Victor Fung Keung
Hong Kong’s education business is booming. Every Saturday when we read the Classified Post, about one-quarter of its advertisements are university jobs. Unfortunately, due to a lack of transparency, thousands of potential applicants encounter nothing but frustration.
Yes, in a commercial world, salaries on certain positions should remain a secret because of fierce competition for talent in the marketplace. But local universities are funded mostly by the government and usually adopt practices similar to the government’s, except when it comes to disclosing salary scales.
This secretiveness causes only headaches to the administrators of public education institutions and applicants. The institutions, after posting advertisements, may receive thousands of applications. Many applicants either are overqualified or under-qualified. The result is a tremendous waste of time for university staff, not to mention time wasted by applicants falling above or below the skills demanded for the position. Why can’t universities set out the pay range in their ads?
Worse, most public education institutions require applicants either to fax or mail their applications. Just imagine how many trees need to be chopped to manufacture those pieces of paper. If universities disclose the pay range, I am sure waste paper will be cut by two-thirds. University dons, please try a little kindness and help save the Earth!
In this regard, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) should be lauded for its ground-breaking move. Since January, the university has been publishing pay scales for positions it has advertised. For instance, on Jan 14 it posted an opening for a senior officer (public affairs) with a pay structure of HK$18,000-HK$27,000. This is great. People earning more than HK$30,000 a month wouldn’t consider applying unless money were of no concern to them. Transparency helps both the university administration and thousands of job seekers.
On the same day, another university posted a position for a senior manager (branding and events). The posting reads only that “applicants should have substantial relevant work experience” and “starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience”. I am sure there will be hundreds of letters but many of the applications will be thrown into the dust bin. At least, the university offering the position could have spelt out that the job is almost equivalent to the rank of executive officer 2 (maximum salary around $28,000 a month) or similar to the rank of executive officer 1 (maximum salary around $42,000 a month). Many people, such as I, have absolutely no idea what “senior manager” means and how much the job is likely to pay per month.
Being more transparent will help universities to save time screening potential candidates, help applicants by not wasting their time writing letters for jobs that they would never apply for should they know the pay structures and help the society to save thousands of tons of paper. HKBU has made a move. It is high time other universities and public education institutions followed suit.
The author is director of the MA in International Journalism Program at HKBU.
Currently Victor runs an English discussion group on Saturdays. Email him if you are interested to join.
Professor VICTOR FUNG (馮強教授) ; MPhil (Cambridge) Teach academic English writing to associate-degree & high-dip students in Beacon College (遵理英专); Chair professor, Ta Kung Int'l Media Institute; Tel: 34117632 author of :錯在哪裏?常見英語病句>>(7.2013) 读香港时事学英语>>;你一定要懂的字彙570>> 這900個詞彙助我成為南華早報首位華人副總編輯>>(7.2014). freelance jobs: (1) write speeches for executives; (2) teach (in workshops) English writing, English editing, PR writing, crisis communication and media management; (3) polish essays for AD, undergraduate and graduate students.
SERVICES: Polish essays/theses for AD, undergrad and graduate students;
3-hour training in Crisis Communication
他目前是3项新闻奖的评判。馮強繼續寫強化英語的書,幫助讀者在學習、職場和人生上更上層樓。(女兒奔奔考IELTS試獲9分滿分。)1. Author: <<瘋讀社論強化英語>> 2. Co-author: << 最後六任港督的聲音>> 3. Author: <<生活英語小智慧>>; 4. Author: <<學會演說、改變你的人生>> 7.2011; Blog:<<巔峰[強化英語]日報>>;;;;Guitarist of the band "南山浪人"; Motto: "no envy & no fear" (bio: V graduated 1st in his JLM class, became China correspondent 4 the WSJ/Asia,deputy chief editor of the SCMP, chief ed of Reader's Digest and PR director at 2 varsities be4 becom' a teacher in '08.)
