
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2011年7月28日 星期四

Sweeter life (note 1) for elderly with mortgage start

It really is home sweet home (note 2) for the elderly aged 60 or above under a HKMC reverse mortgage program (掉換房子抵押計畫)。.

They can now get a monthly income (每月有入息) to cope with (應付) the spiraling costs (一路上升) of living expenses while living in the comfort of (note 3) their own home, as long as (只要) it is under 50 years old.

In announcing details, Hong Kong Mortgage Corp chief executive James Lau yesterday set the interest rate at prime (最優惠利率) minus 2.5 percent. That is higher than the prime minus 2.7 percent that HSBC charges for a "normal" mortgage (一般按揭), a premium attributable to (歸咎於) higher risks. Applicants will have to stump up (note 4) for two forms of insurance (買兩種保險).

The first premium (保險金) applies annually between the fourth and the tenth year, with each payment amounting to 0.28 percent of a property's value, or HK$2,800 for a home worth HK$1 million. The second is a monthly premium that comes into force from the very start at an annual rate of 1.25 percent of the outstanding loan amount, or HK$1,000 for an outstanding loan of HK$1 million.

Applicants can opt for (note 5) 10, 15 or 20-year terms or for the rest of their lives (餘生). Payment terms are flexible, but any changes attract a HK$1,000 handling fee. A couple under a 10-year plan can get HK$3,300 to HK$4,600 - depending on their ages - for every HK$1 million of the property's value, after deductions for fees and premiums.

Those taking it to the limit will receive HK$1,800 to HK$2,800. Banks will auction off (note 6) the properties upon their deaths and return any remaining proceeds (剩餘價值) to their families. Applicants will have to go through a counselling service (note 7) with one of 85 chosen lawyers, with each session (每次會面) costing HK$3,000.
From good to better English:

(note 1) Sweeter life=更美好的生活,因為用房子抵押每月可以拿到數千元來消費。Sweet=愉快的,快樂的,暢快的。sweet chatter=sweet patter=花言巧語。have a sweet tooth=愛吃甜品。the sweet and the bitter of life=人生的苦樂。

(note 2) home sweet home= (安樂窩) An environment offering security and happiness。a home away from home= 像在家裡一樣安適和自由的地方。home economics= 家政學。home ground =自己的地盤。home in = 朝向。home page= 主頁。home shopping= 指電視電話郵購或電腦購物。home stretch= 最後階段。Make yourself at home=自在

(note 3) in the comfort of=感到舒服。Comfort=舒適,愉快。cold comfort=聊勝於無的安慰。give comfort to=安慰。

(note 4) stump up=不情願地付出。up a stump=被難住, 陷入困境。 Leung Chun-ying has been on the stump lately= 梁振英最近頻頻做巡迴政治演說。

(note 5) opt for=選擇。opt out=撤退,退出,辭職。

(note 6) auction off=拍賣(sold to the highest bidder)。a public auction=公開拍賣。put up to auction=交付拍賣。

(note 7) counselling service=商議、勸導等服務。Victor takes counsel of his heart, but not of his head=Victor往往感情用事而不理智。

Victor’s View: Reverse mortgage scheme has been around in western countries for a long time. I am glad that finally the Hong Kong Mortgage Corp will offer such service to the aged, who might own a flat but have no cash for daily living. This scheme will guaranteed they’ll have a relatively comfortable life than what they have at present.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月27日 星期三

Take heed (note 1)

The next chief executive (特首) must be "an iconic (note 2) person" who is widely accepted (接受) by the people of Hong Kong, says the Beijing man who oversees (監管) SAR affairs.

In advising on the issue for the first time, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office director Wang Guangya spelled out (note 3) three musts (note 4) for the next leader. "The next chief executive should love the country and Hong Kong," he said in Beijing. "Second, he or she should have a high level of abilities (高度能力) to govern Hong Kong, as a highly developed city, and let the economy thrive (繁榮進步).

"But, of course, he cannot solely (單單) rely on one person but must have a team. "As the chief executive, he or she has to be an iconic figure. Third, I think he or she should be someone who is rather highly accepted in Hong Kong society. The one elected should be widely accepted." Wang made the comments at the start of a meeting with a Hong Kong delegation (代表團) led by Federation of Trade Unions president Cheng Yiu-tong. Speaking after the meeting, Cheng said he believed the situation should become clear (明朗化) soon as the chief executive election draws nearer.

Former Legislative Council president Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai said recently she has started to mull over (考慮) whether to stand in the race (參選) next year to succeed Donald Tsang Yam-kuen.

Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang Ying-yen and Executive Council convener Leung Chun-ying are also widely tipped as potential candidates. Cheng said every "candidate suspected of wanting to enter the race" represents a bloc (note 5). The longer Beijing takes to clear the air means there may be more candidates and a "headache" for Beijing.

From good to better English:

(note 1) Take heed=注意,留心(pay attention to; listen to and consider)。heed a warning=注意到警告。take no heed of=不注意。例句: My daughter Co Co did not heed my advice, and moved to do voluntary work in Africa.
(note 2) iconic=聖像的,偶像般的(a representation)。Icon=偶像,崇拜對象(an idol)。例句: Dean Fung is a pop icon designed and manufactured for the post-1980s generation.
(note 3) spelled out=指示,詳細說明,清楚地說明。a spell of bad luck=一連串的壞運氣。Victor’s failure is likely to spell heavy losses=Victor的失敗可能招致重大的損失。

(note 4) musts=conditions (條件,必須做的事,不可不做的事)。Must=必須。I must work to buy Ivy lunches=我必須工作才有錢請Ivy吃飯。 You must not hack into Victor’s phone=你不可以偷聽Victor的私人電話。

(note 5) a bloc=集團。the Axis bloc=第二次世界大戰中的軸心國集團。例如: the Communist bloc (共產國家集團,a group of nations, parties, or persons united for common action)。Bloc 的同義詞有: cartel, coalition, , faction, party, ring, group.

Victor’s View: Not only the future leader of Hong Kong is an icon and acceptable to people, he must also love Hong Kong and the motherland. That’s pure common sense. I’d suggest that in order to be acceptable to Hong Kong people, the future leader must pledge to uphold the territory’s freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月26日 星期二

“Uncle Four” son set (預備) to invest in Zall mall IPO

Wuhan-based Zall Development has attracted three institutional investors (機構投資者)- including a fund controlled by the son of Henderson Land (0012) chairman Lee Shau-kee - to its HK$1.52 billion initial public offering (招股上市).

A fund (基金) owned by Martin Lee Ka-shing will invest an undisclosed sum (投資額不公開) in the IPO, the first by a mainland wholesale mall (批發商場) in Hong Kong. Zall will start trading on Wednesday after floating (note 1) 525 million share priced at HK$2.89 apiece - the lowest end (最低的訂價) of its indicative range.

Both the international and retail tranches (可供國際投資者和本地散戶認購的股份) have been oversubscribed (超額認購), with the firm attracting HK$50 million in margin financing orders. Zall said it will continue to develop and operate the North Hankou Project in Jiangxi province- its flagship (note 2) project with total site area of 1.5 million square meters, scheduled for completion in 2013.

Meanwhile, British luxury car maker Aston Martin is mulling (考慮) a possible listing on the local bourse to target growth in China, but the Warwickshire- based company has not set any fund raising target. As for mainland firms, mid-size (中型) lender China Everbright Bank is being backed by (支持) several cornerstone (note 3) investors before it formally kicks off (note 4) its IPO, according to Bloomberg. The lender plans to raise (集資) up to US$6 billion (HK$46.8 billion).

Popular restaurant chain South Beauty Co plans to turn to Hong Kong to raise funds after it shelved (note 5) an A-share listing plan last week. The company, which operates more than 60 restaurants across the mainland, may float here as soon as next year. Sun Art Retail Group, the mainland largest hypermarket operator, priced its shares at HK$7.20 apiece - the highest end of its range - due to overwhelming popularity. The shares start trading on Thursday.

