluding another 60 private practitioners). The total figure roughly equivalent to 0.44 psychiatrists per 10,000 people, compared to the mainland’s 0.00015 per 10,000 residents. Hong Kong also has about 2,000 psychiatric nurses and 100 clinical psychologists working in government hospitals and outpatient clinics alone.

Apart from government and private hospitals, non-governmental organizations such as the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (NLPRA) and Caritas Hong Kong, also offer mental health rehabilitation services. Experts from government and non-governmental organizations can provide services to their counterparts on the mainland.

Hong Kong psychiatrists could hold conferences with their mainland colleagues and train para-medical specialists in areas of psychiatry area. The NGOs in Hong Kong, such as NLPRA, can provide training for mainland medical and psychiatric social workers and administrators. The training could cover such areas as operating rehabilitation services for recovering mental patients.

Money doesn’t seem to be an issue, as the Ministry of Health will ask major cities to provide funds to improve mental health services. The ministry calls the mental health services development on the mainland “an important social issue”.

Among the 100 million people on the mainland who suffer from mental illness, 16 million are afflicted with “severe mental diseases” and the services offered in mainland cities are “far from enough”, according to the Ministry of Health. Serious sicknesses include schizophrenia and dementia. Less severe illnesses include depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

As China’s economy has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, competition for good jobs and pressure to keep private businesses running have increased in tandem. It should surprise nobody that insomnia, anxiety and depression cases have mushroomed (anxiety and depression are less-severe mental illnesses). In a nutshell, life on the mainland for most people has become more stressful as compared to the “good old socialist days” in the 1970s and 1980s.

Hong Kong people and psychiatric professionals are ready to help, as we treat mainland Chinese our blood brothers and sisters. Moreover, such a transfer of knowledge and training will strengthen Hong Kong’s position as China’s window of the world, coming from a place where psychiatric services are relatively advanced.

Mentally speaking, we are healthier than our compatriots on the mainland. According to a University of Hong Kong survey done in May 2012, Hong Kong citizens are “more mentally healthy than people in neighboring countries and cities.” The report said local people have a score of 53.5 on the mental health scale, while their counterparts in neighboring countries and cities register scales between 49.5 and 51.1 (the higher the score, the healthier the people).

The financial tsunami in 2008 and 2009 resulted in the number of mental patients in Hong Kong surging to 155,000 in 2009 from 125,000 in 2005. But there is nothing to be ashamed of. Stress is part of life, which may lead to anxiety and depression for some. In the Hong Kong University survey mentioned above, the top three sources of stress are “heavier workload”, “financial situation worsening” and “health problem of a family member”. These factors, no doubt, also apply to most people on the mainland.

Let us start the ball rolling. Hong Kong psychiatry experts and social workers: let us go to the mainland and offer help!

The author is director of the MA program in international journalism at Hong Kong Baptist University.

2012年6月20日 星期三

Asia finds herself again 亞洲人站起來了


爽報 - 香港版


Asia finds herself again 亞洲人站起來了

Asia finds herself again 亞洲人站起來了

印度總理尼赫魯(Jawaharlal Nehru)1947年4月23日在第一屆亞洲國家會議上發言

  We stand at the end of an era (1) and on the threshold (2) of a new period of history. Asia, after a long period of quiescence (3), has suddenly become important again in world affairs. It was here that civilization began and man started on his unending adventure of life (4). Here the mind of man searched unceasingly for truth and the spirit of man shone out like a beacon which lighted up the whole world. A change is coming over the scene now and Asia is again finding herself. We live in a tremendous age of transition (5) and already the next stage takes shape when Asia takes her rightful place with the other continents.

  In this crisis in world history Asia will necessarily play a vital role (6). The countries of Asia can no longer be used as pawns by others; they are bound to have their own policies in world affairs. The West has driven us into wars and conflicts. There is today conflict in many countries, and all of us in Asia are full of our own troubles (7). Nevertheless, the whole spirit and outlook of Asia are peaceful, and the emergence of Asia in world affairs will be a powerful influence for world peace. .

  All over Asia we are passing through trials and tribulations (8). Let us not be disheartened by this; this is inevitable in an age of mighty transition. There are a new vitality and powerful creative impulses in all the peoples of Asia. The masses are awake and they demand their heritage. Strong winds are blowing (9) all over Asia. Let us not be afraid of them, but rather welcome them for only with their help can we build the new Asia of our dreams. Let us, above all, have faith in the human spirit which Asia has symbolized for those long ages past.



(1) era = 開(劃)新紀元。Era的同義詞有epoch 和period等

(2) threshold = 門檻,開端。Cross the threshold = 跨進門內,過了某階段。On the threshold of = 在……的開頭,就要發生

(3) a long period of quiescence = 長時間的寂靜,沉默。Quiescence的同義詞有serenity和calm等

(4) adventure of life = 探索人生。Adventure a proposal = 大膽提出建議。Adventurer = 冒險家;投機分子

(5) age of transition = 過渡期。A transition period [stage] = 過渡時期(階段)

(6) play a vital role = 扮演重要角色。Perseverance is vital to success = 堅忍是成功的重要條件。Of vital importance = 極重要的

(7) full of our own troubles = 滿是自身問題。Thank you for your trouble = 麻煩您了。In trouble = 為難,窘困;被捕

(8) trials and tribulations = 痛苦。Tribulation的同義詞有suffering:ordeal和misery等

(9) Strong winds are blowing = 風起雲湧。Victor blows too much = 他好吹牛


前印度總理尼赫魯65年前的預言今天實現了。尼赫魯說亞洲人站起來了(Asia finds herself again)。印度和中國都是經濟發展得極快的國家,在世界舞台舉足輕重。



2012年6月14日 星期四

Guangdong can help solve our aging-population problem

Hong Kong’s aging population problem has become acutely severe, but the current administration seems to have procrastinated in taking any initiatives. We must urge incoming Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to take the bull by the horns.