2012年1月17日 星期二
2012年1月2日 星期一
回到母校 - 馮強
我選擇夏天探訪我的母校劍橋大學是有原因的,因為一年中天氣最好就是6、7、8這三個月。我回到劍橋胡佛遜學院看看我以前住過的宿舍,然後跑到學生飯堂吃午飯,大概要80港元。我付款的時候,收銀員問我拿學生證給她看,我說我是路過的校友。飯堂主人馬上說「既然是難得回來的校友,你不用付款了!」午飯後我當然要去看看劍橋有名氣的橋,一條是大家熟悉的「康橋」。另一條叫「嘆息橋」(The Bridge of Sigh)。劍橋河上只見不少遊客在「撐船」(punting)。我回到市中心在一商店內買了一條校呔,花了我300港元。買校呔主要是人總有點懷愐過去的情懷。正如詩人徐志摩在「再別康橋」這首詩一樣,「我揮一揮衣袖,不帶走一片雲彩」。再別了母校,再別了「康橋」。
倫敦著名的音樂場地「Royal Albert Hall」正宣傳歌星Donovan將會與倫敦現代集團(London Contemporary Orchestra)共同演出。我很喜歡Donovan的「民謠樂與怒」(Folk-Rock Music)。他是在1970年代的紅星,今年已經65歲。他的一首《Catch The Wind》令人百聽不厭。我相信他在演唱會上一定會唱這首歌。歌詞其中一段是這樣的:「When rain has hung the leaves with tears, I want you near, to kill my fears , to help me to leave all my blues behind.」(雨水掛在樹葉上,像淚珠一樣。我渴望你在我身旁,消除我的恐懼,助我把憂愁都拋諸腦後。)雖然我沒有欣賞Donovan的演出,但我到店舖看到偶像Paul Simon的新大碟《So Beautiful Or So What》,真的是喜出望外。
我最喜愛的倫敦「地鐵」站叫Victoria(因為我的名字叫Victor)。在Victoria站附近有間叫Hesperia的酒店,每天房租1500港元,算是很便宜了。我對倫敦很熟悉。我在劍橋大學唸書的日子,每星期都要到倫敦的SOAS(School Of Oriental And African Studies)學院的圖書館做研究和寫論文。(我的題目是分析中國1978年後的開放政策,劍橋的資料沒有SOAS學院那麼新)。下午我到Kensington王宮參觀,這是戴安娜生前住的地方。可惜王宮正在改建,要到2012年春天才再開放給遊人參觀。第二天我去參加一位親戚的婚禮,播出的音樂是「披頭四」的《Here Comes The Sun》。晚宴上一位親戚推薦我看《Half-Time》這本書,他說對我的靈性會有幫助。
我由劍橋坐火車到約克市(York)遊玩。到約克火車站時我跑到旅遊詢問處想買張「全日通」的巴士票。那位接待員看見我便問:「Mate, what can I do for you?」(喂老友,要幫忙嗎?)Mate這個字多在澳洲使用,在英國較少聽到。它的意思是My friend。它原來的意思是伴侶(同居或結了婚的)。接待員對我說在York 遊玩不用坐車,因為所有景點都只需要步行15分鐘左右便到達,包括大教堂、堡壘和City Walls(城牆)。City Walls有點似西安市的城牆,令人不免有點思古的幽情。我進入一間英式餐廳午膳,這間叫 Bettys Tea House的食肆的女侍應全是中年婦人,不是年輕貌美的東歐「外勞」。
我跟著在蘇格蘭的Edinburgh(愛丁堡)逗留了三天。在火車站附近有條叫Royal Mile的大道。這裏的一端是城堡,沿山下走去,經過大教堂,最後去到Holyrood Palace。這是數百年前蘇格蘭女王Queen Mary住過的地方。她一生「命苦」,出世數月父親便離世,媽媽是法國人,帶她回巴黎接受教育。她16歲結婚,但丈夫兩年後逝世。我花了130元港幣參觀完王宮後便到一間餐館晚膳,原來由下午5時到7時這時段叫Pre-theatre,一頓飯約需120港元,比正常價平3分1。Pre-theatre源於蘇格蘭人吃完飯後要去看7時30分開場的歌劇。這時段美國人叫Early-bird 。第二天早上我爬上Calton Hill最高的地方,眺望海洋,藍天碧海,微風輕拂我的臉。人生夫復何求!
