
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2011年6月28日 星期二

Tax on H-share dividends finds investors in the dark (note 1)

Recent moves (最近的舉動) by mainland firms have left local investors confused about tax rules on H shares - shares of mainland firms listed (掛牌) on the Hong Kong bourse (股票交易所).

According to a cross-border treaty (條約), the tax rate on H-share dividends (股息) for Hong Kong residents is up to 10 percent. But local investors - previously immune (免於) from the pain of (note 2) seeing their dividends stripped of a tax - are now confused as mainland firms are deducting (減去) 20 percent from dividends before distribution.

A deal struck between the mainland and Hong Kong in August 2006 stipulates that the tax on dividends due to Hong Kong H-share investors should not exceed 10 percent. Moreover, if a Hong Kong company has a stake of (note 3) at least 25 percent in a mainland firm, the tax should be no more than 5 percent of total dividends.

A source said the treaty for avoiding double taxation should keep the tax withheld under 10 percent. However, more mainland state- owned (國有的) firms are imposing a 20 percent tax on H-share dividends. The latest firms to do so are China Railway Construction (1186) and Zijin Mining Group (2899).
Earlier this month, Air China (0753) announced that holders of its H shares will no longer (note 4) be immune from personal income tax deductions. In 2008, China issued a circular on tax deductions by mainland firms before distributing H-share dividends to overseas non-resident (非本地居民) shareholders.

And, according to the mainland's personal income tax law, non-residents are required to pay taxes on dividends from shares in a mainland firm. The relevant tax rate on such income is 20 percent. Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing chief executive (總裁) Charles Li Xiaojia said the stock exchange is looking into (note 5) the matter to help clarify the situation and avoid investor confusion.

From good to better English:

(Note 1) in the dark=蒙在鼓裡,例句: I was in the dark about my supervisor’s plans to rewrite my job description. Dark=暗黑的。look on the dark side of things=看事物的黑暗面、悲觀。in a dark temper=不高興。

(note 2) the pain of=痛苦。No pains, no gains=不勞無獲。a pain in the neck=討厭或惹人生氣的人或工作。take pains=費盡苦心。

(note 3) has a stake of=佔有的股權。Stake=木樁。pull up stakes=離開。stake out=警方對嫌疑犯佈設監視。At stake=利害攸關。

(note 4) no longer=Not any more (不再)。例句: Victor no longer sings in a nightclub called Bravo Bravo.

(note 5) look into=Investigate (調查)。look after=照顧。look down on=看不起。look forward to =盼望。look on the bright side= 持樂觀態度。look up to=仰望。never look back= 不後悔

Victor’s View: It appears very clear to me that there exist two conflicting tax laws in China. One says non-resident investors are subject to a 20% dividend tax; but the other one stipulates that such investors’ tax burden shouldn’t exceed 10%. Well, I hope authorities will clear up the confusion soon.

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

Lack of sleep takes mental toll (note 1)

Lack of sleep takes mental toll (note 1)

About 16 percent of those surveyed in a mental health (精神健康) study said they are sleepless (失眠) for most of the week, with two out of three having suffered the problem for at least two years.

Preliminary findings of the Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey 2010 indicate sleep problems are linked to "suboptimal mental health." The Food and Health Bureau commissioned the study, in the wake of (note 2) mental health problems that have resulted in suicides and domestic violence. The study involves interviews with 5,700 adults randomly (隨意) selected across the territory.

Eighty-five percent of those say they are insomniacs (失眠人士), and nearly 15 percent suffer hypersomnia (渴睡症). The main reasons for being unable to sleep include illness (20 percent) and anxiety(焦慮) (20 percent) with a small number blaming (埋怨) shift work, medication and noise.

Furthermore, 63.6 percent have been battling (note 3) sleeping problems for at least two years. While no one knows whether mental illness brings on sleeping problems or vice versa (反過來), both insomnia and hypersomnia breed general anxiety disorders and psychological discomforts. "They are both closely related," Chinese University psychiatry (精神病學) professor Linda Lam Chiu-wa said.