From good to better English:

(note 1) float=發行、在股市流通。Float=飄流。Rumors were floating in the office about Victor’s impending resignation (謠言說Victor可能辭職一直在辦公室散佈)。The Hong Kong dollar isn’t floated. It is pegged to the US dollar (港幣不是自由浮動,它跟美元掛釦)。

(note 2) flagship=旗艦。Victor’s flagship language school is situated in Tsim Sha Tsui (Victor的旗艦語言學校位於尖沙嘴)。這句句子的意思是Victor最優良或最重要的一間分店位於尖沙嘴。

(note 3) cornerstone=柱石(an indispensable and fundamental basis)。Press freedom is the cornerstone of Hong Kong’s success (新聞自由是香港成功的基柱)。

(note 4) kick off=(start, 開始) 。kick=申斥、解雇、戒除毒癮。kick the ball back=把球踢回去。Kick oneself=嚴厲自責。I kicked Mo Mo upstairs = 我把Mo Mo踢上樓(即明升暗降)。Kick the bucket =去世。Kick up a fuss=引起騷擾、麻煩。Get a big kick out of =得到極大的快感。

(note 5) shelve=把上市計畫擱置。Dean Fung Supermarket workers stock the shelves after the shop closes at 10pm (Dean Fung超級市場員工待店鋪關門後才把貨物放置架子上)。

Victor’s View: It is heartening to see that so many mainland firms are planning to list in Hong Kong. Once again, we show the world that we can handle sizeable IPOs and other financial deals. As a financial center, let us not become complacent. We must be knowledgeable about all forms of investments and derivatives.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月25日 星期一

New-policy jitters (不穩定) hold sway (note 1) over property market

The property market is being increasingly affected (影響) by the political scenario (政治形勢)- making any forecasts difficult, a top executive at one of Hong Kong's largest non-listed (note 2) developers claims.

"We all know the next government will come into office (上任) in 2012 and they may adopt policies different from current ones. These policies are hard to predict (預測)," Nan Fung Development managing director Donald Choi Wun-hing told The Standard. He also urged the current administration to lay down (note 3) a comprehensive (全面的) policy on land and property management.

On a more positive note (好消息), Choi said despite government measures to cool down (note 4) the sector, demand for luxury homes is rising. "The increasing demand for luxury homes (豪宅) is a reflection of the economic well- being (經濟健康發展) of Hong Kong," he said. "As you can see, a lot of companies have come in for initial public offerings (上市). " Though Choi says forecasts are tough now, he is confident that property prices will continue to outpace (note 5) inflation this year.

Home prices have risen 12.3 percent in the six months since January despite government tightening measures (收緊政策) issued in November and last month. This came as the Consumer Price Index (物價指數) in May rose 5.2 percent from a year ago.

In April, Nan Fung along with Wing Tai Property (0369) successfully bid for (成功投得) a site on Ko Shan Road, Hung Hom, for HK$1.525 billion - the upper end of an estimate. Choi said the firm is now studying bidding possibilities for several plots (地皮). It is believed Nan Fung has submitted a tender for a 2.54-hectare plot in Tung Chung bearing size restrictions that has an estimated value of HK$3.554 billion.

From good to better English:

(note 1) hold sway=動搖、操縱。Branches in Victor’s garden sway in the wind=Victor花園的樹枝在風裏搖晃。Co Co is not swayed by Ivy’s arguments=Co Co不為Ivy的議論所動。

(note 2) non-listed=沒有上市。List=目錄、名單。Mei Mei is in the Hong Kong government’s black list= Mei Mei名列香港政府的黑名單。a shopping list=購物清單。

(note 3) lay down=定下。Lay an ambush=設下埋伏。 Lay a snare=設下陷阱。 Lay mines= 佈雷。 Connie Lam lay the table for breakfast=ConnieLam 擺食具預備開早飯。

(note 4) cool down=冷卻。Cool(形容詞)= 冷淡的,冷酷的,沈著的,冷靜的,天氣很.涼。a cool head=頭腦冷靜。cool as a cucumber=冷靜沈著。Albeit being fired, Bo Bo remained cool= 雖然被裁掉,Bo Bo仍然保持冷靜。cool it=沈著。

(note 5) outpace=追過,發展快過 (To surpass or outdo, as in speed, growth, or performance)。China’s growth always outpaces Hong Kong’s=內地的經濟發展總比香港快。

Victor’s View: My experience is that you will never regret buying an apartment. Despite short term swings, in the long run prices will go up, due to inflation and demand from mainland Chinese who want to migrate to Hong Kong. I had a painful experience. I lost confidence in the market and sold my flat in Taikoo Shing for HK$1 million. Now it’s worth $10 million. I can retire now had I kept that flat. I should start looking……….

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月24日 星期日

Victor Fung at Wolfson College, Cambridge U, June 2011

It brings back a lot of good memories.

Check your arteries, 'healthy' (note 1) urged

If you think you are healthy, it's likely that your arteries are not, say two nonprofit health organizations.

From November until May, cardiovascular health (心血管健康) awareness group CV Alliance and the Primary Care Foundation conducted examinations and a random survey (隨意調查) of 160 individuals aged 18 to 84, of whom 56 percent were women and almost 80 percent over the age of 40.

After testing them for their vascular age and blood pressure, it was found that just over half (超過一半) had arteries older than their actual ages. Arteries typically stiffen (note 2) due to mechanical stress as one ages. However, a prematurely "aged" (老化) artery gains stiffness from poor diet and little exercise, leading to a buildup (note 3) of fat and cholesterol (脂肪和膽固醛), said diabetes and endocrine (內分泌腺) specialist Peter Tong Chun-yip.

As stiff artery walls cannot contract or expand (縮或漲) to accommodate (note 4) blood, Tong said high blood pressure (高血壓) is usually a good indicator of arterial stiffness. Last year, around 10 percent of the population had high blood pressure, according to the Census and Statistics Department. Of the survey participants, around 30 percent had high blood pressure, though it was also shown that more than half were not aware of (note 5) it.

However, simply knowing the problem doesn't mean anything will be done, said Tong, who is also head of clinical (臨床) operations and the business unit at Qualigenics, a program supported by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Chan Hong-yiu, who admitted that he did little exercise (note 6 ), smoked and drank, was in his 30s when signs of arterial stiffness began showing up in a test called Pulse Wave Velocity.

From good to better English:

(note 1) healthy=這裡是healthy people (健康的人)的意思。The rich=the rich people。The poor=the poor people。Healthy(形容詞)= 健康的,健壯的、旺盛的。Sing Tao should publish more healthy reading for the young people=星島應多出版 有益青年的讀物。

(note 2) Arteries stiffen=血管硬化。Stiffen(動詞)=使硬化,使挺,使僵硬。stiffen one's attitude=把態度放強硬。Victor threw the report on the desk, stiffened with fear=Victor把報告扔在書桌上,吃驚極了。

(note 3) buildup=組織, 增強, 組成。例句: There was a buildup of tension during the July 1 march protesting against the Hong Kong government (在7.1遊行那天,緊張氣氛具逐漸增強)。Victor’s new book was given a tremendous buildup in the media (傳媒對Victor的新書給予很正面的報導)。

.(note 4) accommodate=順應,調節、供應。accommodate oneself to circumstances=適應(環境),隨遇而安。

(note 5) aware of=知道,覺得。Ivy becomes aware of Ivan’s absence=Ivy注意到Ivan沒有上班。 Make Bo Bo aware that=提醒Bo Bo注意。

(note 6) little exercise=只有少許運動。Little=小、一點點。There is but little hope that Victor will get a promotion=Victor的升職沒有多少希望。

Victor’s View: It is a wake-up call to learn that half of the adult population’s arteries are “older” than their actual age. The culprit is lack of exercise and poor diet. I believe Hong Kong people eat well but don’t exercise enough. It is time we dusted off our running shoes out and put them on.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月22日 星期五

Jostling (競爭) for position

Jostling (競爭) for position
Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai paraded in the spotlight(曝光) again yesterday as she spoke about being the next chief executive - and then immediately played down (note 1) her qualifications for the job.

Speaking after a public function, Fan said she has still not decided whether to stand (競選) next year, has no timetable and has "certain weaknesses (弱項)." But she did take a swipe (note 2) at another widely tipped candidate, Executive Council convener (行政會議召集人) Leung Chun-yin, saying it is more important to work out how to implement policies (實行政策) than to make pledges (note 3). "It's not difficult to say something the public wants to hear," Fan said. "The key is how to implement it. The public would certainly want to know how I intend to implement my policies. As such I will not comment on them casually (隨意), as I don't have a comprehensive plan yet."

She reiterated (重覆) that she has not yet decided whether to run for the top job (note 4). "I will only make an announcement after I have convinced myself that I can shoulder the burden (note 5). It's a very big responsibility and, before I consider organizing a campaign team (選舉團), I have to be confident that I won't disappoint the public too much. And, as everyone knows, I don't have such a team yet." Fan said she has some weaknesses and needs advice from experts. Meanwhile, Leung has uploaded to his blog (網誌) a transcript of a recent interview in which he said he believes the next chief executive should be "courageous (有勇氣)" and willing to sacrifice and shoulder responsibility.