我選擇夏天探訪我的母校劍橋大學是有原因的,因為一年中天氣最好就是6、7、8這三個月。我回到劍橋胡佛遜學院看看我以前住過的宿舍,然後跑到學生飯堂吃午飯,大概要80港元。我付款的時候,收銀員問我拿學生證給她看,我說我是路過的校友。飯堂主人馬上說「既然是難得回來的校友,你不用付款了!」午飯後我當然要去看看劍橋有名氣的橋,一條是大家熟悉的「康橋」。另一條叫「嘆息橋」(The Bridge of Sigh)。劍橋河上只見不少遊客在「撐船」(punting)。我回到市中心在一商店內買了一條校呔,花了我300港元。買校呔主要是人總有點懷愐過去的情懷。正如詩人徐志摩在「再別康橋」這首詩一樣,「我揮一揮衣袖,不帶走一片雲彩」。再別了母校,再別了「康橋」。
倫敦著名的音樂場地「Royal Albert Hall」正宣傳歌星Donovan將會與倫敦現代集團(London Contemporary Orchestra)共同演出。我很喜歡Donovan的「民謠樂與怒」(Folk-Rock Music)。他是在1970年代的紅星,今年已經65歲。他的一首《Catch The Wind》令人百聽不厭。我相信他在演唱會上一定會唱這首歌。歌詞其中一段是這樣的:「When rain has hung the leaves with tears, I want you near, to kill my fears , to help me to leave all my blues behind.」(雨水掛在樹葉上,像淚珠一樣。我渴望你在我身旁,消除我的恐懼,助我把憂愁都拋諸腦後。)雖然我沒有欣賞Donovan的演出,但我到店舖看到偶像Paul Simon的新大碟《So Beautiful Or So What》,真的是喜出望外。
我最喜愛的倫敦「地鐵」站叫Victoria(因為我的名字叫Victor)。在Victoria站附近有間叫Hesperia的酒店,每天房租1500港元,算是很便宜了。我對倫敦很熟悉。我在劍橋大學唸書的日子,每星期都要到倫敦的SOAS(School Of Oriental And African Studies)學院的圖書館做研究和寫論文。(我的題目是分析中國1978年後的開放政策,劍橋的資料沒有SOAS學院那麼新)。下午我到Kensington王宮參觀,這是戴安娜生前住的地方。可惜王宮正在改建,要到2012年春天才再開放給遊人參觀。第二天我去參加一位親戚的婚禮,播出的音樂是「披頭四」的《Here Comes The Sun》。晚宴上一位親戚推薦我看《Half-Time》這本書,他說對我的靈性會有幫助。
我由劍橋坐火車到約克市(York)遊玩。到約克火車站時我跑到旅遊詢問處想買張「全日通」的巴士票。那位接待員看見我便問:「Mate, what can I do for you?」(喂老友,要幫忙嗎?)Mate這個字多在澳洲使用,在英國較少聽到。它的意思是My friend。它原來的意思是伴侶(同居或結了婚的)。接待員對我說在York 遊玩不用坐車,因為所有景點都只需要步行15分鐘左右便到達,包括大教堂、堡壘和City Walls(城牆)。City Walls有點似西安市的城牆,令人不免有點思古的幽情。我進入一間英式餐廳午膳,這間叫 Bettys Tea House的食肆的女侍應全是中年婦人,不是年輕貌美的東歐「外勞」。
我跟著在蘇格蘭的Edinburgh(愛丁堡)逗留了三天。在火車站附近有條叫Royal Mile的大道。這裏的一端是城堡,沿山下走去,經過大教堂,最後去到Holyrood Palace。這是數百年前蘇格蘭女王Queen Mary住過的地方。她一生「命苦」,出世數月父親便離世,媽媽是法國人,帶她回巴黎接受教育。她16歲結婚,但丈夫兩年後逝世。我花了130元港幣參觀完王宮後便到一間餐館晚膳,原來由下午5時到7時這時段叫Pre-theatre,一頓飯約需120港元,比正常價平3分1。Pre-theatre源於蘇格蘭人吃完飯後要去看7時30分開場的歌劇。這時段美國人叫Early-bird 。第二天早上我爬上Calton Hill最高的地方,眺望海洋,藍天碧海,微風輕拂我的臉。人生夫復何求!
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