A medical officer expressed concern at the habit of tossing and turning (note 4) during sleepless nights. "Your bed is not for studying, worrying, or watching television. If you have not been able to fall asleep for 20 minutes or more, do not roll around and worry about it. Get up and walk around," he said. Both experts also expressed concern at the use of hypnotics (有催眠性的藥物), with more than a fifth of those with problems reportedly having taken sleeping pills (安眠藥).

From good to better English:

(note 1) take its toll= Be damaging or harmful, cause loss or destruction (損害)。Toll=通行稅、過境稅、過橋費。a heavy toll of lives=死傷慘重。

(note 2) in the wake of= as a consequence of (源於)。wake up=醒來,振作起來。a waking dream=白日夢

(note 3) battle=搏鬥、作戰。a battle of wills = 戰鬥意志。the battle lines are drawn = 劃分界線。win the battle, lose the war = 撿了芝麻丟了西瓜

(note 4 ) toss and turn=輾轉反側。Toss=拋來拋去。give a toss= 毫不介意。toss off = 輕而易舉地處理。toss up=匆匆準備。Turn=轉動。a turn for the better=好轉。a turn for the worse= 惡化。by turns = 輪流交替。take turns=依次。turn a blind eye=.視而不見。turn against=撕破臉。turn down=拒絕。turn one's back on =不理睬。turn the corner=轉危為安

Victor’s View: I am also one of those insomniacs who suffer a lot from deprivation of sleep. Well, this is what I do to help me get a better sleep every night: 1. Exercise at least for half an hour everyday; 2. Do 10 minutes of aerobic activity before jumping onto the bed; 3. Don’t put anything relating to work in the bedroom. Sleep well, folks!

(Victor Fung Keung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)

2011年6月26日 星期日

Facing the music isn't pleasant at all, says Dean Fung

Chan faces the music (note 1)

TVB general manager Stephen Chan Chi-wan went on trial (受審) yesterday for allegedly (嫌疑) accepting payments without the approval (批准) of his company.

Chan, 51, who resumed most of his managerial duties at the station in November, smiled but declined to answer media inquiries when he arrived at the District Court to face the music. He has pleaded not guilty (note 2) to three charges.

The prosecution (控方) is expected to call up (note 3) to 58 witnesses, including TVB executives, actors and actresses in the four-week cliffhanger (連續的、結局難料的) hearing. Co-defendant Edthancy Tseng Pei- kun, 28, pleaded not guilty to four counts (四項控罪), as did Wilson Chan Wing-shuen, 63, to one count.

Tseng is a director of Idea Empire Advertising and Production, while Wilson Chan is the former head of business development (業務發展) at TVB's marketing and sales division (市場銷售部). He spent more than 30 years with the station. The three are on bail (note 4) of HK$100,000 each.

The first witness, Olympian City manager Au Kwok-hang, said the mall approached TVB in 2009 to organize a New Year's Eve countdown event (倒數活動). After negotiations, the cost was lowered from HK$1.4 million to HK$1.3 million.

Later, the mall had to pay another HK$160,000 when it wanted to include Chan and artist Wayne Lai Yiu-cheung. Au said they approached Tseng because everybody in the industry knew that Tseng represented Chan. "Since other malls were also conducting countdown shows, we realized TVB could not provide top artists. As such (note 5), we decided to use our budget to invite other artists."

He said Chan's program Be My Guest was popular (受歡迎) in 2009 as was Lai, who had just won the best-artist award (最優秀藝員獎). "So we decided to invite Chan and Lai to the mall for a live (note 6) Be My Guest show," Au said. TVB agreed to allow Chan to appear at the mall.

From good to better English:

(note 1) face the music=confront unpleasantness, 面對不愉快的場面

(note 2) plead not guilty=否認控罪, 在美國可以用plead innocent

(note 3) call up=傳召。call in sick=打電話請病假。call off a wedding=宣告取消婚約。

(note 4 ) on bail=擔保外出。go bail for=做某人的保釋人。skip bail=保釋中潛逃。bail out= abandon a project or enterprise (放棄計畫).