From good to better English:

(note 1) play down=低調處理。Play football with them=同他們比賽足球。Play the host=作主人。Play along with=參與。Play ball=光明正大地行動。Play fast and loose=玩弄,反覆無常。 Play safe=採取穩妥謹慎的措施。

(note 2) take a swipe at=評擊。swipe =A critical remark(批評)。Swipe card=刷卡

(note 3) make pledges=許下諾言。Make the pledge=戒酒的誓約。Pledge(動詞)= 保證、抵押。under pledge=發了誓。Ivy pledges herself to secrecy=Ivy發誓守秘密。

(note 4) run for the top job=這裡的意思是競選特首一職。Top=頂部、頂端、最高位,首席。at the top of=在最高地位。come out on top=賽贏,比賽得頭名。from top to bottom=從頭到腳,完全。over the top=過度。the top notch of=最好的。

(note 5) shoulder the burden=承擔責任、承擔壓力。Shoulder(名詞)=肩,肩膀。Bo Bo taps upon my shoulder= Bo Bo拍我的肩膀。lay the blame on the right shoulders=指責應負責任的人。 shoulder to shoulder=互相幫助。

Victor’s View: Invariably politics are dirty. I just hope that candidates or potential candidates for the chief executive’s job will show us their real stuff, rather than attacking their potential rivals’ strategies or characters. We want to know our top dog’s strengths and not his/her competitors’ weaknesses. Show us what you’ve got, please?
(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月20日 星期三

Gun-toting (揮動手槍) traffic cop (交通警察) feels heat (感到壓力) after row (爭論)

Gun-toting (揮動手槍) traffic cop (交通警察) feels heat (感到壓力) after row (爭論)

An incident in which a traffic policeman briefly drew his pistol (note 1) during a dispute (爭論) with a couple has sparked (note 2) a heated debate on whose life was actually at risk (note 3) - the cop's or the couple's?

The police yesterday defended the officer's actions, saying that they were within force guidelines (警察內部指引) and that he may have faced grievous (嚴重的) bodily harm after the woman brandished (揮舞) a pair of scissors. However, the couple - driver Cheng, 45, and his wife, To, 37 - had a different take (note 4) on the argument, which was taped by a passerby (路人) and is circulating on the internet.

To is seen screaming at (狂嚎) the cop while her husband explains to police over his phone that an officer pointed a gun at him, adding: "Your colleague is crazy (發狂)." The clip of the incident, which occurred on Performing Arts Avenue in Wan Chai, does not show the officer drawing his gun but he does take out a baton (警棍).

"I was inside the car. How could I assault (傷害) you?" To shouted at the cop. The officer repeatedly told the couple to lie down (伏在地上). Stepping toward the officer, To screamed: "Crazy. Are you crazy?" But she was held back (note 5) by her husband. To continued to shout: "Use your brain (用用你的腦筋)."

Both were arrested for assaulting an officer while To was also accused of possessing an offensive weapon. They were released on bail (擔保候查) and ordered to report
to police in September.

From good to better English:

(note 1) draw pistol=拔出手槍。best the pistol=(賽跑時)偷步。Ivan put a pistol to my head=Ivan 用手槍對準我的頭部加以威脅。Draw a curtain =拉幕。Draw water from a well=從井裏汲水。Ivy dressed up to draw her colleagues’ attention=Ivy穿得很漂亮去 吸引同事注意。

(note 2) sparked a heated debate=引起熱烈討論。Spark=火花。A single spark can start a prairie fire=星星之火可以燎原。There was a wild spark in Victor’s eyes=Victor的兩眼炯炯發光。

(note 3) at risk=有危險。Risk=風險,危險,冒險。at one's own risk=對可能發生的後果自己負責。take risks=冒險。I risk my fortune to start the Dean Fung English College=我 拼著虧光財產去開學校。

(note 4) a different take=不同的版本。拍電影的時候,one take就是一場戲。Take Mo Mo by the nose=捏住Mo Mo的鼻子。

(note 5) hold back=按住。Hold=握住,抓住,夾住。hold a pen=拿鋼筆。Hold the baby in one's arms=抱孩子。

Victor’s View: I tend to believe the police’s version of the story, or the police’s “take”. When the traffic policeman felt that his life was in danger, of course he whould try his best to protect himself. The policeman didn’t stop the couple’s car for no reason, right? Let’s co-operate with the police whenever we can. O.K., folks?

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月19日 星期二

Plain punch call (note 1) in smokes fight

Plain punch call (note 1) in smokes fight

The SAR has won top marks (高度評價) for its anti-tobacco strategy (反吸菸運動) in the latest World Health Organization global report, released last night.

But it still has to lead the way (領導群雄) in Asia for plain cigarette packaging to reduce (note 2) tobacco use and cut its "deadly toll (死亡人數)," the UN health agency said. Hong Kong was a pioneer (先鋒) in graphic health warnings, which were introduced in 2006 - a year after the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was ratified (通過) by more than 170 nations.

The third WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic or MPOWER3 - a report card on how countries implement the convention - was released in Montevideo, Uruguay.

MPOWER refers to six measures: "Monitor tobacco use, protect people from (note 3) tobacco smoke, offer help to quit tobacco use, warn about the dangers of tobacco, enforce bans on tobacco advertisement, promotion and sponsorship, and raise taxes."

WHO Tobacco Free Initiative director Douglas Bettcher said that, since the last report in 2009, "the big picture is unchanged (總形勢沒有改變)." "Having killed 100 million people during the 20th century, the [tobacco] epidemic (病原) could kill up to 1 billion during the 21st," he said.

Statistics for Hong Kong are issued together with those for China, as the territory is not a UN member-state (會員國). But the WHO Western Pacific Region said data show that Hong Kong has the lowest prevalence rates (note 4) for smoking in the region.

Its male smoking prevalence of 20.8 percent compares favorably for instance to the mainland, where the figure is 52.9 percent. With tobacco duty hikes (note 5), the cost of cigarettes has increased to HK$50, which is comparable to Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. In the Western Pacific, the only places that carry graphic health warnings on packets are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, New Zealand, Malaysia, Mongolia and Singapore.

From good to better English:

(note 1) punch call=強力呼籲。put more punch into=加強。Punch=用拳頭打,毆打。There was not much punch in Donald Tsang’s remarks=特首的話沒啥力量。Fruit punch=多味果汁飲料。Call=召集、號召。Call a meeting 召集會議。

(note 2) reduce tobacco use=減少吸菸人數。Reduce=減輕,縮短。reduce production=減少生產。 at a reduced price=廉價。

(note 3) protect people from=保護市民。Protect=包庇,守護。protect youngsters from danger=保護青少年免遭危險。Trade protectionism=help (domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods (貿易保護主義)。 (note 4) prevalence rates=吸煙人數比率。Prevalence(名詞)=流行,盛行,普遍。Prevalent(形容詞)=盛行,(同義詞有current, predominant, prevailing, rife, widespread)。

(note 5) duty hikes=加稅。Hike=長途徒步旅行(go on a hike)。a pay hike plan=加薪方案。

Victor’s View: I strongly urge the government and legislators to do more to protect our citizens from “passive smoking”. Prevention is always better than cure. When fewer people contract lung cancer, it actually will save the government money in health care expenditure. When we wait for a bus at a bus stop, we’d inhale cigarette smoke that a smoker exhales. There is no escape. Why should we be forced to “second-hand smoke”? Where are our rights?

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月18日 星期一

Cover of Dean Fung's new book, published on July 18

Sun Art lives up to (note 1) hype (大肆宣傳) as it checks out $34b orders

Sun Art lives up to (note 1) hype (大肆宣傳) as it checks out $34b orders
China's largest hypermarket (巨型超級市場) operator, Sun Art Retail Group, froze (凍結資金) HK$34 billion in margin orders (note 2), making it this year's second "most popular" initial public offering (note 3) after Milan Station (1150).

Milan Station, a retailer of second- hand high-end (二手高檔) fashion bags and accessories (附屬品、小配件), managed to freeze HK$59.1 billion in margin orders during its IPO in May. Sun Art's retail book was 41 times oversubscribed (41倍超額認購). The company will announce its final price today and start trading a week from today.

In other action, Singapore-based property developer Ascendas Group will list in Hong Kong via a yuan-denominated (用人民幣買賣) real estate investment trust (note 4).

