
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.

Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) deanfungenglish.blogspot.com ; deanfungenglish@gmail.com MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.

SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
Contact: deanfungenglish@gmail.com

他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com/<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;twitter.com/deanfung1; facebook.com/victorkfung; www.linkedin.com/pub/victor-fung/33/893/31b;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)


2012年11月13日 星期二

an independent HK?

an independent HK?

(commentary in the SCMP Nov. 14, 2012) An independent HK is not on anyones agenda
Victor Fung Keung says people are just resorting to extreme means to vent their frustrations
(1) Chen Zuoer , the
former deputy director of
the Hong Kong and
Macau Affairs Office in Beijing
and a key negotiator during the
1997 handover, said recently that
“a force calling for Hong Kong
independence has been gaining
momentum in recent years, and
it has spread like a virus”.
He needn’t worry; there is no
independence force, or virus.
Not for an instant would I or
hundreds of others ever believe
that an independence
movement could take root in
this city. Our water, fuel and
food – without which we
couldn’t survive – all come from
the mainland. Physically or

(3) No one in this prosperous
world city wants to start a
revolution. Tycoons such as Li
Ka-shing and Lee Shau-kee also
love a stable Hong Kong so local
and foreign investors will
continue buying properties and
boosting their profits.
Chen, who retired in 2008,
also told a reporter that he was
“heartbroken” to see a picture of
a Hong Kong colonial flag being
waved by a protester in Sheung
Shui shouting at “parallel
traders” to “return to the
However, this was an isolated
case. Sheung Shui residents say
they have grown weary of hordes
of cross-border professional
shoppers pushing up the prices
of milk powder and other daily
commodities, and so resort to
extreme means to drive home
their point – such as wearing
“Satan” masks or waving
colonial flags. These are just
expressions of anger, nothing

(2) politically, Hong Kong could
never become independent.
Chen, an extremely patriotic
Chinese citizen, can rest easy.
No political party in Hong Kong
ever talks of the slight possibility
of an independent Hong Kong,
and their political platforms,
including those of the powerful
Democratic Party and Civic
Party, never offer hints that
advocating independence is one
of their goals.
I am also pretty sure none of
the major think tanks in Hong
Kong has called on the city to go
its own way.
So why did Chen make such
an alarmist statement? The
timing of his warning betrays
him, coming when he was in
Hong Kong last month to launch
a book, Negotiations on The
Handover of Sovereignty of Hong
Kong: A Witness Recount, in
which he shares his experiences
of the Sino-British negotiations
over Hong Kong’s future.

(4) Most middle- and working-class
Hongkongers, myself
included, cherish the stable political, social and economic
environment that enables us to
make a living.
As long as we can enjoy the
freedoms promised to us in the
Basic Law, no one will waste their time and energy in fighting
for an independent Hong Kong.

Victor Fung Keung, a local
commentator who has
published seven books on
English enhancement, is
co-ordinator of the B.S.Sc in
financial journalism programme
at Hong Kong Baptist University