(note 5) As such=就事實本身。舉例,The column-writing job as such is easy but requires a lot of time。

(note 6) live show=即場轉播。He lives what he teaches=他言行一致。Live- and- learn=活到老,學到老。Bo Bo lived and died a virgin=皤皤終身沒有結婚。
Victor’s View: Since hearings of the case will go on for some time, in legal terms the case remains sub-judice (i.e. under judicial deliberation), which means I could be charged for contempt of court if I ever comment on the case. I can only say that this case will draw a great deal of attention as Stephen Chan is a public figure.
(Victor Fung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012)

2011年6月24日 星期五

Three boys are no boy at all

讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路。其實讀書和旅遊對增闊國際視野同樣重要。最近我到新加坡一星期,參加一些會議兼到處參觀一下。臨上飛機前,原本想拿本 JAMES PATTERSON的小說在旅途上看,後來回心一想:勤有功、戲無益(對我來說,看小說也算是戲了)。於是,我隨手拿了本OXFORD DICTIONARY OF PROVERBS(牛津成語辭典)。書不算厚,大概300多頁,下飛機的時候已經把書翻得七七八八了。書中有三句諺語我覺得很有意思,在這裏想與各位分享 一下。我小時候,媽媽常對我們幾兄弟說:一個和尚擔水吃,兩個和尚扛水吃,三個和尚沒水吃(因為你推我讓,不是人多好辦事)。到今天我才懂得英文也有類似 說法,就是Two boys are half a boy, and three boys are no boy at all。「老貓燒鬚」英文叫Homer sometimes nods。勤有功不如叫它做Diligence is the mother of good luck吧!

2011年6月22日 星期三

What does Dean Fung miss most?

我教國際和財經新聞,當然要知天下事,愈快愈好,愈深入愈好。最近我回內地數天,回港後第一件事便是衝進一間書店,像一隻非常飢餓的野牛,找尋牠的食物。我花了400元買了四本雜誌。雖然400元可供6個人在深圳的毛家飯店吃一頓很好的湖南菜,我覺得這四本雜誌比起一頓可口的晚飯還好味。我買的 四本雜誌是政論雜誌遠東經濟評論(Far Eastern Economic Review);談國際關係的外交事務(Foreign Affairs);財經雜誌財富(Fortune)和一本女性雜誌紅粉年代(PINK)。

你也許會問:為甚麼我會看女性雜誌?(PINK的封面是粉紅色的)。我的答案是:我們要胸襟廣闊(We must keep an open mind)。其實吸引我的是它封面的標題:商場上最成功的十五位女創新者。轉回正題:香港令我最想念的是甚麼?就是它的資訊和新聞自由。

Notes: pink=粉紅色;go pink 激動時臉色變紅;in the pink 健康狀況很好的; pick slip 被辭退時的通知信

Dear pals, I’ll start a new column on June 27 in the Standard, called “better English, wider horizons”. Have fun,

Dean Fung

Why some people are happier than others?

美國國家廣播電台記者ERIC WEINER花了不少時間到8個國家旅行訪問,了解各地人民怎樣才可以快樂地生活。他把所見所聞寫了一本近300頁的書,名為《洪福地域》(THE GEOGRAPHY OF BLISS),書內共有8章。



Notes: happy=快樂的, 愉快的, 幸福的;bliss=extreme happiness;happy event 喜事;happy hour 歡樂時段 (這段時間內酒吧都會減價招徠顧客)