People aged 65 and above will surge 133 percent to 2.1 million in 2030 from today’s 900,000, according to government figures. How can we endeavor to assure that these retirees, who have contributed so much to Hong Kong’s progress, will live decent and happy lives?

The solution lies with neighboring Guangdong province. Mr Leung’s administration will be well advised to work with Guangdong authorities to establish retirement communities in major cities such as Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Shenzhen and Shantou.

Guangdong authorities should allow Hong Kong social welfare agencies and medical practitioners to set up shops there to meet the needs of Hong Kong retirees who choose to live in those robust and easily accessible cities.

Guangdong will also benefit from the arrangement. Hong Kong retirees will need housing and daily supplies, which will indirectly help create jobs in those big Guangdong cities. Philosophically we can treat Guangdong as our backyard, or an extension of the New Territories.

Hong Kong retirees will enjoy a higher living standard in Guangdong than in Hong Kong, because of lower housing expenses and living costs across the Shenzhen River. Currently, they don’t want to uproot their bases in Hong Kong unless two conditions are met. First, the Hong Kong government must change legislation to allow retirees living in Guangdong to claim old-age allowances and other benefits without fulfilling the requirement of residing in the territory for at least 180 days a year.

Secondly, the communities they live in must have medical and social services provided by specialists and social workers from Hong Kong. Also, living alone in retirement communities can be sad and depressing. Services offered by Hong Kong-based social welfare agencies such as Caritas will be much heralded and appreciated.

Critics may argue that the aged can retire in Hong Kong. The reality, however, is cruel. People have to queue for years to find places in government-run homes for the aged. Privately-run homes can be expensive and the quality of services unpredictable. And there are only 700 privately-operated homes for the aged in Hong Kong.

According to the Council of Social Service figures, one-third of the city’s elderly are “poor”. Living in a Guangdong city with old-age allowances paid and medical services provided will ensure these retirees a better life, which should not be denied if all we need to do is have the political will for Leung administration officials to work with their Guangdong counterparts.

The proposal to allow retirees to live in major Guangdong cities will alleviate pressure on Hong Kong’s society. According to official figures, by 2030 Hong Kong’s labor force will total only 3.49 million, which means each employed will have to support another 1.25 non-productive persons. Hong Kong’s low birth rate of 0.9 percent is not expected to increase any time soon. Ask young people these days and many of them would prefer raising a pet dog instead of shouldering the heavy burden of rearing a kid.

The immediate task is for Mr Leung’s incoming administration to sign agreements with its Guangdong counterpart to pave the way for Hong Kong retirees to live in retirement communities to be set up in several big cities in the province; and the Hong Kong government should ask Guangdong authorities for permission to send medical and social welfare experts to provide services in these communities. When our old folks are happy, we would also be happy.

The author is director of the MA program in international journalism at Hong Kong Baptist University.

2012年6月6日 星期三

America's second chance美國的第二次機會

美國副總統Henry Wallace在1941年4月8日於美國外交協會發表演說節錄

THE UNITED STATES now has her second opportunity to make the world safe for democracy. During World War 1, our boys enlisted to save the democracy of Western Europe and the New World from the encroachment (1) by the imperialism of a militaristic (2) Prussia.

When the peace came we refused to accept responsibility for the world we had helped to create. We turned our back on Europe and said we were isolationists (3). During the war, prices, taxes and wages had doubled.

The desire of the American millions for normalcy and for isolation caused our people to refuse to accept the world responsibility (4) which had been brought to them by World War 1. We raised our tariff in 1922 and again in 1930. We learned by hard experience (5) that a creditor nation which cultivates a high-tariff policy and an isolationist psychology is certain to bring disaster on itself (6) and the rest of the world as well.

As we have pondered (7) on the lessons of World War I, our study of the nations has led us to realize that the greatest likelihood of remaining at peace is to make these ruthless, treaty-breaking nations understand that the American people are ready to go to war if their rights are transgressed (8) at any vital point. It is one of the rights of the American people to defend democracy by helping the nations resisting aggression to the limit with planes, ships, munitions, and food.

Properly equipped with a Bill of Duties, the United States can shoulder her responsibility to the world in the peace that is to come. With such a Bill we can help build a Pax Democratica (9) which will bless us and the whole world for a century to come.



(1) encroachment =圍堵政策。Encroach =侵犯;侵略,侵佔;侵害。Encroach on [upon] Julian's right =侵佔他人權利

(2) militaristic =軍事擴張主義,軍國主義者。Military service =兵役。A military adviser =軍事顧問

(3) isolationists =孤立主義者。Isolationism =孤立主義。Fight in isolation =孤軍作戰

(4) refuse to accept the world responsibility =拒絕接受保衞世界的責任

(5) learned by hard experience=從痛苦經驗中學習

(6) bring disaster on itself =為自己帶來災難。Disaster movie =災難電影

(7) ponder =考慮,仔細考慮;沉思,默想

(8) their rights are transgressed =權力被踐踏。Transgress的同義詞有violate the law, challenge, flout和breach等

(9) Pax Democratica =和平和民主的世界。Pax America =(第二次世界大戰後的)美國強權之下的世界和平


美國副總統Henry Wallace在1940年代已提出美國在和平時段要扮演「世界警察」的角色,保障世界和平與實現民主化。當然,美國的行為很多國家都不認同,認為美國在干預他國的內政。你認為呢?