The company plans to raise (集資) up to US$400 million (HK$3.12 billion) through a REIT comprising three prime commercial properties in Shanghai. Ascendas Group has already listed two REITs in Singapore.

As for mainland listing candidates, two firms have priced (定價) their shares near the bottom of their respective indicative ranges. Infant-care products maker Frog Prince's shares have been priced at HK$2.60 apiece. The company froze HK$3 billion through margin orders, chalking up (note 5) a 25 times oversubscription for its retail book. It will make its debut (首日買賣) on the same day as Sun Art.

Solar-panel (太陽能板) producer Shunfeng Photovoltaic is likely to price its shares at HK$1.11 apiece, close to HK$1.09 - the bottom of its range. The firm is set to debut on Wednesday. In other action, 1010 Printing Group and Winox Holdings attracted HK$1.2 million and HK$400,000 in margin orders respectively, far short of (低於) their targets of HK$11 million and HK$36 million.
From good to better English:

(note 1) live up to=實現。live and let live = 和平共存的。live for= 盼望。 live in fear= 在恐懼中生存。live together=共同生活、 同居

(note 2) margin orders=貸款買賣(例如: 投資者拿出10%資金,向經紀或銀行貸款90%,廣東話叫[炒碼餞]。) the narrow margin of profit=微利。

(note 3) initial public offering=IPO(初次公開招股集資)。Initial=最初的、開始的。the initial stage=初期,開始階段。Initials=姓名中的大寫字母如 Irene Elizabeth So 中的I.E.。

(note 4) real estate investment trust=簡寫是REIT(地產基金),即是把一些地產項目估值後再分成若干股,這些股份可以在股票市場買賣。

(note 5) chalk up=達到。Not to make chalk of one and cheese of the other=公平待遇,一視同仁。Ivy’s English proficiency is by a long chalk compared to Victor’s=Ivy的英文比Victor的強得多,好得多。

Victor’s View: It is good to hear that many mainland and foreign companies are listing in Hong Kong. That has strengthened our status as China’s financial center. Investors, however, must keep a clear head and not resort to herd instinct when it comes to apply for IPOs and buy stocks.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月17日 星期日

Li gives out $36m to community projects

Li gives out $36m to community projects

More than 50 nongovernmental organizations (非政府機構) and schools - including the Hong Kong Association of the Deaf, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and St James' Settlement - were among 250 community projects (社區項目) to receive more than HK$36 million yesterday.

A total of HK$34 million from the Li Ka Shing Foundation was awarded to 230 projects, while foundation chairman Li Ka-shing handed out (note 1) an extra grant of HK$2.3 million to 20 other ventures.

The projects cover (note 2) a wide spectrum (note 3) of community services, from medical care for diabetics and renal patients, to social services for single parents and ethnic minorities under the foundation's "Love Ideas, Love HK" program which was established last year.

One of the projects to benefit this year is the Asbury Methodist Social Service's "Dancing to a Colorful Life," which got a one-off grant of HK$300,000.

The organization's youth service manager Josephine Chun Yuk-yu said the project aims to (希望做到) help marginal youngsters (邊緣青年) build up (note 4) self- esteem (自我形象) through dancing. Chun said the project began last year and the grant will be used to recruit more dancing instructors and social workers, and hire more venues (場地).

She said that after talking with teenagers, they found that many of them were interested in (note 5) music and dancing. "We want to attract them to our center to learn dancing instead of wandering about (遊蕩) the streets," she said.

The Li Ka Shing Foundation was set up in 1980 and has given out more than HK$12.5 billion in charitable donations (慈善捐款). Last year about HK$28 million was given in grants to 181 projects.

From good to better English:

(note 1) hand out=give out(捐出)。The hidden hand=看不見的勢力,幕後操縱者。Victor told Mo Mo: I can’t give you a promotion. My hands are tied=Victor 告訴Mo Mo: 我的權力極其有限, 不能升你職。Bite the hand that feeds one=忘恩負義。

(note 2) cover=覆蓋、涵蓋。Bi Bi’s studies covered a wide field=Bi Bi的研究涉及廣大範圍。cover up =包庇某人。I read Ivy’s new book from cover to cover=我從頭到尾看完Ivy的新書。

(note 3) a wide spectrum=範圍很廣。a wide difference= 巨大的差異。wide distribution=分佈寬廣。Ivan is wide awake=Ivan很精明。 far and wide=普遍。have one's eyes wide open=機警。

(note 4) build up=建立。Build a fire=生火。Sally Aw had built a media empire=Sally Aw曾經 創立報業帝國。Jo Jo is very well built=Jo Jo體魄健壯。

(note 5) interested in=對事情有興趣。the interested parties=有關的當事人。interested witness=偏心的證人。Interesting=有趣的。An interesting conversation=有趣味的談話。

Victor’s View: I strongly encourage rich and famous people in Hong Kong to set up foundations and provide funding for young people to launch creative projects and programs that will benefit the underprivileged. Young people have dreams and they need seed money to fulfill their dreams. Please help!

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月14日 星期四

Summer study tours prove to be hot tickets (note 1)

Tour operators (旅行社) are looking forward to a profitable (營利豐富的) summer with demand for educational and travel trips up by 60 to 70 percent despite a 20 percent rise in fares.

They say the improved economy has led to a clamor (note 2) by parents for study tours, with Jetour reporting it is fully booked (滿額) for a 16-day trip to Switzerland that costs HK$30,000 per head. Hong Thai Travel Services said it has been working with (note 3) secondary schools to provide tailor-made (鍍身訂做) study tours that have seen the number of participants rising by 60 to 70 percent.

"The destinations (目的地) and programs are specially designed (鍍身訂做) for different schools," corporate communications manager Cherie Fong Wai-yee said.

"For instance, if the students are interested in music, they may prefer to visit Vienna."

Fong said the agency has arranged 30 tours this summer with about 30 to 40 students in each group. But some agencies said they are limiting numbers to maintain tour quality (note 4). "We are only conducting seven to eight tours this summer, the same as last year, with 20 students in each," Jetour overseas education services executive Wong Wai-yan said.

The tours mainly cater to (迎合) students aged 12 to 15 with each having a particular theme (主題). The cheapest is a HK$12,000, eight-day tour to Sabah that will concentrate on environment conservation (保育) and outdoor activities. "Parents want their children to be exposed to (開放自己) other cultures so as to raise their competitiveness (增強競爭力)," Maxway Education director Janice Yao Mung-lok said.

EGL Tours is arranging three packages with 100 students in each group to the Whampoa Youth Military Training School in Shenzhen. The tour costs about HK$1,000.

From good to better English:

(note 1) hot tickets=搶手貨。Ivy is a hot ticket=Ivy極度受歡迎。hot air = 吹牛。hot line= 熱線。hot potato= 棘手的問題。hot seat=尷尬處境。 hot spot= 麻煩地點。hot spring= 溫泉。hot under the collar=心煩意亂。in hot water= 陷入困境。

(note 2) clamor for=熱烘烘地追求。Victor Fung’s speech was clamored down by protesting students=學生吵得使Victor的演講說不下去〔把演講者轟下臺〕。

(note 3) work with=合作。Work=工作。All work and no play makes Jack (or Victor) a dull boy=整天工作不玩耍,Victor變成大呆瓜。Selected Works of Dean Fung 《Dean Fung選集》。Out of work=失業。Work hand in glove with= 與人狼狽為奸。

(note 4) maintain quality=保持質素。Maintain=維持、維修、強調。maintain discipline=維持紀律。 maintain peace and order=維持治安。 Mo Mo maintains her ground against slave trade=Mo Mo 對反對奴棣買賣堅持自己立場。

Victor’s View: I strongly encourage parents to send their children to summer camps learning English or other languages. Children will learn independent living abroad and start to appreciate how lucky they are with parents taking care of them, in addition to strengthening their language abilities.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月13日 星期三

Give and take (note 1) from HSBC

HSBC will raise its HIBOR-based (note 2) mortgage rates (樓宇按揭息率) for the fourth time this year, but trim (減) its prime rates (最優惠利率) for the first time, to draw (吸引) more clients to the latter.

The new rates are effective today. Customers of the largest mortgage lender will get HIBOR plus 1.8-2.3 percent instead of HIBOR plus 1.5-2 percent. Or they can opt for (note 3) prime minus 2.7 percent, a deeper cut from the old rate of prime minus 1-1.5 percent. Hang Seng Bank (0011), Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia (0023) said they are sticking to (維持) their rates for now. Bank of China (Hong Kong) (2388) said it is monitoring (注視) the situation closely.