Dean Fung loves the movie《While You Were Sleeping》

The Blindside》(攻其不備)這套電影在美國上映8周,已有票房收入16億港元,打破以女性為主角的票房紀錄。這套電影亦為女主角 Sandra Bullock(珊迪娜布洛)贏得金球獎最佳女主角。這套戲講述一個中等家庭的主婦收養了一名超齡、而又無家可歸兼略有「自閉」性格的黑人男孩。我最喜歡看這類溫情輕鬆片,有點像《讀者文摘》的「心靈雞湯」文章。布洛的電影通常都有娛樂性和帶有笑料。去年的《The Proposal》(求婚的惡魔)我看過了。布洛廣為人知的電影包括《Speed》(生死時速)和《Miss Congeniality》(臥底俏佳人)。不過,我最喜愛的一套她主演的溫馨愛情片叫《While You Were Sleeping》(暗戀你 暗戀妳)。
Note: [While You Were Sleeping]這套愛情片令我想起樂隊Aerosmith為另一套電影世界末日》(Armageddon唱的主題歌曲<<I don’t want to miss a thing>>。歌詞也有《While You Were Sleeping》這一句 (I could stay awake just to hear you breathingWatch you smile while you are sleepingWhile you're far away and dreamingI could spend my life in this sweet surrenderI could stay lost in this moment foreverWhere every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure)

It is sad if we become expendables

我很想寫本看電影學英語的書。不少外國電影既可提供娛樂,又可以教我們改善英語。最近有套電影叫《轟天猛將》,英文片名是《Expendables》。Expendable 當名詞用的時候解作「可以犧牲的人」。電影中的僱傭兵史泰龍和李連杰等人到一小島中捉拿美國中央情報局一名叛徒。這批僱傭兵受僱於某情報人員,世上無人知曉,他們死了也沒有人知道,沒有人會感動,所以叫《Expendables》。Expendable income 等於 Disposable income,意思是交完稅、房租等必要的開支後餘下來可供揮霍的錢。較常用的諺語是 at the expense of someone,意思是在損害某人利益下作出的行為。
Note:  Expend = 支出 (expending tax revenues on preserving Hong Kong’s hertigage) expend = 消耗 (Szeto Wah expended all his energy in protecting democracy)
Dear pals, I am back from England and Scotland alive! Hate the rainy weather there though. Rgds,
Dean Fung

2011年6月8日 星期三

Dean Fung visits Cambridge University and the New College of Humanities in London, hoping to land a job there

Dear pals,

I’ll be in England for about 10 days, starting June 10, firstly visiting my alma mater (Cambridge University), which is celebrating its 100th anniversary and secondly cold-calling the New College of Humanities, which will accept its first batch of 200 students this September. The New College will become the 3rd elite private university in England, after Cambridge and Oxford universities. It will charge students tuition of HK$250,000 a year. A Hong Kong student, who needs to pay room-and-board and books etc., has to fork out HK$500,000 per year if he/she wants to enrol in the New College. I just want to talk to the college administrators to see whether they will employ a Hong Kong Chinese as a lecturer. C you in 2 weeks’ time. Take care, Ciao!

Dean Fung

One needs passion to enhance one’s English proficiency to the level of a native speaker's

想把英語練習好,一定要有熱誠。譬如說,最近我看完一套叫《線人》的電影後,便上網找與線人有關的英語詞彙,令自己可用的生字更豐富。當警方線人英文可用「stool pigeon」、「informer」或「nark」。
Nark 較鮮為人知。因為這個字主要是澳洲和紐西蘭人使用。Stool pigeon除了解作線人之外,較早(18世紀)時的原意是餌,即是用一隻假的鴿子把鷹(eagle)引進籠裏。餌的英文是Decoy。在軍事 上,Decoy就是用某種行動誤導敵軍。線人較為正面,廣東話的「叛徒」(出賣自己人)較為負面,英文可用snitch或rat。Pigeon是善良的鴿 子,也可解作容易受騙的人,純真的人。

Dean Fung advises young people: Let’s Rock It

Dean Fung advises young people: Let’s Rock It
Let’s Rock It我們馬上幹

Let’s rock it 是我在80年代常掛在口邊的用語,意思是let’s do it (我們馬上幹)。當然,我當年也常用Let’s rock and roll,因我十分喜愛搖滾音樂。1980年代歌手Neil Young 的名曲《Heart of Gold》、Phil Collins的《Against All Odds》和Eric Clapton的《Tears In Heaven》至今仍令人百聽不厭。這三位「老樂與怒」歌手在2010年10月都分別出版大碟,真是寶刀未老。我的夢想是在65歲那年在<紅館>搞一場演唱會,與我的樂隊 共同演出。我的樂隊<Nanshan Wanderers>主音結他手Raymond Poon才華出眾,他最近幫我把《煙花三月》的鋼琴譜改寫成結他譜。他彈結他的造詣比Eric Clapton還厲害。
Better English, wider horizons:: rock 是石頭;between a rock and a hard place 左右為難, 進退兩難; on the rocks 破產 ;rock bottom 最低點 ;rock hard 堅硬如岩石的 ;rock steady 穩若盤石的,鎮定的 ;rock the boat 搗亂

