
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2012年9月26日 星期三

Curb couriers to win back people’s heart

HK Opinion
China Daily Hong Kong Edition   Victor Fung Keung

Curb couriers to win back people’s heart

Hong Kong people are patriotic and easy-going. They just want to enjoy the quiet, peaceful life. People get angry when their quiet lifestyle is disrupted.
When the government announced the plan to issue multiple-entry permits to thousands of transient, migrant workers in Shenzhen to visit Hong Kong, Many local people were irritated, because the more lenient restrictions would mean throngs of more mainland tourists on Hong Kong’s streets. Fortunately this plan was shelved.
Then another ugly picture emerged: parallel traders who swamp the shops in Sheung Shui, pushing retail prices at least 10 percent higher in that border town. The traders block traffic, flood train carriages with their goods, without even a wink as they violate Hong Kong’s immigration laws in a most blatant way. When they repackage goods at a factory in Sheung Shui, such as red wine and powdered milk, their activity is tantamount to working in Hong Kong. Shenzhen residents, who account for the bulk of the parallel traders, are given multiple-entry permits to visit Hong Kong but not to work here or carry on business here!
Sheung Shui residents became outraged and took to the streets to confront the parallel traders.
The Hong Kong government should crack down hard on these traders, who profit by importing goods from Hong Kong to the mainland without paying import duties. Based on press reports, these 3,000-odd traders are well-organized and apparently controlled by one or even several syndicates. They are well-organized into groups of buyers, packagers and couriers. The writing is on the wall that they are controlled and employed by consortia.
The Hong Kong police should arrest and charge the masterminds of these consortia who employ hundreds of parallel traders. Sending a signal of zero tolerance is important to weeding out such trades. It will at least have a deterrent effect on those who ignore the law in Hong Kong, something the local people cherish.
At the same time, our Chief Executive should ask for help from the mainland authorities, particularly those in Beijing since they have no ties to residents in Shenzhen. Only when Beijing intervenes in this parallel trade disarray will we have a chance to eliminate the money-making, law-breaching enterprise. In a sense, parallel trading is equivalent to smuggling.
Some Hong Kong people already harbor negative sentiments against mainland visitors. This parallel trade fiasco will only exacerbate ill-feelings toward mainlanders visiting Hong Kong. Mainlanders already are blamed for pushing up local property prices. We should try to have gratitude and respect for each other, not hatred. After all, Hong Kong and mainland Chinese belong to one big family.
The Chief Executive must try his best to change Hong Kong people’s negative perceptions of mainlanders. The bad feeling will not help Mr Leung’s governance of the territory.
Social harmony is what Hong Kong people cherish, not confrontation. We all welcome mainland shoppers who respect our laws. Their spending has helped create jobs and boost the local economy. Additional resources should be allocated to a police task force based in Sheung Shui to disrupt the parallel-trade syndicates’ operations. We must tackle the issue at its roots.
To win back Hong Kong people’s hearts and minds, there’s no time for procrastination. Mr Leung, you must walk the talk.
The author is coordinator of the B.S.Sc in financial journalism program at Hong Kong Baptist University.

"It was like being in a washing machine."

Sharp Daily - Hong Kong Version   馮強

"It was like being in a washing machine."