With the one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate at 0.2 percent, the new HIBOR-based rate would range from 2-2.5 percent. And with the prime rate standing at 5 percent, it is 2.3 percent for those opting for the alternative.

"The other banks are definitely going to follow HSBC's move (緊跟匯豐的決定)," said Centaline Mortgage Broker managing director Ivy Wong Mei-fung said. "The gap between the two mortgage plans has narrowed (收窄, note 4). Some home owners - especially long term borrowers - may shift to the prime-based plans."

An owner of a HK$2 million property who has taken a 70 percent HIBOR- based mortgage over 20 years will have to pay HK$7,082.37 to HK$7,418.65 per month, as compared to HK$6,885.18 to HK$7,215.74 previously. The alternative is HK$7,283 per month for prime-based mortgages.

The give and take from HSBC comes as latest official figures show there were 70,342 sale and purchase agreements (買賣合約) in the first half, 17.7 percent less than the second half of last year. The value of the deals was HK$370.1 billion, down 2 percent from the second half of last year.

From good to better English:

(note 1) give and take=The practice of compromise (妥協)。例句: Every apartment sale-and-purchase contract involves some give and take(樓宇買賣在妥協下才能簽約)。另一解釋是熱烈討論(Lively exchange of ideas or conversation)。例句: "The raucous give and take of Legislative Council sessions is known to all (立法會內的熱烈討論經常出現)。

(note 2) HIBOR=Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (銀行同業拆息), 即銀行間互相借貸的利息。

(note 3) opt for=選擇(choose, select)。opt out=退出。例句: The Hong Kong government gives individual schools the right to opt out of the funding formula and opt for direct subsidy instead (學校可以退出政府資助計畫以直資代替)。
(note 4) narrow (形容詞)= 窄。Narrow (動詞)= 收窄、限制。Victor has a narrow circle of friends=Victor 交際不廣。a narrow mind =小心眼,小氣量。have a narrow escape =九死一生。

Victor’s View: With inflation easily climbing to 7% in Hong Kong in the second half, I think it’s wise for home buyers to choose prime rate-based mortgage deals. If you choose HIBOR-based rates, your mortgage payments could go sky high when interbank rates surge in response to rising inflation. My two cents.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

Joy and pain mix as students find schools

For some parents it was tears of joy (note 1) - for others, sadness - after it was revealed just over half the 56,000 Primary Six students had been allocated (分派) secondary schools of their first choice - the lowest level in five years.

Parents of those who missed out (note 2) blamed the Education Bureau's class- cutting scheme (減班計畫) that forced schools with five Secondary One classes to drop one class. A total of 56,490 students joined in the Secondary School Places Allocation System this year, with 84 percent getting one of their first three choices - five percentage points (百分點) lower than last year.

Only 52 percent were allocated their first choices, nine points lower than in 2010, and the lowest in five years. Students must report to (note 3) their allocated schools tomorrow or Friday, failing which it will be assumed they are giving up (放棄, note 4) their spots (位置). Some parents took their children to elite (名校) or direct subsidy (直資) schools where places were still available yesterday.

Government secondary school King's College said it received several walk-in (沒有預約的) applicants by noon. At Tai Kok Tsui's Fresh Fish Traders' School, basketball player Chan Fei-yeung said the elite Diocesan Boys' School had invited him for a written test and was willing to grant (給予) him a scholarship for outstanding sports performance. But Chan said he prefers to study in his allocated school, ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School, which was his first choice (第一選擇).

From good to better English:

(note 1) tears of joy=快樂的眼淚。tears of sadness=傷心的眼淚。in tears=流著淚。move Ivy to tears=使Ivy感動得流淚 。tear (動詞)= 撕開,撕裂。The Hong Kong Police tear down posters calling for Stephen Lam’s resignation=警察把要求Stephen Lam下台的招貼畫 扯下。Tear a leaf from a calendar=從日曆牌上撕下一頁。Ivan was torn between two choices=Ivan難做取捨。

(note 2) miss out=沒拿到。miss an opportunity=失去機會。Yesterday Gandolf missed the train to Shatin= Gandolf昨天沒趕上往沙田的火車。I shall miss you very much, Jo Jo tells Bo Bo=Jo Jo 告訴 Bo Bo: 你不在我就寂寞了。miss one's step=失腳。It's hit or miss=孤注一擲。

(note 3) report to=報到。It is reported that Victor will run for the chief executive’s job next year=據說Victor會競選明年的特首選舉。report for duty=到上班的地方報到。have a good report=成績好

(note 4) give up=放棄。Mo Mo was given the title of professor=Mo Mo被授予教授稱號。Give an account of=說明。Ming Ming gives her life to study= Ming Ming為學問而獻身。

Victor’s View: Life isn’t always plain sailing. Primary 6 children are learning this the hard way, with half of them being unable to go to the high school of their choice. Well, it doesn’t mean that their fates are sealed. With hard work and persistence, many students in second-class high schools do eventually outshine those who study in top schools.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月11日 星期一

Inflation-tamer iBond set to roll

Investing in the inflation- linked bond (與通脹掛扣) could help hedge against (note 1) the rising cost of living, the government claims.

The iBond is HK$10,000 per lot (一手), with the yield (回報, note 2) being the average inflation rate over the previous six months. Average inflation rate between December and May was 4.1 percent. But the Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy at the University of Hong Kong predicts it may hit 7 percent in the second half of 2011.

Institute executive director Alan Siu Kai-fat said the sale size (發行數量) - up to HK$10 billion in iBonds will be issued - is too small, and not many people can benefit. There is no cap (上限) for the yield, but a minimum return (最低回報率) is set at 1 percent. Interest will be distributed every six months, and the yield rate will be determined 10 business days earlier.

"We aim to assign (note 3) each subscriber at least one lot," Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Ceajer Chan Ka-keung said yesterday.

All adult Hong Kong residents with valid ID cards are eligible to subscribe. Starting next Monday, more than 1,000 branches of the 20 placing banks will receive applications, which can also be made through brokerages or Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company.

Investment account holders can subscribe by internet or telephone banking. Multiple applications (重複申請) will be rejected (不受理). HKSCC has set a brokerage fee at 0.15 percent - or HK$15 per lot - while brokerages can determine freely. Some banks, including HSBC, Bank of China (Hong Kong) (2388), Bank of Communications (Hong Kong), Bank of East Asia (0023) and Citibank will waive (note 4) all subscription and holding fees (認購和寄倉費) for the bond, while CITIC Bank International will not charge any holding fees.

From good to better English:

(note 1)hedge against= 防範。Hedge a question=對問題避不作答。hedge one's bets= 賭博或投資中兩面下注以免全部虧損

(note 2) yield(名詞)=回報。Yield(動詞)= 產生, 放棄。Ci Ci’s land yields heavy crops=Ci Ci塊地的產量非常高。Yield to persuasion=在勸說下失去抵抗力、讓步。

(note 3) assign=分配、配售。They assigned Victor a small room=他們分給我一個小房間。detectives assigned to the case=負責偵查該案的刑警。

(note 4) waive=省免、推遲考慮、放棄。例句: The ban on short selling in Hong Kong had long since been waived (當局很早已放棄禁止沽空活動)。Cambridge University has waived Victor’s tuition fees (劍橋大學免除Victor的學費)。

Victor’s View: Given there are about 3 million adults in Hong Kong, the size of the offered inflation-linked bonds (i-bonds) seems too small as each applicant can invest roughly $30,000. There is little risk in issuing bonds. Perhaps the government will consider doubling or trebling the sale size.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月10日 星期日

Chow backs (支持) keeping sick (患病者) away from (note 1) fit (健康的人) in scheme

High-risk (高危) elderly and chronically ill (長期病患者) people will either have to buy a second insurance or the government will pitch in (note 2) through a reinsurance policy under the proposed Health Protection Scheme.

Secretary for Food and Health York Chow Yat-ngok said it will be "fairer" to separate the high-risk pool of patients from the healthy pool of subscribers, amid worries that the healthy will be heavily subsidizing the sick. The final blueprint (藍圖) of the proposed government-regulated scheme based on last year's second-stage public consultation exercise will be announced at the Legislative Council's panel on health services meeting on Monday, a source said.

The government unveiled (公布) the reform in October during which it revealed its plans to draw HK$50 billion from reserves to subsidize the high-risk pool of elderly and patients with pre-existing (已處在的,note 3) conditions. Just 4percent of those aged over 65 have insurance cover at present.