《As Tears Go By》, Dean Fung loves this song

《As Tears Go By》(淚就讓它流罷)
「滾石樂隊」(Rolling Stones)在1970和1980年代紅極一時,他們最後一次環球巡迴演唱會是在2007年7月。最近這隊「樂與怒」樂隊的主音結他手Keith Richards出版了一本回憶錄,叫《Life》(生命)。流行樂壇50年的歷史和滾石樂隊隊員的私生活和思想都在書中一一浮現。大家都曉得「滾石樂 隊」的主音歌手是Mick Jagger。Richards 和 Jagger一齊為樂隊寫了不少流行的歌曲,其中一首我最喜歡的歌叫《As Tears Go By》(淚就讓它流罷),因為這首歌不像搖滾樂,十分類似一首民歌。當我們年長的時候,親情比金錢更重要。《As Tears Go By》其中一句是「My riches can’t buy everything. I just want to hear the children sing」。
Better English, wider horizons: tear是淚; tear Bing Lan apart 把昺嵐批評得體無完膚;tear down 拆除; tear one's hair out 扯自己的頭髮; 表示強烈的憤怒焦急悲傷等 tear up 撕破, 撕碎

Victor sings《Bad Romance》to celebrate Ge Liang’s birthday

喜歡流行樂曲的朋友一定聽過 Lady Gaga的《Bad Romance》。她這首冠軍歌曲在 You Tube 上收聽的人(包括我)次數達2.2億,不可謂不驚人。《Bad Romance》引來不少模仿者,其中一班男人唱得最搞笑,看後包保你笑破肚皮。登進 You Tube 後,你再打「on the rocks bad romance」便可看到。從2010年4月3日到7月初,超過500萬人次觀看這班「男人 Lady Gaga」。Lady Gaga 在08年出道後紅透半邊天,她的《The Fame》大碟奪得兩項「格林美」歌曲獎。她不只唱歌,還懂得寫歌。她在2010年5月被《時代周刊》選為世界上最有影響力的100人之一。
Better English, wider horizons: Gaga這個字可解作silly; crazy, completely absorbed, infatuated, or excited狂熱的;例句—Students went gaga over Victor Fung’s guitar performance。另一解釋是Senile; doddering老朽的。

Wah Wah is a stig, Dean Fung insists

He is a stig(他剛入校門)
Stig是南歐很常見的男人名字,Stig也是不少英國中學叫新學生的俗稱。He is a stig(他剛入校門)。The Stig是英國十年來最受歡迎電視節目《Top Gear》的主角。The Stig身份神秘,他從不把頭盔脫掉,沒人知道他的真名,也沒人見過他的廬山真面目。但The Stig最近寫了一本書,把《Top Gear》這電視節目的秘密公開。電視節目製作人BBC控告The Stig和出版商,要禁制書本出版,出版商Harpercollins 後台是新聞集團,結局如何我們要拭目以待。
Better English, wider horizons:: gear down 減速 ;gear to 使適合 ;gear towards 使適應 ;gear up 促進、加緊步伐;get into gear 準備就緒

