1."It feels awesome (1), whatever that is (2)."(Tiger Woods)
背景:哥爾夫球星Tiger Woods(老虎活士)兩年來第一次贏得大賽冠軍後情不自禁地說出這句話。
2."I'm going to be the nominee (3). It's very hard not to (4) look at the recent polls and think that the odds are very high (5) I'm going to be the nominee."(Newt Gingrich)
背景:Newt Gingrich(金里奇)極有可能在今年被提名為美國共和黨總統候選人。
3."If we move forward (6) together, I am confident there will be no turning back (7) on the road to (8) democracy."(Aung San Suu Kyi)
背景:緬甸反對黨領袖Aung San Suu Kyi(昂山素姬)在2011年底對國民發表講話。
4."There will be no miracles (9). We haven't promised (10) any."(Mariano Rajoy)
背景:Mariano Rajoy(拉霍伊)在當選西班牙總理後對群眾演說。
(1) awesome = 極好的,棒極了的。Awesome正式用詞是解作威嚴,使人敬畏(Expressing awe)。例句:Victor and Julian stood in awesome silence before the ancient ruins in Nanjing.
(2) whatever that is = 無論,不管那是甚麼
(3) the nominee = 被提名的人(One who has been nominated to an office or for a candidacy)
(4) very hard not to = 很難不去做。Hard = 困難的,費力的。A hard fight = 惡鬥,苦戰。A hard life = 困苦的生活。Have hard luck = 倒楣。Have a hard time = 難受,受苦
(5) odds are very high = 機會很大。Odds = 勝算。The odds are in our favour = 我們的勝算較大。The odds are against you =形勢對你不利。Be at odds with Mo Mo = 和Mo Mo鬧彆扭、和Mo Mo不和。Odds and ends = 殘餘,零碎物件(事情),零星雜品
(6) move forward = 向前走,前進。Move = 運行,感動,鼓動,激動。Move out = 搬出,搬走。Move Victor to(anger;tears;laughter) = 使Victor感動得(發怒、掉淚、發笑)
(7) no turning back = 不能回頭
(8) on the road to = 在前往(某目的地)的路上
(9) no miracles = 沒有奇蹟
(10) promised = 答允。Break a promise = 不守諾言
在這四句引言中最感動人心的是緬甸反對黨領袖昂山素姬那句勉勵國民的說話。她雖然被軟禁十多年,但對爭取民主一點都沒有動搖。她的一句"no turning back"令我們感受到她的倔強和決心。我們要向昂山素姬多多學習。