But concerns have been raised that the scheme requires "normal healthy individuals" to share the risk and cost for the high-risk pool of patients to make it sustainable (可以持續的). Chow said it would be fairer (較為公平) if the healthy who plan to insure do not have to share part of their premiums (保費) to subsidize (補助) chronically ill patients.

Instead, those with long-term illnesses will most probably have to further insure themselves with a second policy (第二份保單) or a "reinsurance" (再保險) would be adopted by the government to handle over-budget (超資) circumstances in the high-risk pool.

Chow said this while visiting the Sheng Kung Hei Kindergarten in Central to help promote hygiene in preventing the spread of scarlet fever (猩紅熱), which had sickened (note 4) 737 people by noon yesterday.

From good to better English:

(note 1) keep away from=隔離。Keep=履行、保持、挽留。Victor told Jo: You may keep the magazine as your own=Victor告訴Jo: 你把那本雜誌留下來,不必還啦。Keep a promise=守約。Poon Poon has a wife and family to keep=Poon Poon要養家。

(note 2) pitch in=幫忙。Pitch=抛。a pitched battle=激戰。a high [low] pitch sound=高[低]音。The voices rose to a deafening pitch=聲音大得震耳欲聾。Victor made a pitch for the dean’s job=Victor 試圖報考院長那份工。

(note 3) pre-existing= 已存在。Pre-=prior to,例如: prehistoric=史前。Pre-=In advance,例如: prepay=預先繳款

(note 4) sicken(動詞)=令人生病。Sick=生病。Sicken也可以解做使人噁心或厭倦=disgusted。例句: I was sickened by Mo Mo’s shoe-shining behavior (Mo Mo討好上司的手段令我感到噁心)。

Victor’s View: A comprehensive health insurance scheme should benefit all, particularly those elderly and chronically-ill who shouldn’t be asked to buy an extra policy. The government and healthy citizens should chip in to help the needy.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月7日 星期四

Cops in row on intern arrest

Cops in row on intern arrest

The Hong Kong Journalists Association said police violated (違反) their own rules when they arrested a television intern (實習生) as police broke up (note 1) crowds during the July 1 march.

An intern from New Tang Dynasty Television was held (拘禁) at Friday's march when she was allegedly unable to show her press ID. She was held overnight and released on police bail. Association chairwoman Mak Yin-ting said that although the intern, who was covering (報導) the protests, did not have a press ID at the time, the station later supplied supporting documents.

"I can't see (note 2) the reason for the arrest. We understand that journalists don't have the privilege (特權) in doing whatever they want to do," Mak said.

"But according to police general procedures, cameramen and photographers have to be given a vantage position (note 3) to cover events."So barring the reporter violates not just freedom of the press (新聞自由) but also their own internal guidelines (內部指引)."

Police arrested 231 people and used pepper spray (糊椒噴霧) to disperse (驅散) demonstrators after the march. Headquartered in New York City, New Tang Dynasty Television was founded in 2001.

A police spokeswoman said last night all those arrested were protesters who were sitting and unwilling to leave. "One of the arrested persons claimed herself to be a reporter. All the protesters, including this person, have been released. The police respect the public's freedom of speech and assembly and also press freedom. We arrested them for obstruction in a public area and unlawful assembly (非法集會)."

Mak was speaking as she unveiled (公布) the HKJA's annual report for 2011 entitled "Two Systems Compromised: Free Expression Under Threat (note 4) in Hong Kong."

From good to better English:

(note 1) break up=驅散。Break=弄壞。Break a promise=違反諾言,食言。Break the law 違法,犯法。Break ground=破土(動工) 。Break all track records=打破徑賽的記錄。Victor’s health broke after years of hardship=多年的困苦生活使Victor的身體垮了。

(note 2) I can’t see=I don’t understand (我不明白)。I see you=我明白你的意思。 Well, I'll see what I can do (Jo Jo told her students)= 好吧,我想想辦法看 (Jo Jo告訴他的學生)。have seen better days=曾經過過好日子

(note 3) a vantage position=一個有利的位置。Vantage=優勢。vantage ground= 優越地位。vantage point=有利位置

(note 4) under threat=受到威脅。under a tree=在樹下。 Victor studied at Cambridge University under Dr. Joseph Chan=在劍橋念書時Victor在陳文博士指導下做研究。under medical treatment=在治療中。under the mask of friendship=借友誼為名。The ship went under=船下沈了。
Victor’s View: Summer newspaper, TV and radio interns usually don’t possess press ID cards. That has been in practice for years. The police should treat interns as full-time journalists so that students can learn to become responsible reporters.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月6日 星期三

Party lines form on polls

The government's proposed replacement mechanism (替補機制) to fill Legislative Council vacancies has left lawmakers divided (分歧) ahead of the July 13 vote, with several calling for (note 1) the bill to be deferred (延遲推出).

Pan-democrats (泛民主派) want the proposal to be scrapped (取消) totally while the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (民建聯) insists that it go ahead (note 2). Democratic Party vice chairwoman Emily Lau Wai-hing urged that the bill be withdrawn (收回) as "it is senseless just to delay the voting."

The Civic Party's Audrey Eu Yuet- mee agreed, adding: "A public consultation (公開諮詢) should be conducted first." Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, former security secretary who was in charge of the controversial (具爭議性的) Article 23 legislation, said her New People's Party will meet on Wednesday to decide on how to vote. "The problem is the government is pushing forward (note 3) the bill without improving it," Ip said. "It is worse than 2003 since it lacks consultation."

She said Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam Sui- lung is fighting a lone war (note 4), as she did eight years ago, without support from top officials or the Executive Council.

Ip believes it is possible to postpone the vote and conduct a proper consultation during the summer. Tourism legislator Paul Tse Wai- chun called for a three-month consultation with legal professionals on the panel, failing which (note 5) he will vote against. But DAB chairman Tam Yiu-chung said any delay would affect the district council polls, nominations for which
are due in September. The Liberal Party, whose former chair James Tien Pei-chun forced the shelving of Article 23 legislation by quitting Exco in 2003, says it has an amendment that may save the proposal.

From good to better English:
(note 1) call for=呼籲、要求。Call a meeting=召集會議。Call a spade a spade=是什麼說什麼,直言。Call heaven to witness=指天發誓。Olivia calls Mo Mo names=Olivia咒駡Mo Mo。

(note 2) go ahead=繼續進行。Victor’s business may go any day=Victor的生意隨時可能倒閉。Go hungry=挨餓。Ivy forgets how the song “Catch the wind” goes = Ivy忘記 “Catch the wind”這首歌是怎樣唱的。

(note 3) push forward=推行、催促。Fung Keung never pushes drugs to his students=馮強從不向學生販賣毒品。Get the push =被解雇。

(note 4) fight a lone war =孤軍作戰。A war criminal=戰犯。A prisoner of war=戰俘。The war of the pen=筆戰。A war of words =舌戰。 A war of annihilation=殲滅戰。A war of attrition=消耗戰。 A war of propaganda=宣傳戰。

(note 5) failing which=如果這件事沒有發生。Long Man never fails to write me every week=倫文永不忘記每周給我寫信。I fail to see=我弄不懂。

Victor’s View: Any government legislation that affects all citizens’ rights should have a proper consultation. That seems common sense. Why the hurry? It’s childish to show Hong Kong people who the boss is. It is time we appealed to reason and rationality.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

Fung Keung says: 學會演說 改變你的人生 , AM730 story

學會演說 改變你的人生

學會演說 改變你的人生

If a mediocre(平庸的) person like me could become deputy chief editor(副總編輯) of the South China Morning Post, so can you. All we need is faith(信心) and hard work(勤力鍛鍊自己)。



林肯總統在葛底斯堡的演說 1863年11月19日Abraham Lincoln--Title: “The Gettysburg address”, Nov 19, 1863