When the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me, Dean Fung says

When the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me

Let it be 的意思是順其自然、由得它。例如,「When a cat is sick, don’t pick it up. Let it be」(當家中的貓病了的時候,不要抱起牠。由牠休息吧!) 在2010年萬聖節那天黃昏,我跑到蛇口的「The Beatles Bar」(披頭四酒吧)。由九龍塘坐車到蛇口,跟坐車到中環蘭桂坊時間都約需45分鐘,但我較喜歡「披頭四酒吧」,因為披頭四樂隊在1970年代伴我長 大。他們的演唱會海報掛在酒吧門口,加上樂隊4人的照片,真令人懷舊一番。「披頭四」樂隊1970年出版大碟名稱就叫「Let It Be」。歌詞有這麼兩句:「When the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me」(黑暗中總有一線光明)。內地的酒吧晚上8時才營業,所以我很失望,進不了「The Beatles Bar」,只好在鄰近的「大漁」吃「鐵板燒」。人生並不是事事如意,也不是每個夢想都會實現。所以凡事我們都要Let it be(順其自然,不可強求)。

Better English, wider horizons: let alone 不打擾; let down 辜負; let go 放開;let off 寬恕;let off steam 發洩感情; let up 放鬆

Speak Now or forever hold your peace

Speak Now(有話要講)是婚禮舉行前,牧師會問在場的觀禮群眾有沒有人反對這對新人結為夫婦,有反對的話便要「Speak now or forever hold your peace」。「Speak Now」也是民歌手Taylor Swift最新出版的大碟。她這首主題歌曲內有一句是這樣的:「She floats down the aisle」(新娘輕飄飄的步向禮台)。Taylor Swift在11月底奪得2010年American Music Awards的最佳女民歌手獎。她將於2011年到香港演唱和推廣她的「Speak Now」新大碟。2011年我喜愛的樂隊「The Eagles」會來香港在會議展覽中心演唱一場,門票由588元到2,088元一張。四位成員會演唱金曲例如《Hotel California》和《Take It Easy》等。他們的「1971﹣75年金曲」大碟成為全球銷量最高的唱片,共售出2,900萬張。

Better English, wider horizons: speak out = To talk freely and fearlessly, as about fighting for freedom of speech in Hong Kong; speak up = To speak loud enough to be audible, To speak without fear or hesitation;so to speak= In a manner of speaking: Ah Fai can't see the forest for the trees, so to speak.



1. Author: Everyday English《生活英語小智慧》, ( published in 5.2011 by Crown Books)

2. Author: Increasing English proficiency through speeches <<勤讀演詞強化英語 >>(to be published in 7.2011 by Crown Books)

3. Author: Enhancing your English skills with editorials<< 瘋讀社論強化英語>>, published in 5.2009 by Joyful Times Ltd, 3rd edition

4. Co-author: Improving your English skills with governors' speeches <<最後六任港督的聲音>>, published by Commercial Press in 6.2010, 2nd edition

5. 別怕, 我在--I'm here with you, 馮強主編, 香港 : 讀者文摘遠東有限公司, 2002

6. 你也可以不平凡—You can make a difference, 馮強主編, 香港 : 讀者文摘遠東有限公司, 2002

7. "The Development of Business Journalism in Hong Kong (1968-78)", P.1-55, Communication Research in Hong Kong, Paul Lee and Kenneth Leung (ed.), The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1994.

8. “What Types of Business News Do Hong Kong People Consume?” p.14-15, Media Digest, 10.2009, published by Radio Television Hong Kong

2011年6月7日 星期二

“No one is going to help us ,”rapper Jay-Z tells young people

“No one is going to help us ,”rapper Jay-Z tells young people {拍擊樂手Jay- Z告訴年輕人:「你們一定要奮鬥,才會有成功的一天。」

Decode的意思是解碼(decode an electronically coded message)或解說(decode Victor’s complex poetic text)。《Decoded》這本新書在去年12月中在《紐約時報》十大暢銷書榜排第六位。這是一本半自傳式的書,由Rapper(拍擊樂手)Jay- Z撰寫。他唱的歌是Hip Hop(街舞音樂)。Jay-Z在貧民區長大,年輕時靠販毒維生。他今年40歲,演藝生涯十分成功。他在書中 「解說」他的歌曲、歌詞,也反映一生的經歷。他說:「No one is going to help us」(沒有人會向貧窮的黑人伸出援手)。我應怎樣解說他這句說話呢?其實,他是向他的年輕樂迷傳遞一個信息:「你們一定要奮鬥,才會有成功的一天。」

