
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2011年7月27日 星期三

Take heed (note 1)

The next chief executive (特首) must be "an iconic (note 2) person" who is widely accepted (接受) by the people of Hong Kong, says the Beijing man who oversees (監管) SAR affairs.

In advising on the issue for the first time, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office director Wang Guangya spelled out (note 3) three musts (note 4) for the next leader. "The next chief executive should love the country and Hong Kong," he said in Beijing. "Second, he or she should have a high level of abilities (高度能力) to govern Hong Kong, as a highly developed city, and let the economy thrive (繁榮進步).

"But, of course, he cannot solely (單單) rely on one person but must have a team. "As the chief executive, he or she has to be an iconic figure. Third, I think he or she should be someone who is rather highly accepted in Hong Kong society. The one elected should be widely accepted." Wang made the comments at the start of a meeting with a Hong Kong delegation (代表團) led by Federation of Trade Unions president Cheng Yiu-tong. Speaking after the meeting, Cheng said he believed the situation should become clear (明朗化) soon as the chief executive election draws nearer.

Former Legislative Council president Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai said recently she has started to mull over (考慮) whether to stand in the race (參選) next year to succeed Donald Tsang Yam-kuen.

Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang Ying-yen and Executive Council convener Leung Chun-ying are also widely tipped as potential candidates. Cheng said every "candidate suspected of wanting to enter the race" represents a bloc (note 5). The longer Beijing takes to clear the air means there may be more candidates and a "headache" for Beijing.

From good to better English:

(note 1) Take heed=注意,留心(pay attention to; listen to and consider)。heed a warning=注意到警告。take no heed of=不注意。例句: My daughter Co Co did not heed my advice, and moved to do voluntary work in Africa.
(note 2) iconic=聖像的,偶像般的(a representation)。Icon=偶像,崇拜對象(an idol)。例句: Dean Fung is a pop icon designed and manufactured for the post-1980s generation.
(note 3) spelled out=指示,詳細說明,清楚地說明。a spell of bad luck=一連串的壞運氣。Victor’s failure is likely to spell heavy losses=Victor的失敗可能招致重大的損失。

(note 4) musts=conditions (條件,必須做的事,不可不做的事)。Must=必須。I must work to buy Ivy lunches=我必須工作才有錢請Ivy吃飯。 You must not hack into Victor’s phone=你不可以偷聽Victor的私人電話。

(note 5) a bloc=集團。the Axis bloc=第二次世界大戰中的軸心國集團。例如: the Communist bloc (共產國家集團,a group of nations, parties, or persons united for common action)。Bloc 的同義詞有: cartel, coalition, , faction, party, ring, group.

Victor’s View: Not only the future leader of Hong Kong is an icon and acceptable to people, he must also love Hong Kong and the motherland. That’s pure common sense. I’d suggest that in order to be acceptable to Hong Kong people, the future leader must pledge to uphold the territory’s freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