1."To claim (1) that he knowingly (2), intentionally (3) protected a pedophile (4) is false."
(the Paterno Family)
背景: 有評論認為Joe Paterno生前可以阻止副教練J Sandusky淫辱少年隊員。Paterno的家人不敢苟同。
2."My maternity leave% will be a few weeks long ^; and I'll work throughout& it."
(Marissa Mayer)
背景: Marissa Mayer是近代歷史上第一位懷孕女性被委任為Yahoo的總裁。
3."It was like* being in a washing machine(."
(Daniel Rossetto)
背景: 法國阿爾卑斯山脈(French Alps)雪崩,令九人死亡。導遊Daniel Rossetto憶述經過。
1."To claim (1) that he knowingly (2), intentionally (3) protected a pedophile (4) is false."
(the Paterno Family)
背景: 有評論認為Joe Paterno生前可以阻止副教練J Sandusky淫辱少年隊員。Paterno的家人不敢苟同。
2."My maternity leave (5) will be a few weeks long (6); and I'll work throughout (7) it."
(Marissa Mayer)
背景: Marissa Mayer是近代歷史上第一位懷孕女性被委任為Yahoo的總裁。
3."It was like (8) being in a washing machine (9)."
(Daniel Rossetto)
背景: 法國阿爾卑斯山脈(French Alps)雪崩,令九人死亡。導遊Daniel Rossetto憶述經過。
(1) claim =主張,斷言,聲稱。Lay claim to =聲稱,要求(某東西是自己的)。Stake out [off] a claim =標明(土地等的)所有權。
(2) knowingly =知道的,有知識的,心照不宣的,會意的。
(3) intentionally =有意(識)的,故意的。Intentionally的同義詞有deliberately,purposely和calculatedly等。
(4) pedophile =孌童癖患者(An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children)。
(5) maternity leave =產假。Maternity ward =婦產病房。Paternity leave =父親享有的侍產假。
(6) a few weeks long =有數星期長。It will not take long for Victor to finish his textbook = Victor不需要很多時間去完成寫作。I shall not wait(any)longer =我不再等了。
(7) throughout =從頭到尾;自始至終。Throughout the day =終日,整天。 Throughout one's life =畢生,一生。 Throughout the country =全國。
(8) It was like =就好像。You may come if you like, Victor tells Julian =高興的話請過來坐。The guitar costs Victor something like $1,000 =我花了約一千元買了支結他。
(9) a washing machine =洗衣機。The bridge in Kowloon Tong was washed away =橋被冲走了。Wash one's dirty linen at home[in public] =掩藏【暴露】家醜。
Pedophile 是孌童癖患者。Pedophile的形容詞是pedophilic。Homophile 是同性戀者(Gay or lesbian)。 -phile是愛好者的意思(One that loves or has a strong affinity or preference for); 例如 audiophile(唱片音響愛好者)和 Francophile(親法分子)等。我是一個bibliophile(愛書家,藏書者)。

2012年9月19日 星期三

The British Empire 大英帝國

V25 Sharp Daily - Hong Kong Version 馮強

The British Empire 大英帝國

英國殖民部大臣張伯倫(Joseph Chamberlain)


I think it will not be disputed ① that we are approaching a critical stage ② in the history of the relations between ourselves and the self-governing colonies. That Empire, gentlemen, that world-wide dominion to which no Englishman can allude without a thrill of enthusiasm and patriotism, which has been the admiration, and perhaps the envy, of foreign nations, hangs together by a thread ③ so slender that it may well seem that even a breath would sever it.

The time to which they looked forward has arrived sooner than they expected ④. The conditions to which they referred have been more than fulfilled; and now these great communities, which have within them every element of national life, have taken their rank ⑤ amongst the nations of the world. As the possibility of separation has become greater, desire for separation has become less.

I rejoice at the change that has taken place. I rejoice at the wider patriotism, no longer confined to this small island. How could it be otherwise? We have a common origin, a common history, a common language, a common literature, and a common love of liberty and law. May it not be the same with the relations which exist between the colonies and ourselves; and may not that thread of union be capable of carrying a force of sentiment and of sympathy which will yet be a potent factor ⑥ in the history of the world?

There is a word which I am almost afraid to mention ⑦, lest at the very outset of my career I should lose my character as a practical states-man. I am told on every hand that Imperial Federation is a vain and empty dream ⑧. I will say this: If it be a dream, it is dream that appeals to the highest sentiments of patriotism. It is a dream which is calculated to stimulate and to inspire ⑨ everyone who cares for the future of the Anglo-Saxon people.