與decode相近的字有decript 和decipher

Ah Fai becomes Fair Game after he criticises the firm’s top management

Ah Fai becomes Fair Game after he criticises the firm’s top management


最近看了一套叫《Fair Game》的電影,中文名譯作《叛諜反擊》。電影由Sean Penn和Naomi Watts主演。內容說中央情報局間諜Naomi Watts的丈夫Sean Penn因為揭發總統說謊(誇張說伊拉克有核武器)而遭到報復,有高層官員把Naomi的身份洩露給報館,藉以打擊Naomi和她的丈夫,令他們陷入困境 和失去威信。「Fair game」的意思是受攻擊、打壓的對象或目標,和「target」有點相似。這用語源於1800年,那時候獵人叫被追殺的獵物為「fair game」。這套電影由真人真事改編。原作者是「中情局」間諜Valerie Wilson。她寫了本書叫《Fair Game: My Life As A Spy, My Betrayal By The White House》。用Fair Game(合法的獵物)做戲名的電影過去20年共有4套。

2011年6月5日 星期日

Local Chinese make better English teachers than native English speakers, an English chair professor claims

(本港某大学英語系教授倡議由本地人[non-native English speakers]教小孩和學生英語比只懂英語的外國人教更有效)

[Professor says multilingual teachers who grew up speaking Cantonese provide a better model for Hong Kong children than native English speakers]

English should be taught in Hong Kong by multilingual teachers, not native English speakers, according to a Hong Kong education professor who is organising an international conference on English as a lingua franca, being held in the city.

"It's a revolutionary shift that we're arguing for, and it's that the multilingual way becomes the linguistic model for teaching kids English here, not that of a native English speaker," says Andy Kirkpatrick, chair professor of English as a professional language at the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Most English speakers in Hong Kong now are multilingual "and therefore the benchmark for children should come from successful multilinguals".

Kirkpatrick chairs the organising committee for the fourth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, to be held in Hong Kong - the first outside Europe. The conference was established to compare and contrast the development and roles of English as a lingua franca within Europe and Asia. More than 200 academics and policymakers from 36 countries are attending the event at the Hong Kong Institute of Education in Tai Po.

One of the most important ideas under discussion is that multilingual language teachers should be the ones teaching local children English.

Nearly 90 per cent of English teachers in Hong Kong schools are native speakers of Cantonese who have learnt English. They have traditionally been criticised as deficient in their use of English compared to native speakers, but Kirkpatrick argues that they provide the right model for English teaching in Hong Kong because they have the same linguistic background as local children.

"Instead of a discourse of complaint [about the standard of English], there should be a discourse of self-confidence," he said. "What we're trying to promote is that multilinguals start feeling proud about being multilingual, rather than being embarrassed that they are not as good as native English speakers."

Kirkpatrick wants to see Hong Kong children learn to speak English in a way that is easily understood anywhere in the world, rather than worrying about perfect pronunciation. He said it was important to be understood internationally, not to sound like a native English speaker.

"There are so many multilingual professionals in this part of the world that are highly successful in the international community, and it's they who can provide the linguistic models for their students," he said.

(This article was published in the SCMP on May 27)

2011年6月3日 星期五

Stop bitching and do something, Dean Fung tells young people

當我知道某公共運輸機構「禁止」一套舞台劇廣告上的英文名稱時,不禁引起我強烈的好奇心。(廣告是可以登載,但英文名稱要刪掉。)這套劇叫《I Am Chairman Maos Bitch》。我相信有關人士不希望小孩學懂 bitch 這個字。其實 bitch 這個字是俗一點,但絕不是粗口。
Bitch 原意解作母狗或母狼,經數百年的演變,這個字的用法已變得多姿多采。最常用的有《She is a bitch》(她是個討厭的人)。Bitch 也是不愉快的經歷,例如《The exam was a bitch》(考試題目難死了)。Bitch 較多人用是當動詞,即是埋怨的意思。例句:Students always bitch about the food in the canteen (學生常投訴餐廳內食物的質素)Stop bitching and do something (不要整日怨天尤人)。
Hi pals, I went to attend “Roadshow”s “Save the earth, save our children”gala lunch on June 1 and there I met “Sister Ching”(the TV host who talks about money in a program called Money Café, Cable TV channel 8). Yesterday I gave a talk to Ming Pao reporters about business news. Have a nice weekend! May all your dreams come true!

