[Slap happy, Last stand and 'The ball's in your court' ]這三句標題是今年香港報業公會評審委員認為是2010年最佳的英文報紙標題。我也是評判之一。不過,我評的是經濟新聞那組。Slap happy (虎報)中文意思大概是“打得很過癮”。The story was about the niece of a top judge,who had been convicted for a third time of assaulting a police officer。Last stand (中國日報) 中文可以譯成《〈最後的防線〉》〉。報攤也叫newsstand。The newsstands slowly disappear in this former British colony, with competition from chain stores, online news and free newspapers。 'The ball's in your court' (虎報)中文意思大概是<<輪到你表態〉〉。Court也是法庭。A transsexual's bid to marry her boyfriend has been rejected by the High Court. 文章希望政府可以修例,容許變性人可以結婚。
Well, guys, do you want to become a master of English? The ball is in your court. Have a nice day!
Dean Fung