① will not be disputed =不再有爭論。Dispute every inch of ground =寸土必爭。A bitter [hot] dispute=激烈的爭論。

② a critical stage =重要時刻。I am nothing, if not critical =只有這張刻薄的嘴是我的長處。Be critical about =愛挑剔。

③ hangs together by a thread =懸繫一線。Hang in the balance =安危未定;成敗未決。The thread of one's argument =爭辯的頭緒。

④ sooner than they expected =比預期中快。Quicker是sooner的同義詞。

⑤ have taken their rank =有自己的身份。People of all ranks =各階層的人們。 A man of high rank =地位高的人。Rank and file =隊伍,行伍,士兵。Rise from the ranks=行伍出身;布衣起家。

⑥ a potent factor =強而有力的因素。Potent =有效力的;烈性的;(議論)使人心服的。Potent的同義詞有 mighty, powerful, puissant 和strong等。

⑦ afraid to mention =害怕提出。

⑧ a vain and empty dream = 一個徒然和空虛的夢。

⑨ to stimulate and to inspire =鼓勵、激勵和啟發。Daisy's encouragement will stimulate me to work harder = Daisy的鼓勵會激發我進一步努力。


英國殖民部大臣張伯倫希望殖民地獨立後仍然成為「大英帝國聯邦」(Imperial Federation)的成員。這是一個徒然和空虛的夢(a vain and empty dream)。




2012年9月18日 星期二

Time to scrap colonial legacy: English Schools Foundation

China Daily Hong Kong Edition

Victor Fung Keung

Time to scrap colonial legacy: English Schools Foundation

It is a great insult to Hong Kong people that this rotten colonial legacy, the English Schools Foundation (ESF), continues to exist 15 years after Hong Kong was handed back to China by the British.

Adding insult to injury, this monstrous education institution adopts a new admission policy that benefits only the rich and leaves many middle-class Hong Kong Chinese in the lurch. The foundation announced on Sept 13 that if parents purchase a HK$500,000 non-refundable debenture, their children will have top priority in the allocation of place in the 20-odd primary and secondary schools it operates.

In 1967, following the social riots in Hong Kong, the British government enacted the ESF ordinance to lure more British administrators to come to Hong Kong, promising them that their kids’ education would be well-taken care of. Up to now, the ESF still holds to the English GCSE-A level curriculum. (In addition, it started offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme beginning in September 2007).

Why do people so conveniently forget that Hong Kong is no longer a colony? If expatriates working in Hong Kong want their children to receive an international English-speaking education, they should send them to international schools here or schools abroad. The Hong Kong government should stop providing the ESF with a HK$250 million subsidy a year. The subsidy, albeit generous, is wrong.

Due to a skewed and complicated, if not discriminatory, admission system, many local people who want their children to receive a British-style education have no choice but to send their kids overseas. The financial burden on these less well-to-do parents is beyond imagination.

It makes more sense for the government to spend the HK$250 million to educate local children so that one day they will contribute to the prosperity of Hong Kong. Many expatriates’ kids, since they have no attachment to Hong Kong, will build their career path somewhere, far away from Hong Kong.

If expatriates want their children to receive an international education, they should send them to other international schools that are not subsidized. When there is demand, there is always a supply of places. Yes, it’s more expensive than ESF fees, but expatriates can afford the tuition, can’t they? Or, expatriates can consider sending their children to local schools. It is not a bad idea for their sons and daughters to follow the local curriculum and learn Putonghua, because it is plain for everyone to see that China will become an economic powerhouse in the next 10 years. Prospects are bright for expatriates’ kids if they speak Chinese and are familiar with Chinese culture.

The Legislative Council in Hong Kong and the local government are well advised to abolish the controversial ESF. The ESF’s next step could be privatization (i.e., with absolutely no government subsidy). Supporters of the ESF have argued that the Hong Kong government should provide an international education for expatriates’ children, since it claims that Hong Kong is “Asia’s world city”. This is a red herring. Hong Kong, as an international city, offers job opportunities for expatriates in the banking, finance and other sectors. I am sure most expatriates make quite good money working in Hong Kong. They have no right to ask Hong Kong taxpayers to subsidize their kids’ education.

And it is a shame to ask middle-class and lower-class people in Hong Kong to help pay for tuition of rich expatriates’ kids.