Take something with a pinch of salt

Salt 是鹽,也是最近我看過較為好看的一套動作片,中文片名叫《叛諜狂花》,由安祖蓮娜祖莉主演。電影比所有占士邦類型電影都要好看。電影中祖莉原是俄國間諜, 潛伏在中央情報局近20年,為的是要發動核戰和挑起回教徒的聖戰,把美國徹底摧毀。但最後她卻把其他俄國派到美國的間諜殺死,為甚麼呢?就是因為她說俄國間諜和她的俄國上司「They take everything away from me」。俄國間諜在祖莉面前槍殺她的丈夫。 (from good English to great):  salt away儲存; salt shaker     鹽瓶 salt water     海水, 眼淚 take something with a pinch of salt     對某事半信半疑; the salt of the earth     社會中堅分子;worth one's salt     勝任
Take something with a pinch of salt   對某事半信半疑

2011年6月2日 星期四

Chief breaks window deadlock

Chief breaks window deadlock (from The Standard, June 2, 2011)
[Caught between a rock and a hard place (note 1), Tsang agrees to remove glass panels from verandah]
The deadlock (僵局) over the glass panels (玻璃鑲板) around the chief executive's verandah (陽臺) was broken last night when he acknowledged they must go. Donald Tsang Yam-kuen said he would pull down (note 2) the panels covering the verandah of his controversial (具爭議性的) flat at 64 MacDonnell Road, just one day after insisting (堅持) he did not think they were illegal structures (潛建物). Tsang, who owns the property under the name of a company, said he would follow the advice despite the Buildings Department not saying the panels are illegal structures. He appointed "an authorized person" (授權人) to inspect (檢視) the premises.
"To put all things beyond doubt (note 3), I have instructed the authorized person to dismantle (拆卸) the existing glass panels as soon as possible ((note 4) in accordance with the Buildings Department's advisory letter, and to follow up with the reconstruction (重建) of a verandah of the living room that meets all legal requirements." Chinese University political scientist Ivan Choy Chi-keung believes Tsang's decision was made out of political considerations (note 5), rather than to set a good example (note 6) or to show the administration is firm on cracking down (打擊) on illegal structures. "Tsang understood the story would be run in the media (note 7) for more days if he decided to seek professional advice to prove the window panels were not illegal structures," Choy said.
From good to better English:
(note 1) caught between a rock and a hard place=進退兩難。
(note 2) pull down=拆卸; pull=拉,拖,牽; pull tricks=耍欺詐手段。 Victor’s singing pulls a large crowd=Victor的歌唱吸引了許多人。 pull a ligament in one's leg=扭傷腿。pull a knife=拔刀。pull a long face=扳起面孔。pull back=改變主意。 Sai Wo, you must pull yourself together=世臥,你要重新振作起來。
(note 3) put all things beyond doubt=再沒有絲毫懷疑。the life beyond=來世。It is beyond my power to give Ivan a 20% pay rise=我無法加Ivan 20% 薪水。beyond expectation=超出預想。 beyond expression /description=非筆墨所能形容
(note 4 ) as soon as possible=儘快
(note 5) made out of political considerations=基於政治因素考慮
(note 6) set a good example=做好榜樣。a head set 筒、耳機。get set=預備。all set=準備就緒。
(note 7) run in the media=傳媒報導

Victor’s View: I think Donald Tsang is very smart in closing the case and preventing himself from further scathing media criticism. The longer the controversy drags on, the harder his integrity and reputation will be hurt. Move on, Donald!

(Victor Fung, director of HK Baptist University’s M.A. in international journalism program, has published 3 books on English-enhancement and plans to write 7 more by the end of 2012. Write to him: deanfungenglish@gmail.com)