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honoured dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion-that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
這是一篇persuasive-inspirational(說服和啟發性)演說。講詞的結構很簡單,導言(introduction)指出林肯訴諸獨立宣言所支持的凡人都生而平等(men are created equal)之原則,開宗明義表明立場。主體(body)當然是強調烈士犧牲是為了自由而戰。這場內戰不只是為聯邦生存而奮鬥,而是為了「自由之新生」,將真正平等帶給全體美國公民,不分南北。烈士的犧牲將確保美國民有、民治、民享的政制繼續發揚光大(Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth)。在結束語(conclusion)上,林肯總統呼籲民眾繼續為解放黑奴、為自由而戰,令犧牲的勇士的血不會白流(We take increased devotion to that cause...so that these dead shall not have died in vain)。
林肯的演講修辭細膩周密,他用排比句法(parallel structure)去加強語氣,例如 But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground。在演說的用詞中,我們有分denotative language(直接和客觀的詞或句子)和connotative language(主觀的、充滿感情的詞或句子)兩種。林肯總統的講詞是充滿了connotative language的,比較容易引起聽眾的共鳴,例如他用final resting-place而不用grave(墓地),他用the unfinished work而不用our mission(使命)等等。林肯總統的另一項寫作技巧是他運用pathos寫作法(即訴諸情感)去引起聽眾的共鳴。另外兩種講詞寫作技巧是運用logos(訴諸邏輯和解釋)和ethos(訴諸講者的形象和可信性)。
這篇講詞可供我們學習,實用而美麗的句子和詞彙甚多,包括all men are created equal(人類生而平等,有時我們也可以用men are born equal),conceived in liberty(孕育於自由之中),a final resting-place(墓地),the unfinished work(使命),living and dead(生前死後),take increased devotion to that cause(更加堅定去追求信念),the dead shall not have died in vain(烈士不會白白犧牲),和government of the people, by the people and for the people(民有、民治、民享)等。

(from good English to great):
born=出生;born with a silver spoon in the mouth (生在富貴人家);not born yesterday (世故的、不易受騙的);例子: Victor told his students,“Of course I know how to use an iPad. I wasn’t born yesterday”。Liberty=freedom (自由); at liberty (自由的); take the liberty of (冒昧地做...),例子: Victor has taken the liberty of reserving a seat for Raymond in Bob Dylan’s concert in Hong Kong because he knows Raymond is a great fan of the American folk singer。A final resting-place=grave (墓地);grave當形容詞用,也解作嚴重的(例如grave error, grave decision);have one foot in the grave (風燭殘年);rise from the grave (復活);make someone turn in his grave (使某人在九泉之下也不得安寧)。The unfinished work=mission (使命, 任務);missionary=傳教士,也可解作propagandist (宣傳人員);propaganda是宣傳活動或內容。 Devotion=love, zeal;形容詞是devoted (熱愛, 投入);例子: Mimi loves a life devoted to teaching Hong Kong young people Putonghua。In vain=白費,失敗;例子: British government agents tried in vain to convince Bobo Fung to work as a spy for the UK government。

甘地在印度B.H.大學的演說 (精粹) 1916年2 月4 日(Mohandas Gandhi--Title: “There is no salvation for India”, Feb 4, 1916)

It is a matter of deep humiliation and shame for us that I am compelled this evening under the shadow of this great college, in this sacred city, to address my countrymen in a language that is foreign to me.
I was present at the sessions of the great Congress in the month of December. There was a much vaster audience, and will you believe me when I tell you that the only speeches that touched the huge audience in Bombay were the speeches that were delivered in Hindustani? The Congress audience was better able to follow the speakers in Hindi. I am hoping that this University will see to it that the youths who come to it will receive their instruction through the medium of their vernaculars. Our languages are the reflection of ourselves, and if you tell me that our languages are too poor to express the best thought, then say that the sooner we are wiped out of existence the better for us. Is there a man who dreams that English can ever become the national language of India? Why this handicap on the nation?
The charge against us is that we have no initiative. How can we have any, if we are to devote the precious years of our life to the mastery of a foreign tongue? But suppose that we had been receiving during the past fifty years education through our vernaculars, what should we have today? We should have today a free India, we should have our educated men, and whatever they would have gained during these fifty years would be a heritage for the nation.
I am laying my heart bare. I now introduce you to another scene. His Highness the Maharaja spoke about the poverty of India. But what did we witness in the great pandal in which the foundation ceremony was performed by the Viceroy? Certainly a most gorgeous show, an exhibition of jewellery. I compare with the richly bedecked noble men the millions of the poor. And I feel like saying to these noble men, ‘There is no salvation for India unless you strip yourselves of this jewellery and hold it in trust for your countrymen in India’.
Whenever I hear of a great palace rising in any great city of India, I become jealous at once, and say, ‘Oh, it is the money that has come from the agriculturists’. Over seventy-five per cent of the population are agriculturists and Mr Higginbotham told us last night in his own felicitous language, that they are the men who grow two blades of grass in the place of one. But there cannot be much spirit of self-government about us, if we take away or allow others to take away from them almost the whole of the results of their labour. Our salvation can only come through the farmer. Neither the lawyers, nor the doctors, nor the rich landlords are going to secure it.
(演說全文) http://www.mkgandhi.org/speeches/bhu.htm
甘地1869年10月2日出生,1948年1月30日逝世,印度人尊稱他為聖雄甘地,是印度民族主義運動和國大黨領袖。他是印度的國父,帶領國家邁向獨立,脫離英國的殖民統治。他的「非暴力」哲學思想,影響了全世界的民族主義者和那些爭取和平變革的國際運動分子。通過「非暴力」的公民不合作,甘地使印度擺脫了英國的統治。最終大英帝國分崩離析了,取而代之的是英聯邦。 甘地的主要信念是 “追求真理”。1947年印度獨立後甘地獲得了人民和國大黨的崇高敬意。而對印、巴分治以後的宗教仇殺與混亂,甘地利用自己的威望與絕食幫助平息了大規模教派仇殺,但自己卻成了教派衝突的犧牲品,被一位狂熱的印度教徒的開槍暗殺。
甘地這篇演講是他較早期的演說之一,在講詞寫作技巧上,這一篇算是persuasive-rallying (說服和號召性)演說。甘地一開始便說,要用英文演講是他的奇恥大辱(a matter of humiliation and shame),馬上引起聽眾的注意。他講詞的結構很簡單,是我們簡稱的topical order approach (重點寫作法)。他的第一個重點是要印度人用母語教學(I am hoping that this University will see to it that the youths who come to it will receive their instruction through the medium of their vernaculars)。他說假如印度早用母語,現在也許已經獨立了(We should have today a free India)。
他呼籲的另一個重點是要印度的富有上等人把部分財富捐出來協助貧窮的農民(農民佔75%人口)。他這樣說:’There is no salvation(救贖)for India unless you strip yourselves of this jewellery and hold it in trust for your countrymen in India’。不改善農民的生活,印度就沒有希望(Our salvation can only come through the farmer.)。在演講結束的時候我們常用的一種方法是 appeal for action (呼籲聽眾作出行動)。甘地也用上了這技巧。在起承轉合(transitions)方面,甘地最簡單直接不過了。從第一主題轉到第二個主題他是這樣說的: I now introduce you to another scene。
在修辭上,甘地運用其他講者較少用的rhetorical question技巧。他問聽眾:Is there a man who dreams that English can ever become the national language of India? Rhetorical question的作用是要刺激聽眾去思考,聽眾不是真的要回答甘地的問題,因為答案已經在他的問題中,答案就是沒有人會認為英文可以成為印度的國語。
我們從甘地的講詞中也可以學到不少有用的辭彙,包括a matter of deep humiliation and shame (真是奇恥大辱),vernaculars (本地話) ,wiped out of existence (使消失), handicap on the nation (加重國民負擔), mastery of a foreign tongue (掌握外語技巧,foreign tongue等於foreign language),laying my heart bare (肝膽相照),there is no salvation (救贖),felicitous (得體的,適當的),grow two blades of grass in the place of one (意思是要加倍工作才可勉強餬口),the results of their labour (辛勞的成果,也可以說the fruits of our labour), have no initiative (缺乏主動性)。

學多一點點(from good English to great):
Shame=羞恥, 使羞愧 (disgrace, embarrass),what a shame 很可惜;put to shame (使難為情, 使蒙羞),例句: The senior Hong Kong government official who made a fortune from insider information was shamed into making an apology;Shame的諺語很多,包括Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me (不可被人一騙再騙);hide one’s face in shame (感到很尷尬),例句: When Ting Sun broke Wai Hing’s glasses, he wanted to hide his face in shame;shame on you (可惡,當朋友太頑皮搗蛋的時候,你可以用這句話罵他);wipe out (徹底失敗),例句: Ting Fung was wiped out for sure in the exam as he couldn’t answer half of the questions;wipe something out (吃光某物),例句: Mei Yee wiped out all the cookies in the jar after returning home from a 5-mile jog。Master=掌握,例句: My grandma managed to master the English language in a year’s study;jack of all trades is a master of none (博而不精的人),例句: Victor Fung can write poetry and commentaries, play guitar, sing and do public speaking but he is no expert in any of them as the old saying goes: a jack of all trades is a master of none;be your own master (命運由你掌握)。Initiative=動力( enterprise and determination) on (one’s) own initiative(主動);take the initiative = 採取主動。



(註:巔峰日報由[巔峰英語勁進學院]院長馮強主理。馮院長(Dean Fung)希望香港人的水平可以勁進(步),達至巔峰。)

2011年7月4日 星期一

Paparazzi (狗仔隊) probe: TVB artists complain to watchdog over “peeping-Tom” (偷窺狂) press

Paparazzi (狗仔隊) probe: TVB artists complain to watchdog over “peeping-Tom” (偷窺狂) press

The privacy watchdog has launched (note 1) an investigation into complaints by three TVB artists (藝人)- including actor-singer Bosco Wong Chung-chak - that the paparazzi are violating (侵犯) their right to privacy (私隱).