Some expatriates also contend that the ESF caters for the children of “transient migrants” who otherwise would not come to Hong Kong and contribute to its economy. Are you kidding me? This is another red herring. I am sure that expatriates look at the pay-packages they get from their prospective employers first in deciding whether they will relocate to Hong Kong. In fact, if they don’t take up the job offers, many local Chinese or mainland Chinese will rise up to the challenge and get the job offers with glee.

Legislators and government officials should not procrastinate. The sensitive policy of asking local people to pay for expatriates’ children’s education should be abolished. Fifteen years after Hong Kong returned to Chinese sovereignty, it’s time we scrapped this humiliating colonial education legacy called the English Schools Foundation.

The author is coordinator of the B.S.Sc in financial journalism program at Hong Kong Baptist University.

2012年9月5日 星期三

Sex education needs to be improved

HK Opinion
H03 China Daily Hong Kong Edition Victor Fung Keung

Sex education needs to be improved

We cannot bury our heads in the sand anymore. It’s time we provided better sex education to both pre-teens and teenagers in Hong Kong and on the mainland.

About one-third of Hong Kong’s troubled teenagers aged between 10 and 15 believe that sex and dating come in a package, according to a survey in August 2012 conducted by the Federation of Youth Groups. One-fifth of respondents admitted they had sexual experiences.

The situation on the mainland is none the better. About 30 percent of young people born after the 1990s said their first “puppy love” happened in primary or junior high school, according to a survey done by a dating website Baihe in June 2012. The shocking revelation is that many teenagers under 16 borrowed identity cards from older kids so that they can go to “hotels” to have sex. Most hotel staff turn a blind eye anyway, because business is business.

Sex invariably leads to the teen-pregnancy problem. In Hong Kong, we have about 800 such cases every year, and most cases end in abortions, from which the physical and mental shocks brought to bear on the girls were handily ignored. And it is sad to read from newspaper reports that every year about half a dozen newly-born babies are abandoned in dark allies or filthy dumps.

The mainland’s National Working Committee on Children and Women reported that 22.4 percent of those aged between 15 and 24 have had premarital sex; and 21.3 percent of those sexually active girls have become pregnant; and 91 percent of these pregnancies ended in abortions.

Hong Kong and mainland teenagers share a lot in common. They mature earlier than the older generation because of better diet, nutrition and living environments. Girls on the mainland have their first menstruation at 11, compared to 14 a few years ago.

Another common problem is that parents in Hong Kong and the mainland don’t know how to talk to their children and educate them about sex. Some even regard the topic as taboo.

It almost becomes a cliche to blame the media and the Internet. Western TV series, such as “Gossip Girl” and “Sex in the City”, are very open about having out-of-wedlock sex. One of my favorite TV series titled “Without a trace” tells of a woman detective having extra-marital sexual relationships with two of her co-workers. And of course, pornographic videos and movies available free on the Internet are only a click away. Such videos and movies emphasize the joys of sex, rather than sex as part of a serious and fruitful life and relationship.

Most schools in Hong Kong aren’t doing a good job, I am afraid. They teach children how to use a condom. More importantly, they should teach the teenagers about building companionships, relationships, trust and showing care, love and respect for the opposite sex. Simply put, dating is more than having sex in a “love hotel”. This misconception must be uprooted from teenagers’ minds.

The Hong Kong government provides funds to have high-school kids test for drugs, such as ketamine and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). In the same vein, perhaps it can allocate more resources to sex education in schools. A comprehensive sex education is more than just teaching kids their different body parts and organs. Sex and relationships and health hazards (including HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases) brought about by having unsafe sex should also be emphasized. Non-governmental-organizations should also receive more funding from the government to run seminars on sex education and provide counseling for teenagers.

After all, the buck stops at home. Parents, who themselves must receive sex education first, should talk openly with their children about sex and pregnancy. They should overcome the feeling of uneasiness and embarrassment, because such intimate chats might help change their kids’ lives forever. Their impact can’t be underestimated.

We should act and show our children that we love them and care for them. Let’s do it. Now!

The author is coordinator of the B.S.Sc in financial journalism program at Hong Kong Baptist University.