Wong yesterday went to the Privacy Commission along with Yoyo Chen Chi- yiu and Vincent Wong Ho-shun to lodge (提出) an official complaint. Bosco Wong was furious when censored nude photos of himself in his Fo Tan home were splashed across the cover (note 2) of Sudden Weekly magazine - owned by Jimmy Lai - two weeks ago.

He explained earlier he usually did not draw the curtains (把窗簾放下) as he preferred to let sunlight into his flat and had a habit of (習慣) not wearing clothes after showering. "As a celebrity, I already expected that I will have no privacy, but [the nude photos were taken] in my bedroom. This is way beyond the limit (note 3)," he said angrily.

Photos also showed Wong's girlfriend Myolie Wu Hang-yee, who recently moved into the Fo Tan apartment above his, visiting his home and sharing meals with him. The two were photographed kissing. The "Peeping Tom" paparazzi also spent three days taking pictures of Vincent Wong and girlfriend Yoyo Chen through the window of his Tseung Kwan O apartment showing them hugging and kissing in various states of undress, with a colorful headline describing how the pair had "made out for 72 hours."

Appearing calm, Bosco Wong said this was a major breach (note 4) of his privacy. He is optimistic the commission will take proper action. The artists spent more than two hours giving statements (落口供) at the commission. "We are also people and we have our own dreams (note 5)," said Bosco Wong, who is currently working on his upcoming drama Lives of Omission."Our personal lives at home are our own business, not something for public knowledge."

From good to better English:

(note 1) launch=開展。launch a ship from a shipyard=船下水儀式。launch a satellite =發射人造衛星。launch a new enterprise=創辦新企業。

(note 2) splashed across the cover=在封面顯眼地展示。Splash= 揮霍錢財。Make a splash=引人注意。On the wall of Victor’s office was splashed his certificates of merit=在辦公室的牆上高懸著Victor的獎狀。

(note 3) way beyond the limit=超越可以容忍的地步。 Limit=界線。reach the limit of one's patience=忍無可忍。the age limit for applying for the Dean Fung scholarship=申請巔峰獎學金的年齡限制。Off limits to all unauthorized personnel= 閒人免進。

(note 4) breach= 違犯。a breach of contract=違約。breach of trust=背叛。breach of duty=失職

(note 5) we have our own dreams=我們都有夢想。It is beyond my dream=那是我夢想不到的。Ivy wishes you sweet dreams=Ivy向你道晚安。

Victor’s View: There is always a dilemma between the public’s right to know and celebrities’ right to privacy. Paparazzi will continue to operate as long as there is strong demand for “juicy” photos of famous people. It seems that celebrities will have to go an extra mile to protect their privacy.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月3日 星期日

Rogue (欺騙、欺詐) property bosses face tough punishment

Rogue (欺騙、欺詐) property bosses face tough punishment

Directors and top executives of property developers along with their agents (代理人) could face with (note 1) 10 years in prison for price manipulation (控制價格) or false trading (虛假買賣).

Yet representatives of the developers did not appear ruffled (著急) by that prospect during meetings of a government- appointed property panel (專門小組), a source told Sing Tao Daily, sister publication of The Standard,

Committee member Lee Wing-tat of the Democratic Party said the proposal could be seen as controversial (具爭論性的) as people in the top ranks (高層) of developers would for the first time face criminal liability (刑事罪).

Still, he expects the committee to have a report within a couple of months.

The government set up the 14-member steering committee (note 2) in October to study how Hong Kong can get a grip (note 3) on the sale of new private homes.

Members were told to range over matters such as the definition of new flats, sales practices, price lists, enforcement mechanisms (執法的方法) and penalties (懲罰) for rogues. They were given 12 months to come up with recommendations.

Now, after nine months of meetings, the panel is in the final stretch (note 4), with the major point being a final thrust on suitable punishment.

The government initially proposed that panel members use the Trade Descriptions Ordinance for reference.

But some members opted instead to follow the Securities and Futures Ordinance, which is more extensive (廣泛) and packs heavier penalties.

These members believe the tougher route must be followed if price manipulation and false trading are to be knocked out of play (徹底打倒).

From good to better English:

(note 1) face with=面臨。face up to=勇敢地對付、面對事實。face the consequences= 面對後果。make faces= 扮鬼臉。save face=保留面子。

(note 2) steering committee=領導小組。Steer=掌舵。steer clear of=避開,例句: Thanks to Sing Tao Foundation’s help, we've steered clear of the financial difficulties. (多虧星島基金會的幫忙,我們已經避免了財務困難)。steer a steady course=堅定地前進。

(note 3) get a grip on=掌握。come to grips with=開始努力對付。have a poor grip on a situation=不懂掌握形勢。 have a grip on an audience=掌握聽眾心理。

(note 4) in the final stretch=最後階段。at a stretch = 一口氣地。stretch one's legs= 把腳伸直。stretch out=伸展。stretch the rules=通融。

Victor’s View: It’s high time that the government did something to protect the interests of home buyers. Many of us spend our life savings (as down payment) plus more than half of our monthly income (as mortgage payment) on our flats. The government at least would make property developers more conscientious.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年7月1日 星期五

Civic Party wants the government to build inexpensive flats

The Civic Party (公民黨) yesterday climbed on the bandwagon (note 1) of the Home Ownership Scheme (居者有其屋計劃), saying a resumption of construction can provide more than 11,400 flats by 2014.

The party also called on (note 2) Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen to scrap (取消) his rent- to-buy (先租後買) proposal announced in October. It further suggested the government adjust the existing land-use designations (土地用途) so that 5,000 HOS units can be built on sites earmarked for My Home Purchase Plan, and another 6,400 units on sites to be sold to the MTR Corp for development in Wong Chuk Hang, Ho Man Tin, and North Point.

The party's proposals come following recent calls for a HOS resumption, as home prices roared (飆升) past the 1997 peak levels.

Party leader Alan Leong Kah-kit said replacing the rent-to-buy scheme with a resumption of construction (重新建做) on HOS units would be a direct way to address (note 3) the urgent need to bring down (note 4) prices.

"I don't agree with officials who said [My Home Purchase Plan] is an `improved version' (改善版) of HOS. The plan may attract applicants who don't intend to buy homes, but eye (note 5) the rental subsidy (房屋租金津貼), shutting out true homeowners," Leong said. "The administration should scrap it at this stage, taking into account that it will take more time to finalize details for such an unprecedented (前所未有) plan."

The party is confident that a HOS resumption would not hurt the property market, saying Hong Kong has withstood (承受得起) tests such as during the 1990s, when the government put around 17,000 units on the market every year. The My Home Purchase Plan involves subsidies to the sandwich class (夾心階層) in the same way HOS did, but it allows those who can't afford a down payment (首期) to rent a flat before deciding whether to buy it later.

From good to better English:

(note 1) climb on the bandwagon= climb or hop or jump on the bandwagon (參與一項社會運動)
(note 2) call on=要求。Call a spade a spade=是什麼說什麼,直言。Call heaven to witness=天發誓。

(note 3) address=地址(名詞)。Address the need=滿足需求。address an audience=對聽眾演說。An inaugural address=就任致辭。Opening [closing] address=開[閉]幕辭

(note 4) bring down property prices=推低樓價。bring down an airplane=把飛機擊落。Bring along=帶來。Bring down the house=博得滿場喝采

(note 5) eye=眼睛。Eye (動詞)= 盯著看。An eye for an eye=以眼還眼、報復。Catch Ivy’s eyes=引起Ivy注意

Victor’s View: I can’t agree more with the Civic Party that the government should resume building flats and sell them to the middle-class at lower-than-market prices. Young people in particular, with a permanent place to live, can focus more on their work. Higher productivity will contribute to Hong Kong’s prosperity.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)